Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 182: The red carp rides the wind and becomes a positive fruit

The Spirit of Absolute Beginning found the opportunity and immediately entered Yan Chengfeng's sea of ​​consciousness. It wanted to swallow Yan Chengfeng's consciousness and occupy Yan Chengfeng's body.

After the Spirit of Absolute Beginning entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Yan Chengfeng's body suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes, especially in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, waves were stirred up, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness was turbulent.

This space is completely closed, and the entire sea of ​​consciousness is surging. As long as there is enough time, the spirit of the beginning will become a part of Yan Chengfeng.

The spirit of the beginning was also stunned.

It is completely unclear about the situation, why Yan Chengfeng's sea of ​​consciousness is like a cage, making it impossible to escape.


After taking away the Spirit of Absolute Beginning, Yan Chengfeng let out a foul breath. In order to get the Spirit of Absolute Beginning, he worked a lot.

The spirit of the very beginning wants to escape, it is simply delusional.

Yan Chengfeng's body contained a terrifying brilliance, with wisps of fierceness and rhythm, and his breath was unparalleled in the world.

He could clearly feel the extreme changes in his body. In the dark, the connection between his second life and his life had been completely cut off.

At this moment, he is no longer a knife, he is a fish.

After being liberated, Yan Chengfeng felt very comfortable, and that was what he wanted.

He left the sealed land of the Ghost Immortals and stayed in the Golden Sea of ​​God to practice.

The Ghost Immortals broke through the seal and did not slaughter the living beings in Kyushu and Jiuyu.

Those invincibles don't know the reason, and they don't care too much.

Since the creatures of the Ghost Immortal clan will no longer attack them, they are also happy to relax.

Taking advantage of this period of time, it seems to be a good thing to improve the cultivation base.

At night, the Milky Way hangs high in the sky.

Cui Mian took Tantai Xiao to find Yan Chengfeng, and the recent improvement of their cultivation was quite good.

"Yan Chengfeng, can you accompany us on a trip to Yunxia Buddha Country!"

Cui Mian didn't beat around the bush either, she made it straight to the point and made it clear.

She and Tantaixiao wanted to go to Yunxia Buddha Country, but they didn't know how to get there.

They have never been there, and they don't know the route to Yunxia Buddha Country.

"Yunxia Buddha Country."

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and he asked suspiciously, "What are you two going to do in Yunxia Buddha Country?"

Yunxia Buddha Country is very dangerous, much more dangerous than Kyushu and Jiuyu.

Yan Chengfeng did not recommend that Cuimian and Tantaixiao go to Yunxia Buddha Country. Moreover, the chaos of the four seas has just begun, and there are still many uncertain factors behind.

If you leave now, there may be trouble.

"You don't care what we do? Just give us a word, would you like to go together."

Cui Mian didn't want to talk nonsense either. If Yan Chengfeng didn't want to go, then she and Tantai Xiao would go alone.

One day I will be able to reach the boundary of Yunxia Buddha Country.


Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, and said, "It's not that I don't want to go with you, it's mainly because the situation in Kyushu and Jiuyu is a bit complicated now."

"If I leave now..."

"It's fine if you don't go."

Cui Mian said indifferently, interrupting Yan's words.

Since Yan Chengfeng was unwilling to go together, there was nothing to say.

She and Tantai Xiao were not three-year-olds, so could they still get lost?

"Since you are going to Yunxia Buddha Country, then also tell me what you are going to do!"

Yan Chengfeng took Cui Mian's jade hand and said, "If you don't say anything, how could I take you there."

Cui Mian didn't hide it any more, and said bluntly: "I have checked the books, and if you want to become a Buddhist girl, you need to go through layers of selection. Only the best people can successfully advance."

"I'm going to take a look with Tantaixiao. If you're busy, then forget it."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and he said, "Wait a few months before you leave! When that time comes, I will take you to a shortcut, and you will definitely be able to catch up."

Cui Mian didn't say any more and chose to trust Yan Chengfeng.

Although Yan Chengfeng was a bit of a jerk, she wouldn't lie to her.

"Have you missed me recently, little girl?"

Yan Chengfeng took Cui Mian into his arms and fumbled with both hands dishonestly.

Cui Mian was gasping for breath, and she didn't want to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng.

Every time she stayed with Yan Chengfeng, she would be bullied.

"What do you have to make me miss my food?"

Cui Mian let Yan Chengfeng grope, and said solemnly, "If you want to do it, hurry up, I really regret coming to you."

"Every time we meet, you are like a wolf."

She was really speechless, a little too lazy to complain about Yan Chengfeng.

After touching it for a while, Yan Chengfeng said with a smile, "Forget it, I have other things to deal with, so let's go first."

He didn't delay here, and after letting go of Cui Mian, he left immediately.

"This bastard..."

Cui Mian was speechless and could only watch Yan Chengfeng leave.

She and Tantai Xiao didn't stay, and went to other places to explore fortune.

Beneath the boundless galaxy, in the Great Hall of Ten Thousand Fire Grottoes.

Yan Chengfeng came here.

He didn't really want to come to the Cave of Ten Thousand Fires, but he couldn't help coming.

There are some things he wants to figure out, and he can only approach the flame red carp again.

The flame red carp stayed in the hall. Now, the ghost fairy family has been unblocked, and most of her tasks have been completed.

"Yan Chengfeng, what wind brought you here."

Yan Hongli was a little surprised when she saw Yan Chengfeng's arrival. She also thought that Yan Chengfeng would not come to her.

Yan Chengfeng walked to Yanhong Carp's side and sat down, stretched out his hand to wrap her slender waist, and fumbled dishonestly with his palm.


Yanhong Li gasped and said with a blushing face, "Don't you dislike me very much? Why do you still come here?"

Yan Chengfeng curled his lips into a small smile and said, "Of course I'm here to satisfy the mouth below you."

After saying that, he immediately bullied himself up, lifted the skirt of the flaming red carp directly to his waist, and then penetrated the body of the flaming red carp fiercely.

At that moment, the flaming red carp felt very comfortable, as if it was about to ascend to heaven.

The whole hall is hazy with spring, and moans are heard one after another.

It was not until the middle of the night that the expedition here ended.

Yan Hongli's eyes were dull, and her whole body was covered with traces of ambiguity. She was lying on Yan Chengfeng's body, and she had no strength at all.

If it weren't for her physical fitness, she would have been tortured and fainted long ago.

"Yan Chengfeng, will you still love me in the future?"

Yanhong carp's eyes were deep, and he said leisurely: "After I tasted your taste, I can't leave you anymore. I want to be bullied by you for the rest of my life."

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, and said, "Since you've already eaten, let's talk about business!"

"Who is that shadow?"

He also doesn't want to waste time, and he can use the fastest time to know the origin of the other party, and he will never deliberately take detours.


The flaming red carp frowned slightly, she didn't really want to tell Yan Chengfeng the truth, for fear that Yan Chengfeng would leave her.

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