Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 221: The coffin of longevity, the strong scramble for


The sky collapsed and the dazzling brilliance rushed out from the depths of the earth, and a coffin was hidden in the dazzling brilliance.

The coffin is very peculiar. The whole body is blood red, and various strange patterns are engraved on it. Those patterns converge to form an ancient pattern.

All sentient beings saw the coffin through the dazzling brilliance.


"That coffin seems to be the legendary longevity coffin. It is said that there is a secret of longevity in the longevity coffin."

"Everyone hurry up and don't let this treasure escape..."


For ordinary people, this is a very mysterious word.

But for those monks, it was something they had spent their entire lives pursuing.

Longevity, reincarnation, eternity...

It seems that all living beings cannot escape this bondage.

Even those immortal emperors who are invincible, they will be twilight and old.

In the face of endless years, even the Immortal Emperor cannot avoid it.

They will eventually die, then reincarnate and start a new life.

Some people don't want to die, so they spend their whole lives in pursuit of longevity.

It's a pity, in the end, it's all in vain.

What is longevity.

What is reincarnation.

What is eternity.

This is not only a secret that all living beings pursue, but also what Yan Chengfeng cares about the most.

In his memory, only the immortal beings are the closest creatures to immortality.

It's a pity, even if it is a longevity body, it can't live forever.


What is longevity and how to live long, this is one of the secrets that Yan Chengfeng is pursuing.

Perhaps those demons who are in charge of the life of the second world hold the secrets of longevity and reincarnation!

It's just that the Demon Slaying Platform is too far away.

Yan Chengfeng was not sure whether the old ghost lied to him or not.

He still needs time to verify.

Throughout history, what he lacked most was time.

He could wait, and he was fearless despite the long lonely years.

The appearance of the longevity coffin caused a great sensation.

This is a secret that all beings are looking for, and no one wants to miss this opportunity.

If they can really spy on the secret of longevity, then they don't have to die in this life.

"Do it."

Before the sentient beings took action, Taiyi's goddess of war directly ordered the Taiyi's creatures to **** the coffin of longevity.

Taiyi's creatures did not delay, and immediately manipulated Zhongbao and killed them fiercely.

That piece of heavy treasure was in the sky, and a piece of killing fell down, instantly covering the entire starry sky, shrouding this broken mountain and river.

That energy accumulation is so terrifying, it seems that it can destroy everything.

"Brothers, let's rush out too."

The monks of the major sects did not delay, and they started immediately.

Even in the face of the Taiyi clan's strong, they are not afraid.

In front of the secret of longevity, they had already lost their minds.

In any case, you must get the secret of longevity.


For a time, terrifying killings took place in the whole world.

This devastated mountain and river has long been stained red with blood and covered with bones.

The scene here is a bit terrifying, and there are too many fallen creatures.

Although the powerhouses of those sects have the ultimate means, it is definitely not that easy to compete with the Taiyi clan.

Taiyi's creatures are invincible existences.

Seeing the battle that took place on the battlefield, Yan Chengfeng was not in a hurry.

The expedition on the field was terrifying, everyone was doing their best, and they didn't want to miss this opportunity.

The secret of longevity, they must **** it.


The sky trembled for a while, and another strong man came here.

The pure land, the creatures of the ancient sacred mountain have arrived.

The appearance of the secret news of Changsheng caused a great sensation, and these creatures all wanted to obtain the supreme good fortune.

If you can grab these creations, this life will be worth it.


Pure Land, after the creatures of the Primordial Divine Mountain came here, they immediately shot.

They all want the secret of longevity.

Such a terrifying creation, they are not willing to miss it anyway.

"Yan Chengfeng, why are you here?"

Fairy Jingxiang saw Yan Chengfeng and immediately came to Yan Chengfeng's side.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "I'm not a fool, how can I stay in Kyushu and Jiuyu all the time."

"The secrets of longevity have already appeared in the world. You don't go to **** the coffin of longevity, but you come to hook me up, you are a bit lewd!"


Fairy Jingxiang frowned slightly, she glared at Yan Chengfeng fiercely, and complained: "Whoever hooked you up, don't be sentimental."

"Just like you, don't let me like you for the rest of your life."

She knew that Yan Chengfeng was very thoughtful and cruel.

Of course she wouldn't want to be with Yan Chengfeng.

If she was really with Yan Chengfeng, her life would be over.

Yan Chengfeng said calmly, "You don't want to hook up with me, you're still so close, women like duplicity the most."

"whispering sound."

Fairy Jingxiang snorted and said, "It's like you know women very well."

Yan Chengfeng approached Fairy Jingxiang and whispered, "Of course I understand women. As long as I satisfy the mouth below them, they will be very obedient."


"Shameless hooligan."

Fairy Jingxiang's face darkened slightly, and she was quite speechless to Yan Chengfeng.

This guy is really abominable to say such nasty things.

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly and said, "Would you like to let my brother satisfy you, I promise to make you want to die."

"Just you, you also want me to be immortal and want to die?"

Fairy Jingxiang stared at Yan Chengfeng for a while, and said, "You probably won't be able to fill me up with that stuff!"

"Ha ha!"

Yan Chengfeng smiled and said solemnly, "I can go from the mouth below you to the mouth above, and make you cry and beg for mercy."

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you."

Fairy Jingxiang glared at Yan Chengfeng, her expression a little indifferent.

She didn't even bother to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng, this guy is really hateful.

Being with this guy is not bad at all.

"These people are really working hard to **** the longevity coffin."

Yan Chengfeng calmed down and said, "They don't know, as long as I make a move, they can only stand aside."

Fairy Jingxiang didn't talk to her, but it was undeniable that Yan Chengfeng's strength was indeed very tyrannical.

People here who want to compete with Yan Chengfeng are definitely looking for a dead end.

In the end, the coffin of longevity will definitely fall into the hands of Yan Chengfeng.

Fairy Jingxiang was not in a good mood. She hoped that someone could **** away the coffin of longevity.

She didn't want to see Yan Chengfeng's dazed appearance at all, and wanted Yan Chengfeng to eat turtles.

It's a pity that her idea will never come true. No one can **** the coffin of longevity from Yan Chengfeng's hands.

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