Inside the main hall.

“Who is Your Excellency, trespassing on my Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land?”

The Great Elder was also shocked by the momentum of the latter’s sword, and immediately came back to his senses.

Langshengshi asked.

“Old dog, you don’t deserve to know my name yet.”

Patting Wen Ruoxue’s back, Lin Quan suddenly stepped forward and said coldly.

His gaze was deep, as if there were stars levitating, and there was a constant aura around him.

Lin Quan looked at the old man opposite, and a killing intent slowly emerged in his eyes.

It was this old ghost that caused her daughter to not recognize her mother.

Now he wants to restrain Wen Ren Ruoxue with the rules of the ancestor, and even wants to kill her.

“You really damn it!”

Lin Quan stood in the void, his eyes blazing as red.

At this moment, the power of the Qinglian Sword Immortal had already gathered in the body, forming a supreme power and spreading out.

The entire heaven and earth fell silent, and the furious power swept away like a hurricane, covering the entire hall with majestic coercion.

The Qinglian Sword Immortal is different from ordinary Li Bai.

For example, when he first used the Sword Immortal to reach the Qingxia Sect, he was the most ordinary Li Bai, and his strength was only in the Heavenly Human Realm.

And this time, the Qinglian Sword Immortal is the Supreme Realm, and its combat power has increased countless times.

Therefore, when Lin Quan released a supreme aura, the entire hall was in a state of shaking.

This is also because the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land has been strengthened for countless years, otherwise what halls in the world can withstand the coercion of the Supreme.

Lin Quan stood in the void, his roots and hair were as clear as snow, the aura of the avenue around his body flowed, and there was a scene of stars collapsing and time disillusioned in his dark eyes.

He stood with his hands in his hands, and the aura emanating from his body alone was already unbearable.

It’s horrible!

“Are you deceiving me that no one in the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land is incompatible?”

The Great Elder felt that his entire body was about to melt, this kind of power was too powerful, just the qi machine was unbearable.

“Hmph! It’s a joke, when you persecuted the Heavenly Phoenix Saint Lord, you thought about the identity of the latter, and today I will recover a little interest for her. ”

With a sneer, Lin Quan said indifferently.

“If anyone violates the rules of the Holy Land, he is doomed to be deprived of his position as Holy Lord.”

The Great Elder resolutely did not let go, and said in a resolute tone.

“These are just the reasons you used to ascend to the position of the Holy Lord, can you also hide it from me?”

Lin Quan sneered, and immediately prepared to directly kill the killer.

This great elder, how he sees how awkward.

Kill it directly, just for Ruoxue to export anger.

“Sword come!”

With a bang, a long sword appeared directly in the void, it was the Zhenxian Immortal Sword!

“Zhen Evil Immortal Sword? It turns out that you took it away. ”

The Great Elder’s eyes were horrified, and he recognized the latter as the supreme treasure of the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land at a glance.

Immediately turned his head and looked at Wen Ruoxue.

“Go and die!”

Lin Quan let out a low groan, and the Zhen Evil Immortal Sword crossed the sky and directly penetrated.

The void continued to ripple, and finally shattered directly.

“Elders, please Holy Tower!”

A cold color flashed in the eyes of the Great Elder, and he immediately shouted coldly.

When many elders heard this, they were suddenly surprised, and without hesitation, they each formed several complex marks, and then hit the void together.

Within the void, there was an ancient aura slowly surging, as if it was about to be revealed.

Lin Quan’s gaze also suddenly became a little more solemn, and he could clearly detect that there was an ancient power slowly reviving in the void.

The strength of that aura was slightly shocked even at the current supreme level.

“It’s not good, it’s the Holy Tower.”

Wen Ruoxue also walked over, she looked at the void, and there was a worried look on her face.

“What exactly is this Holy Tower?”

Lin Quan was a little puzzled.

Wen Ren Ruoxue’s eyes flashed with complexity, and then said: “The Holy Pagoda is the strongest hole card of the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land, and it was erected by the ancestor when he created the Holy Land. ”

“Every Holy Lord will disperse his strength into the holy tower when he is on the verge of sitting down.”

“Over time, the power of the Holy Tower has also increased to an extremely terrifying state, and even I dare not fight it.”

“And the Holy Tower has always been in the hands of the elders, the reason why I dare not recognize Yue’er over the years, in addition to the rules of the Holy Land, the most important thing is the deterrence of the Holy Tower!”

So tough?

Lin Quan also exhaled slightly, Wen Ruoxue was an extreme emperor-level figure who surpassed the Supreme.

Then it seems that the power of the Holy Tower is likely to reach the level of “Immortal”.

In this way, this time it is a bit troublesome.

However, he still has a chance to use Anlan, and if it really ends up, he can only use it.

At this time, ripples had begun in the void, and finally spread into a black hole that was several feet long.

In the black hole, the light wave was disillusioned, and a holy tower that was dozens of feet long slowly emerged from the void.

The Holy Pagoda is full of golden light, like an ancient jade cast, and the whole body exudes complex veins.

An incomparably dignified aura came, causing the entire heaven and earth to quietly strengthen a little.

At the same time, with the emergence of the Holy Tower, Lin Quan’s breath also dissipated rapidly like ice and snow meeting fire.

In the blink of an eye, only the Holy Tower was suspended in the entire hall!

“Haha! Even if you are the Supreme, I have the Holy Tower in hand, and you are destined to run away today. ”

The Great Elder smiled arrogantly.

“By the way, don’t you have the power to kill immortals? Why don’t you use it now? ”

There was a faint disdain in the eyes of the Great Elder, he had heard that the latter had the power to kill immortals.

But he knew that the latter was just a supreme, and the so-called Immortal Killer was likely to be a one-time magic weapon.

Countless thousands of years ago, the Yonghe Continent was invaded and there were immortal wars.

If there is an immortal killing magic weapon left, it is also an extremely normal thing.

And obviously, this white-haired supreme has obtained this magic weapon, which is likely to be a one-time immortal killing magic weapon.

After all, immortal treasures also need immortals to urge success, and only this kind of one-time can be used by the supreme.

The Great Elder was gambling, gambling with his life, and he ended up betting right.

Of course, that more powerful An Lan blow was not something he could know at all.

In fact, only the Supreme Being can understand the power of this level.

Only at this level can his gaze penetrate the continent and come beyond the starry sky!

And other existences, even at the emperor level, cannot be explored.

In fact, when Lin Quan delivered this blow, not many strong people cared about it.

Because their realm is small, to put it ugly, they are not qualified at all!

Most people are shocked because of the killing fairy!

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