Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 104: Go to Yijia, Rune Key

Qi Shuiyao and the others did not delay, and they took the lead in leaving the Wild Fire Bird.

Yan Chengfeng took Gan Mei to the Yijia store.

The Yijia Company is located in an ancient mountain range, which is inaccessible and difficult for ordinary people to set foot on.

three days later.

Yan Chengfeng and Gan Mei came to Yi's house, and Yi Tianjue came out to greet them in person.

"My lord, I was just about to contact you through voice transmission, but I didn't expect you to come here."

Yi Tianjue greeted him and said with a smile: "We have been at the source of the Ming River recently, salvaging that item. However, there are no clues yet."

"Don't worry, my lord, we will definitely go all out to salvage that item."

Yan Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "Give me a guest room, I will rest for the night, and I will accompany you to the source of the Ming River tomorrow morning."

"Sir, wait a moment, I will have someone prepare it immediately."

Yi Tianjue did not dare to neglect Yan Chengfeng, and immediately ordered someone to clean up the guest room.

After the guest room was cleaned up, Yi Tianjue led Yan Chengfeng and Gan Mei over.

Yi Tianjue smiled and asked, "Sir, do you need dinner?"

Yan Chengfeng said calmly, "No need, don't come to disturb me."

Yi Tianjue stepped back and emptied everyone here.

Yan Chengfeng brought Gan Mei into the guest room and said, "Rest! Follow me to the source of the Styx tomorrow morning."

He was really tired and fell asleep as soon as he lay down on the bed.


Gan Mei smiled helplessly. She has been with Yan Chengfeng for a long time, and she has a little understanding of Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng's body is in good condition, but she is easily tired.

She lay beside Yan Chengfeng and accompanies Yan Chengfeng to sleep.

The mountains and rivers are forever silent, and the years are good.

early morning.

The morning sun rises and falls like the tide.

After Gan Mei woke up, she began to tease Yan Chengfeng.

With a strand of her hair, she gently rubbed the tip of Yan Chengfeng's nose.

When the itching came, Yan Chengfeng frowned slightly and slowly opened his eyes.

"Really naughty."

Yan Chengfeng took Gan Mei into his arms, and said solemnly, "Get up and take a shower!"

"whispering sound!"

Gan Mei snorted and reluctantly left Yan Chengfeng's embrace.

After the two washed up, they immediately went to the courtyard of the Yi family.

Yi Tianjue had already prepared breakfast for everyone, and after everyone had eaten breakfast, they set off for the source of the Styx River.

The source of the River Styx, endless tombs.

It is rumored that at the source of the Ming River, there are countless gods of the Ming family buried.

The deceased deity of the Ming family wanted to live out the second life, and handed over all the fate to the source of the Ming River.

After a stick of incense.

Yan Chengfeng, Gan Mei, and Yi Tianjue came to the source of the Ming River, where the strong men of the Yi family were salvaging items.

"Chengfeng, is the item you asked to salvage here, is it precious?"

Gan Mei is curious, and what can make Yan Chengfeng fall in love must be extraordinary.

Yan Chengfeng didn't hide it, and told him, "This thing is one of the main keys to unlocking the Primal Chaos. If you can find it, it will save you a lot of trouble."

Gan Mei suddenly understood and said, "I heard that the gods of the Ming clan are buried here, waiting for the opportunity to live out the second life."

"It seems that the ambitions of the Pluto are not small! It's a pity that the current Pluto chose to cooperate with the Cave of Ten Thousand Fires."

"Although Wanhuo Cave is a good partner, Yanhong Carp has a deep mind, and no one will be able to take advantage of her."

"I'm just afraid that Hades lost his wife and lost his army, which would be laughable and generous!"

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly and said, "Don't underestimate Hades, after all, those who can control the Hades are not fools."

"The flaming red carp wants to use Hades as a spearman, which is simply delusional."

"It's quite enlightened!"

Gan Mei held Yan Chengfeng's palm and said with a smile, "I don't even speak for Yanhong carp now."

Seeing that Yan Chengfeng did not help Yanhong carp to speak, Gan Mei was very happy. In her heart, Yan Chengfeng and her have long since separated from each other.

Yan Chengfeng smiled without saying a word, Gan Mei was not only his double repair furnace, but also his closest person.

"Patriarch, something is born."

At this time, the creatures of the Yi family in the distance hurriedly shouted.

Hearing this, Yi Tianjue rushed over immediately.

Yan Chengfeng and Gan Mei also stepped forward, and the creatures of the Yi family salvaged a black iron chain.

"Sir, the material of this iron chain is extraordinary, I am afraid it is the coffin of the gods of the underworld."

Yi Tianjue's eyes sank slightly, and he worriedly said: "If you salvage it hastily, I am afraid that the people of the Ming clan will be accused by Xingshi."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Don't worry about the Ming clan, just salvage it!"

Seeing that Yan Chengfeng was so determined, Yi Tianjue didn't think much about it, and immediately asked someone to salvage the iron chain.

This iron chain is very long, and when a stick of incense was used, the creatures of the Yi family pulled the iron chain out.

This iron chain locked a coffin, and the whole body of the coffin was covered with runes, which looked very strange.

"Chengfeng, what rune is this, it feels very unfathomable."

Gan Mei's heart is full of doubts, this coffin is extremely extraordinary.

Yan Chengfeng said calmly and calmly, "These are demon-suppressing talismans, and they are the exclusive secret talismans of Shu Dao Xianmen. However, these are just for concealment."

"Open the coffin! There must be something I want in here."

Yan Chengfeng gave an order, and the Yi family's life did not delay, immediately tore off the rune on the coffin and opened the coffin.

In the coffin, there is a wooden product similar to a key, and its whole body has a black mist flowing through it. Through the layers of mist, some strange symbols can be vaguely seen.

These symbols are mysterious, and no one knows their origins.

"That's it."

Yan Chengfeng put it away. This is the rune key, one of the main keys to open the Primal Chaos.

Besides, it has other wonderful uses.

"The underworld actually hid this rune key, their ambitions are not small!"

Yan Chengfeng smiled and didn't care too much. The plans of the Ming clan are but a drop in the ocean.

And what he wanted was the ultimate secret.

In this life, no one can stop him.

He wants to make arrangements for eternity and fish the heavens.

"Sir, since you have obtained the rune key, you must go to Tianxu City next!"

Yi Tianjue said in a deep voice: "The Yi family company also has a branch in Tianxu City. I can arrange for someone from the Yi family to greet you and wash the dust for you."

Yan Chengfeng said solemnly, "You can do it!"

"As ordered."

Yi Tianjue was very happy and immediately ordered the news.

"Sir, please move to Yi's house first, and it's not too late to leave after lunch."

Yan Chengfeng did not refuse Yi Tianjue's invitation.

The group returned to Yi's house again.

The rune key was taken away by Yan Chengfeng, and the Ming clan received the news immediately.

Apollo informed Pluto about this, but Pluto did not comment on it. No one knows what Pluto is thinking.

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