The Dao Gu Immortal King walked out of the void, surrounded by a chaotic qi.

The strength of the whole body did not leak a single bit, otherwise, this sky would have exploded.

“Lin Hong, are you willing to worship under my door and become a disciple?”

At this time, the Dao Gu Immortal King opened his mouth and said directly indifferently.

Lin Hong glanced at Lin Quan, and when he saw him nodding in approval, he quickly knelt down.

The inheritance he obtained came from the ordinary old man, and the ordinary old man was the doppelganger of the latter, and he was naturally willing in his heart.

The Dao Gu Immortal King nodded, and then said to Lin Quan: “Daoist rest assured, I will definitely take good care of the latter in the future.” ”

Then he flicked his sleeves and directly took Lin Hong into the void and disappeared.

“Hong’er, this is the last thing your father can do for you, in the future, it will depend on you.”

Lin Quan looked at the void with complicated eyes, and then muttered to himself.

Previously, in the starry sky, he directly used An Lan’s most powerful force to suppress the Dao Gu Immortal King in one fell swoop.

Only in this way will the latter’s status be greatly improved in the starry sky and will not be bullied by others.

“Daddy, how did the battle between you go?”

Lin Yunhe couldn’t help but come forward and ask.

“Well, it’s barely a tie.” After thinking for a while, Lin Quan decided not to tell the truth.


Lin Yunhe’s eyes were shocked, he never thought that his father was so terrifying.

That was a peerless powerhouse outside the starry sky.

Although I don’t know the absolute strength of the latter, I rely on my father’s solemn look.

Obviously, it must be a peerless powerhouse. 、

However, even so, it is incredible that Dad can actually fight to a draw.

Daddy is indeed a hermit master!

At this moment, a sound of “ding” came, and when Lin Quan saw it, he saw a voice coming from the voice transmission talisman of the third man.

“Daddy, I’m leaving too, goodbye!”

After the words were spoken, he heard the sound of a formation breaking through the void, and then, it completely disappeared.


That’s probably too fast.

Lin Quan was a little helpless, the boss just left, and the third left immediately.

It’s so fast, it’s unexpected!

“Dad, eldest brother, and third brother are gone, I don’t think I can be left behind, and I will leave immediately. Head to the stars. ”

Lin Yunhe took a deep breath, clenched his fists and said firmly.

Lin Quan was a little helpless, these three sons were more urgent than the other, and they should have given birth to several more sons in the first place.

These three sons are also too filial piety.

Can’t your second son stay and spend more time with your father?

“Let’s go, let’s go, I get upset when I see you.”

Lin Quan waved his hand and said with a direct wave.

“Daddy rest assured, I will definitely find the remaining inheritance of the Human Emperor outside the starry sky.”

Lin Yunhe’s eyes showed determination, and then his entire figure disappeared directly.

With the cultivation of the latter’s Great Emperor realm, shuttling through space, you can reach the Northern Regions Cemetery almost the next moment.

The entire hall suddenly became empty, looking extremely deserted.

“Hey, you haven’t left yet?”

At this time, Lin Quan suddenly turned around and looked at the beautiful woman standing on a hill outside the hall.

said lightly.

“Senior, I…”

When the eldest princess heard this, she came to the main hall in an instant, and muttered with a somewhat complicated look in her eyes.

“Okay, you don’t have to bother, I won’t help you anything.”

Lin Quan directly waved his hand to interrupt her words and said coldly.

The eldest princess’s face turned red, and then she stood respectfully to the side, silent.

But her eyes were shining with monstrous waves at this moment.

She clearly saw the scene of the latter’s previous battle in the stars, but she did not expect that the one who arrived was actually the Dao Gu Immortal King, the master of the Supreme Star Domain!

For this Immortal King, a star domain ruler of the high-level universe, she naturally knew something.

It is rumored that he has already embarked on the road to breaking the king and becoming an emperor, and he is one of the supreme immortal kings.

Even in the high-level universe, it belongs to the absolute supreme being-like existence!

However, here, those who were suppressed to death with one move could not get up.

It’s just amazing.

The eldest princess then understood what an old monster she was facing.

This kind of existence has probably already reached the peak of the Immortal King, except for the Immortal Emperor level, it is already invincible!

Lin Quan glanced at her lightly, and saw that the latter was still following him.

Don felt upset and skimmed directly across the space.

The eldest princess was dumbfounded.

“Senior Lin, is this not waiting to see me?”

The corners of his mouth pursed slightly, and then the whole person disappeared directly, appeared on a mountain, and sat quietly.

Around, the disciples of the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land saw her and walked away casually.

Some elders knew that she was an immortal and did not dare to step forward and let her sit there.

Heavenly Fire Dynasty, Ming Mansion.

As the truly majestic Ming King Mansion of the Heavenly Fire Dynasty, even if King Ming is not there, it is still crowded, and the two large lion stone statues in front of the door stand majestically, overlooking the world.

At this moment, a young man with white hair slowly came with his hand in his hand.

He looked at the Ming King Mansion where people came and went, obviously only a few months away, but it seemed to be hundreds of years apart.

“Sir, it’s Master!”

“The lord is back! The lord is back! ”

Go and inform Madame that the lord is back!

At this time, the guard guarding in front of the door immediately recognized the latter and quickly exclaimed in surprise.

Immediately, he ran towards the courtyard with a puff of smoke.

At this time, outside the Ming Mansion, countless people were coming and going.

At this moment, they heard the shout, and immediately knew the identity of the latter, and immediately knelt down in a large piece.

The mouth kept shouting Ming King Chitose!

Now, with the news of the latter’s wedding banquet, it has spread almost all over the entire Yonghe Continent.

Even small kingdoms like the Heavenly Fire Dynasty had heard the news.

As the Supreme, Lin Quan is known as the first person in the Yonghe Continent.

At this level, where they could raise their eyes and see, countless people knelt down, and their eyes showed hesitation.

Lin Quan ignored them, and with just one step, he came to the courtyard.

Inside the courtyard, it still looks like before.


Suddenly, a pleasant voice came, and Shen Shuang’er quickly ran over with a happy face.


Lin Quan’s eyes were overjoyed, and he immediately took the latter into his arms.

Shen Shuang’er is one of the four beauties in the capital, and is now the biological mother of her eldest son Lin Hong.

“Sir, you haven’t been there for many days, but you want to die.”

Shen Shuang’er frowned slightly, so she complained.

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