Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 148: The long river recedes, and the lake of sword is cast

"This guy was teasing me just now, and he slept like a dead pig in an instant."

Bei Mingsang saw that Yan Chengfeng was fast asleep, and she sat helplessly aside, waiting for the dawn to come.

The light of the morning light falls, the mist is hazy among the boundless mountains and forests, and the sound of birds chirping can be vaguely heard. This place is like a fairyland.

Yan Chengfeng got the Immortal Punishment Sword, killed the flame red carp, destroyed the Pluto, and abolished the Taixuan Sword Ancestor. All these things made the monks of all major religions tremble with fear.

Yan Chengfeng's strength is very strong, and it is not something they can compete with.


The deafening and deafening sound of the drums resounded, and Xiao Han was about to burst apart, and the supreme power came to the chaotic forbidden land.

The visitor was the Sect Master of the Changhe Sect. He led the creatures of the Changhe Sect into the chaotic forbidden area, not to **** the opportunity of creation, but only to suppress Yan Chengfeng.

When the powerhouses of the Changhe Sect arrived, the creatures of the major religions were very excited. The methods of the Changhe Immortal King were sky-high, and once the battle started, Yan Chengfeng would definitely be injured.

They all hope that this group of people can lose both.

"This soft-boiled man came really fast."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank slightly, and he said, "Ming Sang has never suspected that you might not be their biological son?"

Bei Mingsang glared at Yan Chengfeng, she was too lazy to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, get out of here."

Bei Mingsang was speechless, Yan Chengfeng had been slandering her father and mother.

"Yan child."

The Changhe Sect Master arrived with the creatures of the Changhe Sect. The combat power of this group of strong men was terrifying, standing high in the sky, a large area of ​​Wuyangyang.

The Sect Master Changhe looked indifferent, and roared: "Let my daughter go immediately, otherwise, I will make you unable to survive or die."

Yan Chengfeng stretched out his hand to embrace Bei Mingsang's slender waist and said, "Both she and I have already cooked rice, do you think it's meaningful to say this now?"

Beimingsang's eyebrows frowned, she wanted to break free from Yan Chengfeng's shackles, and did not want to have the slightest relationship with Yan Chengfeng.

"If you mess around again, I'll give you up."

Yan Chengfeng threatened in a low voice, this woman is disobedient.

Bei Mingsang was annoyed, for fear that Yan Chengfeng would do other things, so he could only let him hug him.

"Yan Xiaoer, do you know how miserable it is to offend Changhe Sect?"

The Changhe Sect Master's eyes were sharp, and he said solemnly: "The heritage of Changhe Sect and Xukun Clan is unparalleled, you didn't provoke them."

"I advise you not to dig your own grave."

He couldn't hold it any longer, and wanted to smash Yan Chengfeng's body into ten thousand pieces.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Whether it is the Changhe Sect or the Xukun clan, I have never taken it to heart."

"Old thing, don't talk nonsense here. Your daughter is useful to me. After I use it up, I will return her to you."

"If you make noise again, I will make you pay the price."

"Straight is arrogant."

Sect Master Changhe's face was gloomy, his heart was full of anger, and he wished he could slash Yan Chengfeng with a thousand knives.

What does it mean to return it to them when it is used up? Listen, is it human?

"Father, don't compete with him here."

Beimingsang's eyebrows frowned slightly, and said helplessly: "To reason with such a **** is to play the piano to a cow."

"I'll be fine, he doesn't dare to do anything to me."

Sect Master Changhe's eyes darkened, and he said, "Daughter! You don't know what Yan Xiaoer's methods are. He is ruthless and vicious."

"Don't be fooled by his appearance, he is definitely not a good person."

Bei Mingsang nodded and said, "Dad, don't worry! I won't be deceived by him, so hurry up and leave with someone!"

She also didn't want Yan Chengfeng to fight with the creatures of Changhe Sect. Although she knew that Yan Chengfeng was not a good person, Yan Chengfeng's strength was definitely not weak.

The Changhe Sect and Yan Chengfeng went to war, with all harm and no gain.


In the end, Sect Master Changhe compromised and threatened: "Xiaoer Yan, if something happens to my daughter, I will make you not survive or die."

After all, he immediately left with the creatures of Changhe Sect.

The powerhouses of the Changhe Sect went on an expedition this time, but it was only thunder and rain, and those creatures who came to watch the fun felt very disappointed.

"let me go."

When the strong man of Changhe Sect left, Bei Mingsang immediately spoke up.

She stared at Yan Chengfeng indifferently, with a bad look on her face.

Yan Chengfeng let go of Bei Mingsang calmly and said, "We should go."


Bei Mingsang snorted coldly and said, "Where are you going?"

Yan Chengfeng didn't hide it, and said bluntly: "Of course, to explore the secrets of the world."

"whispering sound!"

Bei Mingsang snorted, she gave Yan Chengfeng a disgusted look, this guy is not a serious person.

Yan Chengfeng took Bei Mingsang away and went to find Ji Zixuan and others.

After a stick of incense.

He brought Bei Mingsang to meet Ji Zixuan and others. During this time, Ji Zixuan and others have obtained great fortune.


When Qi Shuiyao saw Yan Chengfeng, she immediately went up to her, her pretty face was full of joy, she was very happy.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "Let's go to Casting Sword Lake."

The few people didn't say much, and immediately followed Yan Chengfeng and left.

Forging Sword Lake, standing in the depths of the chaotic forbidden land.

This large lake is unusual, it is vertical and horizontal, strange and dangerous.

In the sword-casting lake, it was bubbling, and all kinds of sword soul phantoms appeared in it, forming a terrifying scene.

This place is so dangerous that no one dares to approach.

Zhujian Lake has existed for a long time. It has been standing here since a long time ago. It is rumored that the Immortal Punishment Sword was taken from the Lake of Zhujian by the Immortal Punishment Emperor.

Moreover, there are more than sword souls in the Sword Casting Lake. It is rumored that there are supreme secrets hidden here. Even those who are invincible do not dare to explore easily.


The scorching sun hangs high.

Yan Chengfeng and others came to Zhujian Lake, and the scene in Zhujian Lake surprised Qi Shuiyao and the others.

This place is too dangerous.

"Master, what are we doing here?"

Qi Shuiyao concealed her doubts and could not help but ask.

There is a hidden murderous intention here, and it will be destroyed if you are not careful. You must be extra cautious.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and he said, "I brought you here because I want you to cultivate your soul here. You can use these sword souls to polish your soul very well."

"As for what I'm going to do, you can't help me."

Although Qi Shuiyao and others' strengths are good, they are still too weak.

Qi Shuiyao and the others clearly realized that this place is indeed an excellent place to cultivate the soul.

They did not delay, and immediately sat cross-legged and began to cultivate their souls.

Yan Chengfeng sat on the side, he did not practice.

His soul is against the sky, and he doesn't need to practice at all.

The reason why I came to Zhujian Lake was just to explore the ancient secrets of good fortune.

If he wants to get that thing, he also needs to use the power of the Sword Casting Lake...

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