Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 253: The medicine of gourd, Mu Wan Qing Huo

The demise of those sects did not disturb Yan Chengfeng. Yan Chengfeng never left the guest room and was always haunting Gan Mei.

Time flies, and spring finally arrives.

On this day, Yan Chengfeng and Gan Mei finally got off the kang.

"You are so intemperate, I thought you weren't going to let me out of bed."

Gan Mei glared at Yan Chengfeng, her face was flushed, and she was well nourished during this time.

Yan Chengfeng stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the mysterious area of ​​Ganmei, and said with a smile, "If I hadn't had business affairs, I would have to destroy your Shuiliandong."


Gan Mei's wink was like silk, and she said charmingly: "There are only exhausted cows, and there is no ploughed field. I, the Water Curtain Cave, specialize in suppressing your golden hoop rod."

"Your Dinghaishen needle is useless to me. If you put it in my water curtain hole, the water will only increase."

"You woman..."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and he said, "You are so arrogant."

Gan Mei was naked, her waist swayed for a while, and said charmingly: "Look at how good I can shake, I'm so coquettish, I wasn't taught by you."

The fire in Yan Chengfeng's heart was getting stronger and stronger, but he still held back.

Yan Chengfeng said indifferently: "The water has flowed to the ground, hurry up and wipe it!"

Gan Mei walked to Yan Chengfeng's side and said charmingly, "You help me lick it clean."


Yan Chengfeng really wanted to let go of what he was doing, and smashed Ganmei's Shuiliandong.

Soon, there was a sound of sucking in the room. This not only did not stop the water in the water curtain hole of Ganmei, but it became more and more violent, and the flood flooded.

"You toss yourself, I'm leaving."

Yan Chengfeng looked at Gan Mei's face full of enjoyment, and he left the place directly.

"This man..."

With a wicked smile, Gan Mei took out the handkerchief and wiped off the water stains in the mysterious area, then changed into a dress and left the inn.

Just now, she did it on purpose, deliberately teasing Yan Chengfeng. After her goal was achieved, she was ready to go to work.

She has been entangled with Yan Chengfeng for a long time, and she has long been satisfied.

It's just that because of his special physique, the water will not stop flowing.

Yan Chengfeng has business to deal with, and she also has a lot of things to solve, so of course she can't delay.

There were so many creatures that suddenly acted, and for a time, the whole world was ups and downs, and there were countless ghosts and ghosts.

Daoguo is unparalleled, and China is evergreen.

The outskirts of Yingzhou of Heaven's Wrath have long been surrounded by the creatures of the Torment Kingdom.

This place is different from other places. If you want to enter Yingzhou, you must pass through the right path.

There is a stone gate on the right path. The bronze stone gate is not very large, only about three or four feet.

It is the only channel of the Scourge Yingzhou. As long as the souls of the Hell Dao country guard this place, no one can enter the Scourge Yingzhou.

Yan Chengfeng came to the opposite side of Yingzhou, which was separated by a river. The river was not very wide, and anyone could cross it.

However, many monks stayed across the river. The invincibles from the major sects have all come, just because they all want to enter Yingzhou.

It's a pity that Yingzhou of Heaven's Condemnation has been guarded by the souls of the Dao Kingdom of Hell.

The Kingdom of Bitter Prison used a big killing formation. This type of big killing formation was very terrifying. It did not exist on the surface, but was hidden in the starry sky.

Once a monk with a weak Taoism is involved in the massacre, I am afraid that he will not even have a chance to react, and will be killed directly.

"Yan Chengfeng, there are so many people here this time!"

Yan Wangqing arrived late, she found Yan Chengfeng in the crowd, and immediately came to Yan Chengfeng's side.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "I don't know who spread the news, but I heard that there are traces of this immortal kingdom in Yingzhou."

"This immortal country is also related to eternity, and everyone wants to enter the scourge of Yingzhou to find out."

"This immortal country is eternal."

Yan Wangqing's eyes were deep and he said leisurely: "Yan Chengfeng, to be honest, who do you think eternity is in the hands of?"

Yan Chengfeng shook his head, he didn't know.

The world's understanding of eternity varies, but no one knows what eternity is.

As for whose hands the eternity is in the hands of, Yan Chengfeng is even more unclear.

"I don't know why the people of the Bitter Prison Dao Nation will control this place. Are they so powerful?"

Yan Wangqing couldn't figure it out, the kingdom of **** had fallen, and there was no invincible guard at the Zuwa Temple.

At this time, the creatures of the Dao Kingdom of Hell ran out and blocked the entrance to Yingzhou of the Scourge, making it clear that they were seeking their own death.

She was a little stunned, and couldn't understand what the souls of the Hell Dao Kingdom were thinking.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and he said solemnly, "Maybe I've been tricked."

"You were being tricked?"

Yan Wangqing's willow eyebrows frowned slightly, and she was a little unclear, and asked, "How do you say this?"

Yan Chengfeng acted cautiously, how could he be tricked.

He has always been the only one who can make fun of others, and who can make fun of Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng's pupils shrank slightly and said, "Perhaps, Mu Wanqing didn't die, maybe she died by cheating."

"The purpose is for the mud tire at the beginning. If she really didn't die, then it all makes sense."

"Mu Wanqing is not dead."

Yan Wangqing was also a little surprised, but she didn't think that Mu Wanqing was still alive.


At this moment, a terrifying aura swept over, and everyone looked up, only to see a few invincibles coming from the air.

Among them, there is a familiar person.

That person is Mu Wanqing.

"Mu Wanqing is really not dead, how is this possible."

Yan Wangqing was a little surprised, she did not expect that Yan Chengfeng actually guessed right.

Yan Chengfeng wasn't too surprised when he saw Mu Wanqing, he had already guessed it, so why would he panic.

The people who followed Mu Wanqing were all invincibles of Zuwa Temple, even Qin Wuyou and Qin Wuchou came.

"Mu Wanqing, what do you mean by controlling the entrance to Yingzhou?"

At this time, Ye Yun from the Pure Land came out and questioned Mu Wanqing.

After all, she needs an early bird, and she has to figure out the reason for it.

Mu Wanqing's eyes fell on Ye Yun, and she said indifferently, "If you want to enter Yingzhou, then each of you will have to pay some price."

"As long as each of you takes a drop of blood for me, I'll let you in."

"Don't worry! I keep my word, and I will definitely keep my promise."

Hearing Mu Wanqing's words, the souls of the major sects were stunned, a little dazed, and they didn't know what Mu Wanqing's purpose was.

However, the crowd did not dare to be careless.

This is unusual and must be considered in the long run.

"What medicine does Mu Wanqing sell in the gourd?"

Yan Wangqing's eyes are deep, her heart is full of doubts, she really can't guess.

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