Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 123: Mapo Inn, fainted by the wind

Yan Chengfeng followed Tang Haoyue's side, walking slowly on the official road.

After Yan Chengfeng stopped chattering, Tang Haoyue said indifferently, "Don't even think about touching me in the future, shameless and indecent."

Yan Chengfeng said indifferently: "If you don't touch it, you don't touch it, who cares."

"Why don't you go back! What do you think I do when you come out, you won't let me be satisfied."

Tang Haoyue did not leave, but just walked forward quietly.

Soon, the two caught up with the group of people just now.

"What's happening here?"

Tang Haoyue's eyes sank slightly, and there was a group of people blocking the road ahead, menacingly.

"The people of the Sword City."

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled. He did not expect that he would meet the people of Calamity Sword City here.

"All the men are killed, and the women are taken away."

A middle-aged man with roe-headed mouse eyes gave orders and looked indifferent.

This person is the elder Keqing of the Sword City, Lin Pingzhi.

"Lin Pingzhi, we are from the Heavenly Dragon Empire, do you really want to be the enemy of the Heavenly Dragon Empire?"

Yu Wenwenji's eyes were sharp, and he roared, "I advise you to be aware of current affairs, otherwise..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi took out a token and said coldly: "I am acting on the order of the master of Qiankun Cave. Those who dare to resist will be killed without mercy."

"Master of Qiankun Cave."

Yu Wenwenji's face darkened slightly, he did not expect that the Sword City of Disaster had also become a killing tool for the master of Qiankun Cave.

"Princess, follow them and leave!"

Yu Wenhuaji's expression was vicissitudes, and he said: "The Lord of Qiankun Cave is not something we can offend."

The princess didn't talk to her, she just resigned, which is her attitude towards life. If you can't resist, then accept your fate.

"Excuse me, who is the master of Qiankun Cave?"

Yan Chengfeng asked, he really had never heard of Qiankun Cave Lord.

Lin Pingzhi looked indifferent and said: "Shuzi, stand firm and listen clearly. The master of Qiankun Cave is the supreme devil. If you dare to resist, he will eat you."

Yan Chengfeng felt like he was being molested, but he had no proof.

Yan Chengfeng asked, "Where is the Master of the Qiankun Cave?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly and said, "Where can the master of the Qiankun cave be, of course, in your mother's room."


Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, he really didn't want to kill anyone!


Suddenly, a rattan came across the years and pierced through Lin Pingzhi's body.

In just a moment of effort, the people here were all killed by the cane, and the bones were piled up.


Seeing this scene, Yu Wenhua's eyes widened, and he stared at Yan Chengfeng.

"Let's go quickly and leave this place of right and wrong immediately."

Yu Wenhua did not dare to stay here and left quickly.

Yan Chengfeng beheaded the people who brought disaster to Sword City, no doubt provoking the master of Qiankun Cave.

They are all afraid of Qiankun Cave Master, and of course they dare not deal with Yan Chengfeng.

"Looks like a catastrophe is imminent."

Tang Haoyue stretched and said, "Some people are addicted to pretending to be criticized, and they will finally be cleaned up."

If Yan Chengfeng was bullied, she would definitely not help, who would let this guy bully her all day long.

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly, glanced at the sky, and said, "It's getting dark, let's go to the Tianlong Empire to stay overnight!"

He stretched out his hand and took Tang Haoyue into his arms, shrunk the ground into an inch, and left in an instant.

The Heavenly Dragon Empire is different from other places. After nightfall, all the pavilions and pavilions close their doors and turn off the lights, so they are very afraid of strangers.

Yan Chengfeng and Tang Haoyue wandered a few streets before they found an inn that was still open.

The owner of the inn is an old woman. There is no one in the inn, and the lights are dark.

Yan Chengfeng said indifferently: "Boss, prepare a room for us."

Mapo lit an oil lamp and said, "Come upstairs with me!"

The two of them didn't think much, and followed Mapo upstairs.

"Boss, why is it that when night falls, no one lights the lights in the entire Heavenly Dragon Empire. As we walked along, many people closed their doors and turned off the lights."

Tang Haoyue's heart was full of curiosity, she felt very strange.

Mapo didn't speak, Yan Chengfeng explained: "It will be the Ghost Festival in two days. Any phenomenon you see in the Tianlong Empire is a normal phenomenon, so don't make a fuss."

"Ghost Festival."

Tang Haoyue's eyes were deep and he said, "Is there really a ghost in this world?"

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly and said, "Why, you are afraid of ghosts!"

"whispering sound!"

Tang Haoyue snorted and said displeasedly, "If anyone is afraid, don't look down on them."

Yan Chengfeng smiled without saying a word, and did not continue to tease Tang Haoyue.

Mapo took the two to the guest room and left immediately.

Come to the room.

Tang Haoyue sat on the bed and said curiously, "Yan Chengfeng, that Mapo didn't say a word, do you think she is a ghost?"

"When we fall asleep, come and **** our spirits dry."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "I won't let her **** it, I will only **** it for you and Gan Mei."


Tang Haoyue rolled her eyes, not wanting to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng.

She is really convinced, this guy drives really well.

Yan Chengfeng was not polite, he directly bullied himself up, and stripped Tang Haoyue completely.

"Don't mess around."

Tang Haoyue frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "That Mapo is eavesdropping outside, what do you want to do!"

She was a little depressed, but she didn't expect that old woman, who was a lot of age, to have such a hobby.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were burning, and he said, "Haoyue, I want you."

Tang Haoyue shook his head and refused, "Didn't we agree before? You can play whatever you want, but you can't break through the last barrier."

Yan Chengfeng was too lazy to take care of it, and wanted to be **** it directly. He was making a move when his head suddenly fainted, and he passed out without any warning.


"Yan Chengfeng, what's wrong with you?"

Tang Haoyue's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she was a little worried when she saw Yan Chengfeng fainted.

She pushed Yan Chengfeng away and put on her clothes.

If Yan Chengfeng hadn't fainted, she would definitely change from a girl to a woman tonight, and Yan Chengfeng would take the red pill.

Unexpectedly, Yan Chengfeng would suddenly faint.

"Is he alright!"

Tang Haoyue was a little worried. During this time, Yan Chengfeng's condition was very bad. One second, he was still vigorous, but the next second, it was like a hollowed-out body.

This was the first time Yan Chengfeng fainted. She wanted to find someone to take a look, but she didn't dare to go out. After all, this place was too weird.

She quietly stayed by Yan Chengfeng's side, and after a stick of incense, Yan Chengfeng woke up leisurely.

"How are you doing?"

Tang Haoyue frowned slightly and asked, "Is there something wrong with the secret method of your cultivation? You are very worrying."

Yan Chengfeng lived a second life, no one knew whether the side effects of this secret method were great, Tang Haoyue was really scared.

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