Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 172: Chief Celestial Master, Ming Sang resists

There was a big mess in the immortal gate of Shu Dao, and Yan Chengfeng was worried that the flame red carp, or others would go their own way, jeopardizing the safety of Beimingsang.

"I will be careful."

Bei Mingsang nodded and left the guest room immediately.

After Bei Mingsang left, Yan Chengfeng walked to the side of the bed and meditated cross-legged to meditate.

The movement of Shu Dao Xianmen was very noisy, and everyone was worried, for fear of encountering danger.

After all, the piles of white bones lingered in their minds, and their hearts were full of panic.

After night fell, the atmosphere of the entire Shu Dao Xianmen became very depressed, and those monks were nervous, for fear that they would be affected.

Qingxu did not delay, she brought some strong people and began to ambush the flame red carp.

Since Yan Chengfeng has already said that the culprit is the flaming red carp, the other party will definitely take action.

However, she waited all night and nothing happened.

The entire Shu Dao Xianmen was very calm, which made Qing Xu a little puzzled.

The next morning.

Qingxu didn't wait for the flaming red carp, she learned the news that the flaming red carp left overnight.

This news made Qing Xu a little surprised, and she immediately went to find Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng stayed in the guest room, sitting cross-legged and meditating, meditating.

He doesn't really care about what's going on outside.

"Yan Chengfeng, something happened outside."

Qingxu walked into the guest room without delay, and went straight to the point: "Yanhong Li left last night, I don't know why she chose to leave Shudao Xianmen at this time."

"I suspect that her purpose is not pure, whether to find her trace or not."

Qingxu was a little worried, for fear that Yanhong Carp would do something that would be detrimental to all races.

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, and said indifferently: "The departure of the flaming red carp is something I expected, don't worry too much."

"She must be here for the chaos of the four seas. Now that the chaos of the four seas has begun, no matter how important the Pan Tao Banquet is, it cannot be compared to the chaos of the four seas."

"As long as you take the initiative in the chaos of the four seas, you will definitely get what you want."

There is only one thing Yanhong Carp wants, and that is to unblock the Ghost Immortal clan.

It is not an easy task to unblock the Ghost Immortal Clan.

The road that the flaming red carp wants to go is very far, and it cannot be achieved overnight.


Qingxu sighed helplessly and left the east wing.

"The Chaos of the Four Seas."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes are deep, the chaos of the four seas has begun, and there will be drastic changes between heaven and earth.

It may be difficult for those creatures to have a safe place to live.

"Yan Chengfeng."

At this time, Bei Mingsang came over.

Bei Mingsang walked to Yan Chengfeng's side and said, "I heard that the chief celestial master of the Yuan Palace is here and is in the front hall."

"It is rumored that this person knows astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom. Would you like to go and ask him about your physical condition?"

Yan Chengfeng's physical condition was so bad that she was really afraid that one day Yan Chengfeng wouldn't wake up.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "What I can solve, the chief celestial master of Yuandian will not be able to solve it."

"What the chief celestial master of the source hall can solve, I can definitely solve it. Therefore, I don't need to waste time."

"It's not my style to leave fate under the control of the weak. Don't worry about me, everything is under my control."


Bei Mingsang was a little speechless, Yan Chengfeng was the most narcissistic and arrogant guy she had ever seen, and it didn't make anyone worry at all.

However, since Yan Chengfeng was unwilling to go over, she was too lazy to speak.

"Then I'll join in the fun, and if I find something interesting, I'll come back and tell you."

Bei Mingsang didn't stay here, she left immediately and went to the hall of Shu Dao Xianmen.

in the hall.

There are many strong people staying here. They are entrenched here, and they all want to find the chief celestial master of the source hall to answer their confusion.

"I heard that the chief celestial master knows astronomy upstairs and geography downstairs."

Bu Hongyan stepped out and said, "I recently encountered a very confusing thing, that is, the dead come back to life. What is the reason for this?"

The chief celestial master of the source hall is an old man, wearing a gray robe, and the rhythmic aura in his body is very strong, wisps surging, swallowing the sky and devouring the earth.

This is an invincible, his means reach the sky.

The chief celestial master's pupils were deep, and he said leisurely: "Throughout the ages, there have been many beings who can live out the second life. Everyone's state is different, maybe your friend is very special."

"There's no need to care about this kind of thing. Since it's a waste of time, it's all earned by living an extra day."

Bu Hongyan frowned slightly, she was obviously not very satisfied with this answer.

However, she didn't say much.

Since no one can answer her doubts, she can only find out by herself.

She seems to have forgotten something very important and must retrieve her memory.

Bu Hongyan left the immortal gate of Shu Dao.

She came to the immortal gate of Shu Dao to find the answer. Since no one here can give her the answer, there is no need for her to stay.

The monks of other sects are also asking the chief celestial master, some changes in the world, or the trajectory of life.

Bei Mingsang listened from a distance, feeling very bored for a while, without any meaning at all.

As everyone knows, at this time, the chief celestial master's gaze fell on Bei Mingsang.

His eyes gleamed with excitement, and his heart cheered.

"I didn't expect it! The person I've been looking for for countless years is actually here."

The chief celestial master was very excited, and he wanted to get Beimingsang.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time and must not miss it.

The chief celestial master asked, "Who is that woman?"

At this time, the Changhe Immortal King came out and said respectfully, "She is my daughter, Beimingsang."

"Bei Mingsang."

The chief Tianshi's pupils shrank, his eyes full of excitement, and said, "I'm very interested in her."

The Chief Celestial Master's voice just fell, and the Immortal King Changhe understood the meaning in seconds.

The chief celestial master is very interested in Beimingsang, and the implication is that he wants to get Beimingsang.

Immortal King Changhe said with some fear: "Thank you Heavenly Master for your love, Sang Er, don't hurry up and thank Heavenly Master."

"You will follow the Tianshi in the future, you must serve him well, and you must not go against the wishes of the Tianshi."

Bei Mingsang is loved by the chief celestial master, and many monks of religion are somewhat envious.

The Changhe Sect climbed up to the source hall, and his status will definitely rise. In the future, the Changhe Immortal King can also walk sideways in the Nine Provinces and Nine Regions, and no one dares to fight against him.

Beimingsang's eyebrows frowned slightly and said indifferently, "Why don't you serve him? No wonder Yan Chengfeng hates you."

She was a little annoyed, the Changhe Immortal King was really just like what Yan Chengfeng said, a cowardly king of soft rice with no backbone at all.

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