Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 139: Want to catch the golden toad, disrupt the plan

"Zixuan, they will be handed over to you."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep and he said, "I'm going to explore some good things, and I don't want to bring too many people with me."

Ji Zixuan did not refuse and agreed to Yan Chengfeng's request.

Yan Chengfeng left here, Ji Zixuan took Qi Shuiyao and Gan Mei and started to hunt down the beasts of Shoubao, but they did not go to hunt those who were too high.

Although Shoubao with a high level can deprive them of more Shouyuan, they do not have the ability to completely suppress it.

For the sake of safety, they can only choose the most conservative approach.

The chaotic forbidden area is vast, and most of them are unmanned areas.

Those uninhabited areas are in danger, and the strong sects do not dare to set foot easily.

Moreover, they also want to take away the creation outside, and then go to explore the no-man's land.

Yan Chengfeng followed the deduced direction, and soon came to a canyon with a swamp in front of the canyon.

The swamp is bubbling with heat, and the soil has just been renovated, and it looks very comfortable.

Yan Chengfeng stayed in the canyon, staring at the piece of soil, where no outsiders had set foot yet.

"It seems that this should be its foothold."

Yan Chengfeng didn't act rashly, the thing hadn't come over yet, and he had to wait here for that thing to appear.

His breath has completely subsided, completely integrated with this territory, and no one can detect him.

"Can't hold back."

At this time, Tang Haoyue ran over from a distance, and she found a secluded place, which happened to be where Yan Chengfeng was hiding.

Because Yan Chengfeng restrained her breath and completely integrated with heaven and earth, she did not find Yan Chengfeng.

Tang Haoyue ran over and immediately unbuttoned her belt, she wanted to take it easy.

However, before her pants were taken off, Yan Chengfeng immediately stopped her.

"You run away to solve it, don't get dirty here."

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, that thing had serious cleanliness. Within a radius of ten miles, if there is a little odor, it can't stand it.


Tang Haoyue was frightened by Yan Chengfeng and shouted, and then she wet her pants.

"Yan Chengfeng, I'm going to kill you."

Tang Haoyue's face was gloomy, she stared at Yan Chengfeng angrily, the anger in her heart was hard to extinguish.

Her pants were all wet, and even her shoes and socks were stained.

Moreover, the most important thing is that in front of Yan Chengfeng, this is too shameful, she just wants to kill Yan Chengfeng and abolish this annoying guy.

"You are my nemesis, I hate you to death."

Tang Haoyue was quite speechless, she just wanted to find a crack to get in, and she never wanted to face Yan Chengfeng for the rest of her life.

Yan Chengfeng's heart was full of helplessness, looking at Tang Haoyue whose pants were wet, he just wanted to slap this woman to death.

In order not to be disturbed, he deliberately offended all these women.

Who would have thought that these women were his nemesis.

No matter where you go, you can see it.

Yan Chengfeng complained mercilessly: "It's not like you haven't sprayed it in front of me, what about you?"


Hearing Yan Chengfeng's words, Tang Haoyue felt even more ashamed, she bit her cherry lips lightly, and whispered, "Can this be the same? It's all your fault, you bastard, you have to squat here to scare me."

Yan Chengfeng didn't want to pay attention to Tang Haoyue, and said indifferently, "You can handle it yourself! I still have something to do, don't follow me."

If there is a peculiar smell here, that thing will definitely not come.

Yan Chengfeng had no choice but to leave.

Tang Haoyue pulled Yan Chengfeng and didn't want him to leave this place.

"Let go of me, my clothes are all..."

Yan Chengfeng was a little tired, and his robes were soaked.

Tang Haoyue frowned slightly and said, "I never saw you dislike it before."


Yan Chengfeng gave a wry smile and said, "Kixing, I will serve you, first find a clear spring to wash off the odor on your body!"

He left here with Tang Haoyue and found a clear spring not far away.

It's very quiet here, and few people usually come here.

But Yan Chengfeng didn't care about it, so he isolated the place.

Tang Haoyue took off his trousers, shoes, socks, and dress, and immediately entered the clear spring to wash his body.

Yan Chengfeng took off the smelly robe and took a shower.

If you want to catch that thing, you have to be careful.

"Yan Chengfeng, what are you doing squatting there?"

Tang Haoyue walked to Yan Chengfeng's side, full of curiosity.

Yan Chengfeng was indifferent, helping Tang Haoyue clean his body, and said, "I'm catching the swallowing golden toad. If you didn't come to destroy it, I would have succeeded."

"You woman, it's useless at all."

"Swallowing the Golden Toad."

Tang Haoyue's eyes were deep, her jade hand fell on Yan Chengfeng's body, caressed gently, and asked, "What is this Heaven Swallowing Golden Toad, is it very powerful?"

Yan Chengfeng didn't speak, he didn't want to explain too much.


Tang Haoyue was a little annoyed, her jade hand landed on Yan Chengfeng's dragon object, and said coldly, "I really want to get rid of you."

Yan Chengfeng pushed Tang Haoyue away and said, "Don't be so mad, I'm going to catch the Sky-Swallowing Golden Toad, and there must be no other odors on my body."

Tang Haoyue glared at Yan Chengfeng resentfully. Before, Yan Chengfeng merged with heaven and earth, and she didn't notice it at all.

Yan Chengfeng really took great pains to catch the Sky Swallowing Golden Toad.

"Who is springing?"

Tang Haoyue looked indifferent and said, "You don't want to touch me in this life."

She was so angry that she wanted to tear Yan Chengfeng's mouth to pieces.

How dare you say that she is in spring.

Yan Chengfeng ignored her, took out a new robe and put on it, wanting to leave here.

"Wait a moment."

Tang Haoyue also hurried out of the Qingquan and said, "There are no underwear in Najie, take yours for me to wear."


Yan Chengfeng frowned slightly, he felt that Tang Haoyue did it on purpose.

This woman is having **** and deliberately seduces him.

"Don't wear it there."

Yan Chengfeng said indifferently, not wanting to pay attention to Tang Haoyue.

Tang Haoyue didn't talk nonsense either. She put on her trousers, put on her skirt, tied her belt, put on her shoes and socks, and immediately stepped forward and pulled Yan Chengfeng's palm.

"I'm going to follow you to catch the Sky Swallowing Golden Toad."

Tang Haoyue also wanted to see what the Heaven Swallowing Golden Toad was.

Yan Chengfeng's expression was calm, and he said calmly, "That Sky Swallowing Golden Toad has a serious cleanliness addiction, and there is no odor at all."

"You are full of water here, don't destroy my plan, okay?"

He was really scared.

Tang Haoyue moved Yan Chengfeng's hand away from her mysterious zone, and said bitterly, "Then you can find a way by yourself, anyway, I will follow you to catch the swallowing golden toad."

"Or, if you feed me, I won't disturb you."

Yan Chengfeng picked up Tang Haoyue and said fiercely, "I won't let you cry and beg for mercy, you don't know how powerful I am."

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