Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 142: Hades died, a calculation


Pluto's coffin shattered in response, and a woman with a height of 20 feet, covered with pitch-black scales, appeared, looking hideous.

Only Yan Chengfeng with unique taste can appreciate the beauty of Hades.

Pluto sat cross-legged in the starry sky, and a stone qin appeared in front of her.

That stone qin is very terrifying, and the whole body is engraved with chapters of the Great Way, and Di Yun is unparalleled in dominance.


Hades didn't stop, she directly stirred Shiqin, and after waves rushed out, the Qin Yun was silent, and the avenue was impermanent.

That tyrannical essence poured out, the mountains and rivers were collapsing, and Di Yun was unparalleled.

The might of the emperor is unmatched.

"Your means are not enough to make this stone qin shine."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Reminiscing back then, the emperor of the Ming clan engraved this stone qin into the Emperor Yun, and its supreme divine power shocked the heavens."

"Countless years have passed, and the Ming clan has fallen."

"Pluto, I gave you a way to live, but you don't want to go, your situation is too small."

"Since you want to live in the dark underground all your life, then I will send you a ride and send you to hell!"


Yan Chengfeng's palm sticks out, the years flow in his palm, and everything is disillusioned under his palm.

This is the law of the years, it can destroy everything, and no one can match it.

Pluto's life is passing quickly, and she begins to grow old.

The Emperor Yun of that stone qin was also wiped out, no one could stop Yan Chengfeng, everyone deserved to die.

"Yan Chengfeng, you can't do this."

Hades roared vigorously: "If you kill me, it will not end well."

"People from the Ming clan now belong to all clans. Do you really want to violate the contract you made?"


Yan Chengfeng didn't say a word. In the palm of his hand, there were endless years of disillusionment, and no one could stop him.

Pluto has perished under the great cause of the years, and no one can stop it.

Pluto has fallen.

At the same time, there was a killing in the Land of the Abyss.

All the souls of the underworld who migrated to the land of the abyss were wiped out, and no one survived.

Yan Chengfeng looked at Pluto's body and said indifferently, "Do you think you can save your life if you migrate? It's ridiculous."

When those monks saw Yan Chengfeng, they did not dare to approach.

Yan Chengfeng has mastered the law of time, and no one can match it.

Yan Chengfeng shifted his gaze to Yanhong Carp and said, "You can now make a choice. Tell me honestly about the person behind you."

"I will consider whether to give you a chance to live based on the information you disclosed."

The flaming red carp's eyes were sharp, and he snorted coldly: "Yan Chengfeng, kill me!"

"Do you really think that everything in this world can be mastered?"

"How do you know that I didn't deliberately disturb your memory in the fascination array."

"It's true and false, false and true, if you kill me, then don't want to know the secret behind it again."

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, and said, "If you don't want to say it, forget it, give me death!"

His palm stretched out, the endless years rhythm, and the fierceness exuded was terrifying, swallowing mountains and rivers.

Under the palm of Yan Chengfeng, the flaming red carp grew old rapidly, and her lifespan had been exhausted.

Finally, the flaming red carp fell.

The owner of the Ten Thousand Fire Cave, a true immortal character, could not escape the doom of being destroyed in the end.

After beheading the flaming red carp, Yan Chengfeng stepped forward and searched the body of the flaming red carp.

He did not find any space to accept the ring from the flame red carp.

"Has it been calculated?"

Yan Chengfeng was puzzled, and the flame red carp did not have a ring on his body, obviously hiding all the treasures on his body in advance.

There is only one explanation for this, the flaming red carp is intentional.

However, he didn't bother to speculate. He sent a message to the Four Elephants Sect Master, asking him to lead the strong to destroy the Fenxian Clan.

After everything is settled, it is time for Yan Chengfeng to set off.

"Yan Chengfeng."

Tang Haoyue and others immediately followed Yan Chengfeng, Yanhong carp died, and they were no longer shackled.

"Yan Chengfeng, you killed the flaming red carp."

Tang Haoyue frowned slightly and said, "Then you can tell us now what your so-called layout is all about!"

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "There is no so-called layout, Tang Qingyu, Yaoshengchen are really dead."

"The reason why I say layout is just to lie to you to accompany me."

"Big liar, you can't lie to me."

Tang Haoyue didn't believe Yan Chengfeng's words at all, and said solemnly, "I felt the breath of my ancestors before, what's going on?"

Yan Chengfeng didn't talk to him, and didn't bother to pay attention to Tang Haoyue.

He still has to search for the Sky Swallowing Golden Toad, so he has no time to waste.

Tang Haoyue took Yan Chengfeng's hand and threatened: "If you don't make it clear, I will haunt you all day long and prevent you from catching the Golden Toad."

"I seem to be hungry again."

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, of course he understood Tang Haoyue's implication.

This woman is springing again.

Suddenly, he felt that Gan Mei was the most obedient, at least not threatening him.

"Since you want to know, I'll tell you."

Yan Chengfeng walked to the side and sat down, and said, "There is no so-called way of living a second life in the world. Everything is just put to death and then reborn."

"It's a huge price to pay for them to live out a second life."

"I let one person live a second life, and I need to kill thousands of people and exchange those people's souls."

Hearing this, Tang Haoyue and the others frowned, they had never seen such a scene before.

"Yan Chengfeng, even if you want to save your ancestors, you need to kill a lot of people."

Tang Haoyue's eyes were deep and he said, "But there is one more thing you didn't make clear. You could have saved everyone before."

"However, you chose to give up."

"I boldly speculate that you deliberately let the flaming red carp destroy the Jietian Sect, so that the flaming red carp will relax its vigilance against you after it tastes the sweetness."

"After that, the flaming red carp was killing everywhere. She must be afraid of you coming to stop her."

"So, you put Cui Mian to sleep, and Yan Hongli learned about this and that you had a falling out with us. Her confidence was greatly increased, and she directly took action to destroy Tianya's Tang family."

"Later, she invited you over again, probably because she wanted to test you and kill the ancestors and Yao Shengchen in front of you."

"So, the deaths of Su Xuanyong, Yao Shengchen, ancestors, and Ling Shuangyue are actually a conspiracy."

"You are calculating Yanhong Carp, and she is also calculating you. If I guess correctly, Yanhong Carp may already know and live out the secrets of the second life."

"Yan Chengfeng, it seems that you are just like that!"

Tang Haoyue believed that the flaming red carp won in this calculation.

Yan Chengfeng glanced at Tang Haoyue in surprise, this woman is very smart, she can think of so many things, beyond his expectations.

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