Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 192: The seal is broken, the society is beaten

Chu Linlang and Yan Chengfeng had a skin-to-skin relationship, and it was almost impossible to have a negative distance contact.

"no kidding."

Yan Chengfeng leaned on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

"This guy……"

Chu Linlang was a little speechless, but she did not disturb Yan Chengfeng, and ran over to build blocks with Chu Qingcheng to kill time.

This expedition in Kyushu and Jiuyu caused a lot of movement.

An Immortal Emperor fell, which shocked countless people.

Yan Chengfeng's means are sky-high, and it is not an easy task to contend with.

In Kyushu and Jiuyu, Yan Chengfeng's reputation has been completely established.


A sea of ​​stars.

Yan Chengfeng woke up from his sleep.

He felt an extreme coercion, and the world seemed to have changed.

"How did you wake up?"

Seeing Yan Chengfeng wake up, Chu Linlang immediately came to Yan Chengfeng's side, she thought that Yan Chengfeng would sleep for a long time.

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, and said, "I have a bad feeling that something big is going to happen again in this world."

Chu Linlang frowned slightly and said, "Even if there is a real war, it has nothing to do with you! Don't forget, you just killed an Immortal Emperor."

"Your strength is sky-high, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with."

Yan Chengfeng's strength is very strong, and Chu Linlang gave him great affirmation.


Yan Chengfeng sighed, and his heart was full of helplessness. He did have many invincible means, but before the secrets of heaven and earth, he still seemed very insignificant.

This world is vast and boundless, and it is definitely not something ordinary people can contend with.

Yan Chengfeng took the opportunity to pull Chu Linlang into his arms and said with a smile, "What about the two of you? What is the origin? You have been with me for so long, are you not ready to reveal the details?"

Chu Linlang and Chu Qingcheng had unusual origins, and they were definitely not disciples of the Frost Immortal Sect.

When Yan Chengfeng stroked the jade bodies of the two, he clearly felt the potential of the majestic sea. Their extraordinary heritage was just not shown.

Such a terrifying powerhouse is right beside him, it would be too funny if he didn't notice it.

Chu Linlang looked indifferent and said, "I don't understand what you are saying. Qingcheng and I are just a little maid to take care of your daily life."

"If we really have extraordinary origins, you think we will take care of you and let you take advantage of it. Don't even think about it."

Yan Chengfeng untied Chu Linlang's dress, stroked it gently, and said, "If you don't say anything, just put the two of you to sleep, and then I won't be bothered to care what you do."

"whispering sound!"

Chu Linlang snorted, not wanting to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng at all.

A layer of spring soon filled the house, and this time, Chu Qingcheng also entered the battle.

"Dong dong!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

The knock on the door was a little eager, and Guan Aoxue said in a deep voice, "Yan Chengfeng, I know you are inside, quickly open the door for me."

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled. Every time he was doing business, someone would come to disturb him, which made him quite speechless.

He got up and got out of bed, came to the door, and opened the door.

Guan Aoxue's expression changed abruptly when she saw Yan Chengfeng's naked body. This guy came out straight, shameless at all.



Guan Aoxue complained, and then walked into the house.

She also saw the two sisters lying on the bed.

She was in a very bad mood, Yan Chengfeng was really hateful, which made her very depressed.

"Put your clothes on, what are you shaking in front of me, it's too hot for your eyes."

Guan Aoxue glared at Yan Chengfeng, this guy is getting more and more annoying, she doesn't like it at all.

Yan Chengfeng smiled and didn't care too much.

After he changed his clothes, he said, "You two, go out!"

Chu Linlang and Chu Qingcheng frowned slightly and looked at Yan Chengfeng indifferently.

Why let them out.

This made it seem like they were juniors, and that kind of feeling was very unpleasant.


Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and lightly rubbed his eyebrows, his heart was full of helplessness, none of these women could move, and he was also drunk.

"What's wrong with you coming to see me?"

Yan Chengfeng also ignored Chu Linlang and Chu Qingcheng, and instead asked Guan Aoxue.

Normally, Guan Aoxue was cultivating and would not care about him at all.


Guan Aoxue's expression was indifferent, and he snorted coldly, "If I didn't come to you, I don't know, you usually play like this."

The older she got, the more angry she became. Why should her fiancé be enjoyed by other women.

She didn't even hold the little hand, which made her very depressed.

Yan Chengfeng didn't talk to her, the woman seemed to be looking for trouble.

After half an hour.

Guan Aoxue calmed down and said, "I heard that there is a lot of movement in Guixuhai, it seems that some ancient races are derived."

"The creatures near Guixuhai have been destroyed, and those invincible creatures are coming to the Frost Ice Immortal Sect."

This news was also received by Guan Aoxue.

After receiving this news, she immediately came over to tell Yan Chengfeng, who would have thought that Yan Chengfeng was actually kissing me with other women.

She was really worried.

This man doesn't love himself at all.

She was a little unhappy that any woman could go to third base with him.

"The seal of Guixuhai has been broken."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and the extreme pressure he felt before must have come from those creatures who returned to the ruins.

He did not expect that the creatures of Guixuhai would break the seal at this time.

After all, he has already spied on the original secret, and those creatures should stay away.

Never thought that those creatures didn't take him seriously at all, which made him very depressed.

However, there is nothing to complain about.

"I already know about this, you go back to rest first!"

Yan Chengfeng said casually, he would not take the souls of Guixu to heart at all, everything was under his control.


Guan Aoxue's face darkened slightly, she walked to Yan Chengfeng's side, and stepped on Yan Chengfeng's foot.

"I'm going! I won't disturb you and those two bitches."

She left angrily and didn't want to like Yan Chengfeng anymore, she was very unhappy.

Yan Chengfeng's expression was calm, and he didn't mean to coax Guan Aoxue. He didn't bother to care when Guan Aoxue slammed away.

He went back to the bed and said with a smile, "Let's go as soon as she goes. Anyway, she put it down in two days. She has such a big heart, how could she care about such a thing."

If Guan Aoxue really cared, then when he and Cui Mian slept, Guan Aoxue would have gone mad long ago.

At that time, Guan Aoxue didn't care, and it's the same now.

Chu Linlang and Chu Qingcheng sneered in their hearts, they felt that Yan Chengfeng was a little self-confident, and this guy had never experienced beatings in society.

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