Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 248: Life in the world, the times are turbulent

Yin Jiuyou stepped away from the dry and barren mountains, and went to Daqian World to find Yan Chengfeng.

Since God's will is like this, she can only conceive Yan Chengfeng's child as soon as possible, and she also wants to get in touch with those supreme secrets.

For eternity, longevity, and reincarnation, she can sell everything.

The Zhenwu Shenzong and the Zhenchan Xianzong were destroyed, and the Zhenyan Demon Sect became the control of the Black Wing Demons.

Although these few news were amazing, none of those creatures took it seriously.

Tianxu Mountain.

This is the highest mountain in the Daqian World, with a vertical and horizontal length of thousands of meters. The half-mountain is hazy with dazzling brilliance, and the majestic essence surges out, and the entire Xingdou mountains and rivers have become affiliated.

Yan Chengfeng sat cross-legged on Tianxu Mountain, he had been here for a while.

There are chapters of creation circulating all over his body, like an invincible god, the whole body has a blazing rhythm of brilliance, and the mountains and rivers are shattering.


There are bright stars in this territory, and they are all surrounding Yan Chengfeng, and Yan Chengfeng has become very powerful.

He is like a creation god, the only **** in this world, no one can compare with him.

Yin Jiuyou came to Tianxu Mountain.

She looked at Yan Chengfeng quietly, at this moment Yan Chengfeng seemed even more amazing than she imagined.

She knew Yan Chengfeng's pursuit and Yan Chengfeng's dream.

What Yan Chengfeng wanted was eternity, reincarnation, longevity, and the ultimate. These four things have been pursued by the invincible since time immemorial.

It's just that no one has ever been able to find secrets about eternity, reincarnation, longevity, and the ultimate.

Yan Chengfeng had put in too much effort for these secrets, and if he failed in the end, he would definitely suffer.


Yan Chengfeng sighed and slowly opened his eyes. In his eyes, there seemed to be a galaxy, the sun and the moon, which was hard to forget.

"Why did you come here?"

Yan Chengfeng's eyes fell on Yin Jiuyou, who was wearing a battle armor and seemed to come to him on purpose.

Yin Jiuyou looked indifferent and said, "I want to come here, there is no reason."

"If you really need a reason, it's that I miss you."

"Miss me."

Yan Chengfeng was a little surprised, smiled and said, "You are definitely thinking of me, not your little man."


"Stinking rogue."

Yin Jiuyou glared at Yan Chengfeng and was quite speechless to Yan Chengfeng, he knew that there would be no good words coming out of this guy's mouth.

"Yan Chengfeng, you have been searching for eternal, reincarnation, longevity, the ultimate secret. If one day, you also fail, what will you do?"

Yin Jiuyou asked, it is not easy to master these secrets.

Throughout the ages, how many amazing invincibles have explored eternity, reincarnation, longevity, and the ultimate secret, but they all failed in the end.

It is impossible for Yan Chengfeng to be more amazing than those invincibles. People like Yan Chengfeng are really too ordinary.

Yan Chengfeng raised his eyes and looked into the distance, his eyes were deep, and he said leisurely: "Will I fail? Maybe I will!"

Anyone will fail, and he will not be an exception.

If he really failed, he would definitely regret it.

"Recently, the world has been turbulent, and I am afraid that the Daqian world will not be calm soon, and the creatures of the Daqian world will also have the choice of life and death."

Yan Chengfeng's expression darkened slightly, this was just a transition, and all beings in the world would be destroyed in the end.

To use the lives of a group of people to achieve the pinnacle of a person, I believe no one will refuse.

This temptation is really great, even Yan Chengfeng is hard to refuse.

"The world is turbulent, and it has nothing to do with you. What do you care about?"

Yin Jiuyou came to Yan Chengfeng in an instant and said with a smile, "You only need to do one thing now, and that is to get me pregnant."

"Anyway, if you don't let me get pregnant, then you don't want to leave."

Yan Chengfeng reached out and embraced Yin Jiuyou's slender waist, satisfying Yin Jiuyou's request.

The hazy spring on the top of the mountain, the groans come and go...

Time passed by minute by minute, and the years passed by like a white horse.

In a blink of an eye, three months passed.

Guan Aoxue made a breakthrough, her physique has also reached the culmination, and her whole person's temperament has undergone extreme changes.

At the same time, the turmoil in the Great Thousand World has become more and more violent.

Many sects have been quietly destroyed, and when those monks discovered this scene, some people were panicked.

The turmoil appeared again, and no one knew which sect would suffer next.

In such a situation, no one dared to be careless, and all the sects were vigilant and did not dare to be careless.

On Tianxu Mountain.

Yin Jiuyou and Yan Chengfeng stayed here all the time, and Yin Jiuyou also successfully became pregnant.

After she became pregnant, she followed Yan Chengfeng for a month and never thought about leaving.

this day.

She received some news, and she knew it was time for her to go.

"Yan Chengfeng, I should leave too."

Yin Jiuyou's heart is full of reluctance, but sometimes, she can't help herself.

She hugged Yan Chengfeng tightly, and finally chose to leave.

She also knew very well that perhaps this separation might be forever.

Yan Chengfeng didn't say a word, Yin Jiuyou wanted to leave, he naturally wouldn't stop him.

Yin Jiuyou left, Yan Chengfeng had been sitting cross-legged on the Tianxu Mountain, and did not move rashly.


The Great Thousand World is in a panic, the entire mountains and rivers are in flames, corpses are scattered everywhere, and living beings are devastated...

There are too many dead creatures, those creatures probably never thought in their lives that they would die so suffocating!

In the Great Thousand Worlds, there are a lot of creatures after being destroyed.

The powerhouses of the major sects have all chosen to join forces. They only have one way now, and that is to report to the group to keep warm.

The creatures' means of shooting are extraordinary, and they are not something they can compete with.

Even if it is to warm up in a group, it is just a reflection of the light. It is definitely not an easy task to resist those invincible creatures.

in a secluded canyon.

Guan Aoxue and others gathered here.

Today, the world is in turmoil, but they can't do anything, they can't do anything.

"You don't know, where has my master gone?"

Qi Shuiyao asked, she hadn't seen Yan Chengfeng for a long time, and she didn't know where Yan Chengfeng was.

Guan Aoxue shook his head and said, "He usually comes and goes without a trace. It's more difficult to see him than to go to the sky."

"Besides, the world is in turmoil now, that's what he wants, and he won't come out."

Qi Shuiyao and the others frowned slightly, their hearts filled with helplessness.

Yan Chengfeng disappeared, and there was nothing they could do.

I can only watch helplessly, the world's living beings are destroyed...

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