Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 162: Eternal years, the world is hidden


Heaven and earth are silent, the sun and the moon are silent.

But at this moment, everyone felt an extreme sense of oppression.

There seems to be a powerful force emerging, and that energy can destroy everything.

Master Yuan Tian sat cross-legged in the void, and his whole body had the aura of the beginning of the primordial universe circulating. He was majestic and holy, making people dare not look directly.

"Mother, what's the situation?"

Yao Haitang was a little stunned, and Tianshi Yuan's strength inexplicably increased hundreds of times, even thousands of times.

Yao Yueqing's eyes were deep, and she did not answer Yao Haitang's question because she was also stunned.

Yuan Tianshi's body grew little by little, and the fierceness pouring out of his body was terrifying, and that breath could destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

Everyone was stunned.

He didn't even dare to approach this place, Tianshi Yuan's body grew so strong that the entire galaxy seemed not enough for him to occupy alone.

"Little beast, this seat wants you to survive today, or die."

Yuan Tianshi was roaring, his face was hideous, and he wanted to smash Yan Chengfeng's body into ten thousand pieces.

His palm was patted down, like a star falling, attacking Wushuang.


When that attack fell, the entire chaotic forbidden area was collapsing. The monk with weak Taoism couldn't bear it at all, and was directly destroyed.

This territory is like a mountain of bones, and there are all kinds of mourning sounds.

"The law of time."

Yan Chengfeng sat cross-legged between heaven and earth, like an invincible god.

The rhythm of the creation chapter seduces the supreme law of the years, and the years of the law that flow continuously have directly converged into a long river.

This is the long river of time, which can erode everything, and no one can escape the erosion of the long river of time.


Yuan Tianshi's attack is being gradually weakened. When that attack fell, there was no slightest fluctuation of energy accumulation, and everything was swallowed up.

The long river of time has not stopped, it revolves around the Yuan Tianshi constantly.

The rhythm of the years is difficult for creatures in the world to contend with.

In the long river of time, Master Yuan Tianshi's life passed quickly, he has been threatened with death, and his life has disappeared.

He was sitting cross-legged in the sky, his skin was constantly drying out, his hair was falling out, and the vitality in his body was gone.


Countless creatures were terrified, their throats wriggling, and they swallowed wildly.

Yan Chengfeng's methods are very terrifying, especially the law of years. This method is very powerful, even those invincible creatures are difficult to match!

"Mother, why can he use the law of time."

Yao Haitang frowned slightly and asked in doubt, "It is rumored that only the ancient body and the longevity body can comprehend the law of time. Can his mortal body bear the erosion of the law of time?"

The erosion of the Law of Time is terrifying, even if it is a chaotic ancient body, the law of the longevity body's epiphany will be eroded. It's just that the degree of erosion is relatively much less.

Yan Chengfeng is only a mortal body, and he will suffer more erosion. This method of hurting one thousand enemies and self-destructing eight hundred is not practical at all.

"Yan Xiaoer, you will definitely die."

Yuan Tianshi roared angrily, his heart was full of anger, and he wanted to smash Yan Chengfeng into ten thousand pieces.

Unfortunately, he has no chance.

Yan Chengfeng's law of time was too tyrannical, and he couldn't escape at all.

The long river rhythm, Yuan Tianshi was completely reduced to ashes under the law of Yan Chengfeng's time.

No one can stop Yan Chengfeng, even if the invincible arrives, only the life of delivering food.

After beheading Yuan Tianshi, Yan Chengfeng immediately restrained his breath.

Although the creatures in the source hall are very powerful, compared with him, there is still a big gap.

"Yan Chengfeng, why are you even a mortal body able to use the Law of Time?"

Yao Haitang hurriedly came to Yan Chengfeng's side to ask, her heart was full of doubts.

Yan Chengfeng's methods are endless, and any one of them can be learned by ordinary people for a lifetime.

Yan Chengfeng leaned into Yao Haitang's ear and whispered, "Kiss me and I'll tell you."


Yao Haitang stared at Yan Chengfeng with wide eyes, she was a little surprised, a little shocked, she couldn't believe what Yan Chengfeng said just now.

"Yan Chengfeng, you are perverted!"

Yao Haitang said speechlessly: "I have that kind of relationship with you, you actually want to sleep with me. Besides, don't you like my mother?"

Although she and Yan Chengfeng are not related by blood, Yan Chengfeng is also her elder after all.

It's just that this elder is a little disrespectful to the old, and she even thinks that the old cow eats the tender grass, and she also accepts it.

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly and said, "You have a lot of dramas. If I dare to pick you up, I think your mother will kill me."

"whispering sound!"

Yao Haitang snorted and said, "I don't even want to pay attention to you, you disrespectful pervert."

She could see that Yan Chengfeng was a little evil, and this guy definitely wanted to sleep with her.

"Even if a cultivator cultivates his physique to the point where he realizes the law, he will be eroded by the law, but the erosion is relatively small."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "However, there is a way to avoid it. If I am a longevity body, I have an epiphany of the law of time."

"But I prefer not to use the law of years, but to use other laws, which will not cause any harm or erosion to me."

"Big liar, full of lies."

Yao Haitang glared at Yan Chengfeng and complained, "You think I'm a three-year-old child! Everyone knows that a monk can only have an epiphany in his life."

"Those who realize two laws, or more, will be obliterated by heaven and earth."

"Don't lie to me, I won't believe you."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and he said leisurely: "You are right, a person can only realize one kind of law in his life. If he realizes two kinds of rules, or multiple kinds of rules, he will be directly obliterated by heaven and earth."

"However, there is another way to avoid Heaven and Earth's obliteration, and that is to sign a contract with Heaven and Earth."

"Sign a contract with Heaven and Earth."

Yao Haitang frowned slightly and asked in confusion, "What is the signing law?"

She became more and more curious. There seemed to be many unknown secrets hidden in this world.

Only the invincible can uncover this layer of mystery.

Yan Chengfeng reached out and touched Yao Haitang's cherry lips, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"Get out of the way, don't talk about it."

Yao Haitang shoved Yan Chengfeng a little angrily, then walked away cursing.

She didn't want to talk to Yan Chengfeng at all, this guy is a big bad guy.

When Yan Chengfeng saw that the demon begonia no longer asked, he stepped into the depths of the glacier and continued to travel to the forbidden land of chaos.

"What did he tell you?"

Yao Yueqing asked, and wanted to know the details of the conversation between Yao Haitang and Yan Chengfeng.

She had a bad intuition, worried that Yan Chengfeng would mess up.

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