Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 233: Sacrifice the Witch Moon, the world is the enemy

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and didn't take this group of people in his eyes. A group of clowns who jumped on the beam also wanted to master eternal secrets, which was simply wishful thinking.

"The eternal secret is in my mind. If you are really capable, then suppress me."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "However, you shouldn't have the ability."

He didn't put these people in his eyes at all, they were just a bunch of clowns jumping on the beam, and they could be destroyed at the click of a finger, and no one could stop him.

"Insolent ignorance."

Wu Yue's eyes were deep, and she said coldly, "Since you are bent on begging for death, don't blame the deity for being ruthless."

Wu Yue was completely angry, and Yan Chengfeng had to pay a heavy price for daring to provoke his majesty.


For a time, the powerhouses of those sects chose to take action. They all wanted eternal secrets and would never show mercy.


That piece of heavy treasure was in the sky, and there were pieces of killing fell down, overwhelming, like a river pouring down, the boundless world on this side was shaking.

The attack of the crowd was very terrifying, they did not show mercy, and they had to kill Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng holds the eternal secret, as long as they suppress it, they will surely get the eternal secret and survive forever.

The pieces of heavy treasures were pressed down, like the stars falling from the sky, overwhelming the sky, and the scene looked very scary.


In the face of the attack of all beings, Yan Chengfeng did not flinch.

The chapter of creation burst out, and the runes looked extremely dazzling, with the fusion of the origin of all things, and his chapter of creation looked very terrifying.

He is like an invincible god, and he has the power to destroy the world in every move, and no one can stop him.


High in the sky, a piece of heavy treasure was shattered, and those monks who were weak in Taoism were directly shaken into blood mist, and they didn't even have a chance to mourn. They were all beheaded.

The blood stained the territory red, and bones could be seen everywhere.

Yan Chengfeng is very powerful, and his whole body has the rhythm of the creation chapter, and the bursts of dazzling brilliance look very terrifying.

He rushed into the crowd, all those creatures were beheaded, and no one could stop him.

His hands were clenched into fists, and he was waving wildly, his moves opened and closed, and every punch could take away the lives of some creatures.

His methods are terrifying, like a **** of creation.

He is too powerful, no one can match him.

The storm in the expedition center was very terrifying, and Yan Chengfeng's combat power was extremely domineering, and no one could stop him.

His feet were already covered with mountains of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the robes on his body were dyed red with blood.

Although the combat power of these creatures is very domineering, there is still a big gap to compete with Yan Chengfeng.

"This guy is really crazy."

The flaming red carp's willow eyebrows frowned slightly, she was a little helpless when she saw this scene from a distance.

Yan Chengfeng's methods are indeed invincible, but he has already gone crazy.

Yan Hongli was a little worried about Yan Chengfeng. After all, there were many invincible gods who were very concerned about this world.

Yan Chengfeng's reckless killing will definitely attract the attention of those gods. At that time, his situation will probably be very bad.


Yan Hongli sighed helplessly and said, "What's wrong with me, I'm even worried about him, shouldn't he be put in bed by him! It's so sleazy!"

She was really overwhelmed. In her spare time, she would always think of Yan Chengfeng's strength and madness.

When that guy tossed her, he didn't pity Xiangxiyu at all.

However, she also liked Yan Chengfeng's roughness, the rougher the guy, the more excited she was.

"Yan Chengfeng, do you really want to be the enemy of all beings in the world?"

Wu Yue stood in the air, and his breath was extremely terrifying. After all, he was an invincible **** on the Primordial Divine Mountain. Even if he was reborn, his combat power was still not weak.

In order to get the eternal secret, he would give everything.

Yan Chengfeng had already gone crazy, his pupils were blood red, with terrifying blood rhythm, the boundless stars were shattered under his feet, and no one could stop him.

"Even if the world is the enemy, I have nothing to fear."

Yan Chengfeng's expression was indifferent, and he said, "What ability do you have, just show it off! See if I can get you all done."

"Straight is arrogant."

Wu Yue's face was gloomy, and his heart was full of anger. He was completely angry, and now he just wanted to smash Yan Chengfeng's corpse into ten thousand pieces and turn his bones into ashes.

Dare to challenge his majesty, must pay a painful price.

"The incarnation of the witch god."

Wu Yue was enraged, and his body suddenly soared, reaching a thousand feet in an instant.

His whole body was covered with pitch-black scales, and a dazzling brilliance circulated on his body.

Wu Yue used the incarnation of the witch god, he was like an invincible person, and when he raised his hands, there were terrifying energy bursts, and no one dared to be his enemy.

After all, he is a spirit on the ancient mountain, and his combat power should not be underestimated.

"This time, Yan Chengfeng will definitely die, he can't stop Wu Yue."

"I didn't expect that Wu Yue is also a ruthless person, and even directly used the incarnation of the witch god. Even if Yan Chengfeng has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, I am afraid that he will not escape death."

"I only hope that Wu Yue can suppress Yan Chengfeng, so as to have a chance to obtain the eternal secret..."

The cultivators of the major sects were all talking in low voices, and they all wanted to see the fate of Yan Chengfeng's fall.

Yan Chengfeng's combat power is too terrifying. If Yan Chengfeng is allowed to survive forever, how many souls will fall into Yan Chengfeng's hands.

They must put an end to future troubles and kill Yan Chengfeng.

Facing Wu Yue, Yan Chengfeng did not back down, this battle was inevitable.

The breath of his body is released, it seems that it can crush a star bucket, that energy is too domineering, swallowing mountains and rivers.


Feeling the domineering energy, some weak and weak creatures were timid.

Yan Chengfeng's methods are extremely domineering, and it is by no means an easy task to contend with.

"Shuzi, if you kneel down and kowtow and beg for mercy, this seat may consider giving you a way out."

Wu Yue's eyes were piercing, and she said coldly, "If you are stubborn, don't blame the deity for being ruthless."

His breath is very strong, staring at Yan Chengfeng indifferently, as long as Yan Chengfeng dares to go against his wishes, he will immediately kill Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "What ability do you have, just show it off!"

"If you want to defeat the enemy without fighting, and let me capture it without a fight, that's impossible."

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