Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 108: See you all, sign up

Gan Mei pulled La Yan Chengfeng's sleeve, she didn't like Yi Cailin, and motioned Yan Chengfeng to say no.

Yan Chengfeng understood what Gan Mei meant, and said solemnly, "Don't bother, she doesn't like you."

After saying these words, Yan Chengfeng immediately left with Gan Mei.

Yi Cailin's eyes were full of joy, and she said, "It seems that he rejected me because Gan Mei was by his side."

"Let's see how I can get rid of Gan Mei, and then play with him in the water."

Yi Cailin was very happy, because what Yan Chengfeng said was that Gan Mei didn't like her, not that he didn't like her.

She saw hope, as long as she made some arrangements, she would definitely be able to spend the spring night with Yan Chengfeng.

Yi Cailin did not delay, and immediately went to the layout, wanting to catch Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng and Gan Mei left the Yijia store and went to the inn to meet Tang Haoyue and others.

"Yan Chengfeng, why did you come so slowly?"

Seeing Yan Chengfeng and Gan Mei coming over, Tang Haoyue said with a wicked smile, "You two shouldn't do shameful things again!"

Yan Chengfeng was silent, he didn't even bother to pay attention to Tang Haoyue.

Qianmei looked unhappy, and complained: "Being a shameful thing with wool, the eldest lady of the Yi family business, Yi Cailin, wants to stick to Yan Chengfeng."

"That woman is like a dog skin plaster, and she can't shake it off, otherwise, we would have come here long ago."

"Yi Cailin of Yijia Firm."

Guan Aoxue frowned slightly. She knew Yi Cailin. This person is not only the eldest lady of the Yi family's business, but also the arrogance of Xingchen Academy.

She didn't expect that Yan Chengfeng was so attractive that she could meet women who posted backwards everywhere.

"I can't tell, your charm is quite big!"

Tang Haoyue came to Yan Chengfeng's side, smiled and said, "Ignore me! Are you afraid of falling in love with me?"

Yan Chengfeng pushed Tang Haoyue and said, "I really convinced you."


Tang Haoyue laughed loudly by Yan Chengfeng, she knew that Yan Chengfeng was not a good person.

Yan Chengfeng walked to the side and sat down, and said, "This competition between the four universities is very important. It determines whether you can enter the Golden Sea of ​​God."

"Golden Sea of ​​God."

Tang Haoyue was a little puzzled and said, "Didn't we go there before?"

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent and said, "You went to only a small part of it before, and it is a safe area."

"It has been mentioned before that the great power of the human race is guarding in the Golden Divine Sea. Like the Eight Banners, the sage king stays in the Golden Divine Sea, guarding that side of the world."

"The big competition between the four universities is just the beginning. If you want to become stronger, you must take every step seriously."

Tang Haoyue and others suddenly realized that they didn't care too much about it.

Yan Chengfeng asked, "Has Yu Xiaowei not come yet?"

Tang Haoyue shook his head and said, "I don't think she will come here. I heard that she went to the wasteland to have a blind date with a man named Ye Junhuang."

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and lightly rubbed his eyebrows, then said, "It's fine if you don't come."

Who Yu Xiaowei wants to be with, he doesn't care at all.

"It turns out that I really have no status in your heart at all!"

Yu You Wei stepped in and said with a smile, "It's a shame that I rejected Ye Junhuang for your sake. You make me so sad!"

Seeing Yu Youwei walk in, Yan Chengfeng said solemnly, "It was really because of me, wasn't it for other reasons?"


Yu Youwei said a little embarrassedly: "Okay! I was rejected. I didn't even see Ye Junhuang's figure this time."

"It was a woman who came forward. That woman should be Ye Junhuang's sweetheart. As for her name, I didn't ask."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "Since you're here, come with me to sign up!"

The competition of the four universities has already started registration.

"Let's go!"

The crowd didn't think much, and walked out.

Tianxu City, the place to sign up.

There are many people gathered here, and they are all open handicap. Behind these people, there is the support of the big sect, and they have a solid background.

"Yan Chengfeng, there is a place to open handicap."

Tang Haoyue's eyes were bright and she said, "Why don't we go and bet on ourselves!"

Yan Chengfeng said indifferently: "This kind of gambling is meaningless, let's compete with peace of mind!"

"Besides, what are you doing to win some fine jade?"

Tang Haoyue pouted helplessly, and could only follow Yan Chengfeng to sign up.

The place to sign up was in charge of two strong men, the old man named Qin Wu and the old woman named Qing Ya, these two were a couple.

"Brother Yan, long time no see!"

Qin Wu stood up, cupped his hands and said, "This time the Imperial Court is reopened. If Brother Yan takes these younger generations to win the first place, it will really be a face."

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly and said, "The arrogance of the four universities is like a crucian carp crossing the river. They want to get the first place, but their ancestors haven't accumulated enough virtue."

"The two of you are here to take charge of the assessment this time. Is the war over the Golden Divine Sea very tense?"


Qin Wu sighed helplessly and said, "The battle in the Golden Sea of ​​God is not too tense, but the wise kings of the Eight Banners are already too late."

"The sage king of the Eight Banners now does not have the deterrent power of the year."

"The general is old, but none of the descendants of the ten thousand clans of the common people can carry the banner of guarding the common people. The peace of the ten thousand clans of the common people may be broken."

They all know that it is very likely that all the clans of the common people will usher in a catastrophe.

Whether this world-destroying catastrophe can be safely passed, no one knows.

While speaking, Qing Ya had already registered everyone's names.

They also got the token, ready for a conquest.

"Three days later, the first round of the competition will start."

Qingya interrupted the conversation between the two and said indifferently, "Yan Chengfeng, remember not to be late."

Yan Chengfeng nodded, and immediately left with everyone.

Qing Ya and Qin Wu continue to be in charge of registration.

After leaving the area, Tang Haoyue said with some doubts: "Yan Chengfeng, that Qingya senior, seems to have a bad attitude towards you. Did the two of you have any grudges before?"

Hearing this, Yan Chengfeng thought for a while and said solemnly, "She and Qin Wu are the elders of the Fenxian Clan, but they are not staying in the Fenxian Clan, but guarding the Golden Divine Sea."

"You master and I, at that time it was really a beautiful moon, looking at the heavens and the world, down to the sect saints, up to the goddess, no one didn't like me."

"However, I only have cultivation in my heart, and I have let down the kindness of many beauties."

"If I didn't refuse anyone at that time, you would go the wrong way, and the beauties you met might all be your mistresses."

"Oh! I don't mention it, it's sad to mention it!"

Hearing Yan Chengfeng bragging, Tang Haoyue couldn't help but pouted and said, "Who wouldn't be bragging! I don't believe that everyone really likes you."

"Apart from being handsome, you are full of flaws, who would like you!"

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