Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 126: Fairy Guanghan, everyone arrives


Suddenly, the woman turned into a plume of blue smoke and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank.

Tang Haoyue walked in from the outside, and she reached out to touch the sitting old king.

"Don't touch."

Suddenly, Yan Chengfeng shouted.

However, it was too late.

After the old country lord was touched, he directly turned into a handful of loess.


Tang Haoyue frowned slightly and said, "What's the situation?"

Yan Chengfeng didn't answer Tang Haoyue's question, he quickly walked out of the hall.

"This matter really has nothing to do with Calamity Sword City."

Taixuan Jianzu walked to Yan Chengfeng's side and explained again: "We haven't done anything all the time, it's very likely that the flaming red carp was behind it."

"I heard that the flame red carp wants to revive Fairy Guanghan, she must be here for Long Yuan."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "I never said that this matter is related to the City of Calamity, but you have been explaining it, which made me lose my trust in you."

"I don't care whether it's the Heavenly Dragon Empire or other forces."

"However, you'd better not count me, because, I will be angry."

He didn't stay here and left with Tang Haoyue.

"Isn't this really what you did?"

Wu Tianxin walked to Taixuan Jianzu's side. To be honest, she didn't really believe in Taixuan Jianzu.

There must be a masterpiece of Taixuan Jianzu here, but she has no evidence.

Taixuan Jianzu didn't pay attention to Wu Tianxin, she didn't need to explain some things to the weak.

Even if Wu Tianxin was her daughter, she wouldn't care.

Wu Tianxin was just the product of a failed experiment and should not exist.


Wu Tianxin's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth: "Every one of these people, they take themselves too seriously, pull a chicken feather!"

Her heart was full of anger, and she left the Heavenly Dragon Empire directly and returned to the Sword of Disaster City to continue her practice.

She swore that sooner or later, she would kill all these people.

The old country lord of the Tianlong Empire was sitting down, and the Tianlong princess disappeared. This incident caused a lot of commotion.

Some people suspected that it was the Sword City of Disaster, and some people suspected that it was a member of the Ming clan.

Anyway, there are different opinions, and no one knows the correct answer, so they can only keep talking nonsense.

Leave the Dragon Empire.

Yan Chengfeng had nowhere to go. Behind this incident, there must be a monstrous conspiracy.

Although he is not afraid, this feeling of not being able to control the overall situation is still quite uncomfortable.

"Yan Chengfeng, I think this matter has a lot to do with the flaming red carp."

Tang Haoyue's eyes were deep, and he said, "Perhaps as Taixuan Jianzu said, what the flaming red carp wants is Long Yuan of the Heavenly Dragon Empire."

"They killed the Lord of Tianlong for Long Yuan, but they didn't find Long Yuan, so they had to kidnap Princess Tianlong."

"But Taixuan Jianzu is definitely not a good person. She may also want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and finally reap the benefits."

"These people are all ghosts. It seems that only we are playing the role of human beings."

Yan Chengfeng glanced at Tang Haoyue in surprise, and said with a wicked smile, "It seems that I got through your second line of Rendu last night, and you have become smarter too."

"How about I develop other parts of your body, such as after..."

"After you..."

Tang Haoyue's face was gloomy, and she roared: "Get out of the way! You pervert, don't even think about that kind of indecent and shameless thing."

She was really about to crack, and she never thought that Yan Chengfeng would be so shameless.

Yan Chengfeng led Tang Haoyue around, looking for useful news.

At this moment, in the forbidden area of ​​Sword City.

"Flaming red carp, is it too risky for you to do this?"

Taixuan Jianzu sat crossed on the road and said: "Yan Chengfeng is still here, you can't wait to take action, are you tired of living?"

The flame red carp looked calm and said calmly: "You are also the overlord of the Sword City, don't act like a coward."

"Yan Chengfeng is also a human being, but he is not a god. No matter how powerful he is, won't he be fooled around by me?"

"Don't worry! As long as I enter the Guanghan Fairyland and take away the Guanghan Fairy, you will definitely get a lot of benefits."

"It's just that if you let me know that you guys are doing little things behind your back, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Taixuan Jianzu's eyes were deep, and he said: "Then can you help us introduce the strong man behind you."

The flaming red carp smiled without saying a word, that existence is not something that everyone can see.

"We immediately head to the Guanghan Wonderland."

When the flame red carp set off, she already got Long Yuan.

The Dragon Yuan of the Heavenly Dragon Empire, that is the Heavenly Dragon Princess.

Taixuan Jianzu didn't want to go, but the arrow was on the string and he had to send it.

She has come this far, and she has no chance to step back.

Everyone went to Guanghan Wonderland, they were going to open Guanghan Wonderland and bring Fairy Guanghan out.

The vast cold wonderland.

Located in the Dragon Mountains.

There are ice sculptures everywhere, and the wind and snow cover three thousand miles.

In an ice palace.

Yan Chengfeng was sitting here drinking tea, and a woman was sitting opposite him.

The woman's skin is fair and delicate, her eyebrows and eyes are full of spring, as if a hundred flowers are in full bloom, which can warm all frosts.

She was wearing a wide-sleeved fairy dress, and she was beautiful and moving with every frown and smile.

Although she was born in the vast cold fairyland and grew up in the vast cold fairyland, but she is not cold at all, more like a round of blazing sun, which can illuminate the sky and the earth.

All the darkness in the world will turn into nothingness in front of her.

"I haven't seen her for many years, but the fairy is still beautiful and moving."

Yan Chengfeng sipped the tea carefully and said, "When I saw you, I thought you were very beautiful. At that time, I thought, maybe in a few years, you will grow into an old witch."

"It seems that I was wrong. Your beauty can't bear to destroy even the years."

In the distance, Tang Haoyue felt nauseated for a while.

"This guy is too licking a dog. I have never seen him praise me like this before."

Tang Haoyue was a little angry, but Fairy Guanghan was really pretty.

The beautiful temperament, the picturesque appearance, the snow-like skin, and the small waist that is gripped by Yingying are all attractive.

Fairy Guanghan smiled and said, "You didn't have such a sweet mouth back then."

Yan Chengfeng smiled and said, "Would you like to try it."


Fairy Guanghan was stunned for a moment, then smiled again.

She really didn't know what Yan Chengfeng had gone through to become so bad.

"Why are you here?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, breaking the joy here.

Yan Chengfeng followed the reputation and saw Yanhong Carp, Taixuan Jianzu, and a head stacked with stones. He thought that that should be the Master of Qiankun Cave.

The fact that these people came so quickly was something he didn't expect.

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