“Huh! This is only the first gift, and this second gift is that from now on, the Wuji Nanzong will double the surrounding area. ”

Southern Region Supreme smiled slightly and said lightly.

“Then thank the Southern Region Supreme this time.”

Lin Quan hugged his fist and smiled slightly.

With his hundred years of experience, how could he not see that the latter was making amends for Lin Yan on the surface, but in fact he came specifically for himself.

Immediately said: “There will be a wedding in the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land soon, and I hope that the Southern Region Supreme will come together.” I will sweep the welcome. ”

“This is nature, we’ll see you at the wedding.”

The Southern Region Supreme’s eyes showed surprise, and the Northern Region Supreme invited himself to the wedding.

In this way, the latter is accepting his own reparation.

It seems that this trip did not come in vain.

With a slightly meaningful glance at the latter, the Southern Region Supreme stood with his hands in his hands, and disappeared here with a turn.

Wen Ren Ruoxue looked at Lin Quan who returned, and said with some panic: “Who was that person just now?” ”

“Southern Region Supreme.” Lin Quan said lightly.

“Southern Region Supreme, what is he doing here?”

There was a trace of doubt in Wen Ruoxue’s eyes, and he was slightly puzzled.

“Huh! He came specifically to invite me to our 100th birthday. ”

Lin Quan smiled slightly, and couldn’t help but joke.

“Hmph! Dislike. ”

When he heard this, his cheeks were slightly red, and the corners of his mouth were slightly pursed.

There was a hint of dodging in his eyes.


Lin Quan smiled, he didn’t expect that the Heavenly Phoenix Emperor in front of the world suddenly had such a shy scene.

If you are seen by others, I don’t know how many people’s eyes will be surprised.

Lin Quan smiled faintly, and immediately went straight to the Great Hall of the Wuji Southern Sect.


Lin Yan was sitting in the position of the sect master, and beside him, Elder Rong and Gu Ling were sitting cross-legged with each other.

With the help of the sect’s resources, Rong Lao’s body has become more and more solidified, and now he is only the last step to exercise his body.

However, this step is not in a hurry, the body is very long, and the most important thing now is to make up for the soul that has been wasted over the years.

And this step, Lin Quan naturally didn’t know how to do it, only their alchemists figured it out themselves.

“Benefactor, you are here.”

Seeing Lin Quan, Elder Rong and Gu Ling both stood up and bowed respectfully.

Rong Lao’s face was a little complicated, when he was betrayed by the assassin, a trace of soul remnant ring fell to the northern region.

At the beginning, he saw that Lin Yan was very talented and had the talent of an alchemist.

In addition, he is not very valued by others, and his parents are both worldly people.

Therefore, this specially accepted Lin Yan as an apprentice and taught the exercises.

And he did not live up to his expectations, and became a heavenly and human realm in just a few years.

However, who would have thought that this originally worldly family would suddenly come out of the water first. Daddy is actually the Supreme of the Northern Regions.

And everything about himself has long been known by the latter.

Especially this time, without Lin Quan’s help, I am afraid that he will really fall completely.

Thinking about it like this, Elder Rong also felt ashamed.

The son of the Supreme, where he needs to be a teacher himself, to say it, it is simply laughing generously.

As for the ancient spirit on the side, he didn’t feel so much.

He was simply grateful for the return of his old friend and the eradication of Ling Feng’s group of masterkillers.

“Daddy, why are you here?”

Lin Yan stood up and walked over and said suspiciously.

In his heart, Daddy has always liked to stay with Aunt Xue and has never been here.

Today is the first time I have come here.

“I met the Southern Region Supreme just now.”

Lin Quan directly brought this sentence, and the words fell.

The faces of the three people in front of them were all slightly shocked, and they all looked puzzled.

The Southern Region Supreme is the supreme being of the entire Southern Region, what is he doing here?

“Huh! But don’t worry. He came over and brought two gifts. ”

Sensing the apprehension in their minds, Lin Quan smiled slightly.

Immediately, he directly spoke: “The first gift is the lives of all the people in the Demon Sect, among which the head of the Demon Sect has been reduced to ashes, which is something I have seen with my own eyes. ”

“And the second thing is that the territory of the Wuji Southern Sect has been expanded by two times on the basis of staying away.”

For the three of them, these two news are extremely shocking good news, and each one is extremely shocking.

The total destruction of the first Demon Sect was simply terrifying.

The first major sect in the Southern Region other than the Supreme Dynasty, but now it was directly destroyed.

The news was so shocking.

And the second news was even more terrifying, the entire territory of the Wuji Southern Sect was enough to occupy a million miles, and if it was expanded by two times, the resources within its sect would be greatly enhanced.

It can be imagined that in the near future, the Wuji Southern Sect will definitely produce talents.

Even the birth of the Great Emperor is not an impossible thing.

Lin Yan suddenly became happy when he heard this, he was now the sect master of the Wuji South Sect, naturally hoping that the sect could prosper.

And Rong Lao and Gu Ling are both old and refined people, naturally they will not think that these are specially prepared by the Southern Region Supreme for the sect.

I’m afraid that these are all for the sake of the face of the Supreme of the Northern Regions.

Only such a strong person would make the Supreme not hesitate to kill a sect and divide the region.

The relationship between this can be seen at a glance.

“I’ll wait, thank you for your support.”

Elder Rong and Gu Ling looked at each other, and they both bowed down and said.

These two gifts cannot be described as unimportant.

The first thing was enough to shock everyone and make them jealous of the Wuji Nanzong.

And the second is very helpful for the development of Wuji Nanzong, and under the growth of resources, there will definitely be more and more masters.

Even a great emperor may be born in the future.

Northern Territories.

The gravekeeper looked at the young figure in the sky, and his eyes were full of tears.

I don’t know how many years have passed, but now the human emperor has finally truly reappeared in the world.

From now on, the Northern Regions will once again appear on the stage of the Yonghe Continent under the leadership of the Human Emperor.


In the sky, the golden pillar of light exuded a mighty breath.

Then the golden pillar of light instantly contracted, and outside the domain, there was a star light shining.

In the end, the golden light flowed and condensed into a huge golden dragon!

The golden dragon snaked around, its huge body covering half of the sky. The huge dragon power spread out, causing the entire earth to tremble.


The dragon suddenly roared up to the sky, and outside the domain, the light of the starry sky flickered, and finally converged in the body of the golden dragon.

The golden dragon finally rose into the sky and looked at the young man in mid-air, and finally looked like a human pose.

Bow your head and bow down!

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