In the meantime, Lin Quan’s heart has long flown to the Eastern Region, and looking at the Holy Son and Holy Daughter who came to hunt for treasures below, he can only say sorry in his heart!

If he wants to leave the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm and go to the Eastern Region, he must lock the door!

So, the secret realm has to end early!

The next moment, Lin Quan drank slightly!


The voice fell, the sky thundered, and above the clear sky, countless light bands were densely covered, spreading across the entire sky, exuding an esoteric aura.

Immortal Array Starts!

“This is!”

The Holy Son below faintly guessed something, and before he could say anything, the whole person was sucked by a terrifying suction force and turned into a white light.

Outside, in the Eastern Region Taiyi Holy Land, a group of King Realm elders still attach great importance to the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm, since the Holy Land’s Clear Wind Saint Son and the Shocking Saint Girl entered the secret realm, every day there is a King Realm powerhouse leading some disciples to guard the altar.


The altar shook and flashed a burst of white light.

“The altar is lit, someone is coming out, could it be that the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm is going to end early?”

In the past, the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm had been opened several times, and each time it was quasi-maintained for three months before it began to close, why did it close in advance this time?

Just as they were thinking doubtfully, there was a soft click, and a void crack appeared above the altar.

A handsome-looking teenager dressed in a blue robe walked out of it.

“The Holy Son of Qingfeng is out!”

Someone recognized this young man at a glance, it was the Holy Son of their Taiyi Holy Land.

“What happened inside the secret realm? Why did it end early this time? ”

At this time, a Wang Jing glared at the whispering disciple, and the scene instantly quieted down, and they all looked at the Qingfeng Saint Son curiously.

They were also very curious about what happened in the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm.


When the Qingfeng Saint Son thought of the scene inside, his face was a little strange, and in front of the elders of the King Realm, he told the story of what happened in the secret realm!

“What? Have you encountered this group of shady rats of the abandoned tribe? ”

Without hearing a few words, even the Wang Realm Elder couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise.

“The group of guys who abandoned the clan are actually so ruthless, and they cut themselves off to cultivate, just to enter the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm!”

“So that’s the case, there is actually a Supreme Remnant sealed under the Immortal Array!”

“They even controlled the Supreme Wreckage, how did you survive in the end?”

A group of Wang Realm powerhouses patted their chests, they were all old, their hearts couldn’t beat too fast, they had to be calm!

It’s just that this kind of calm that I tried to maintain did not last for a few seconds, and I was shocked by a more explosive news that the whole person stood up.

“You mean! In the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm, there is a true supreme !!! ”


A loud noise came, and the faces of the terrifying monarch-level cultivators who were oppressed turned slightly pale.

In their holy land, the Great Elder couldn’t sit still!


Qingfeng Saint Son nodded, this kind of thing is indeed hard to believe, but still nodded heavily.

How is this possible?

It is impossible for these holy sons of the three regions of the southeast, southeast and west regions not to recognize the supreme in the secret realm, could it be that the supreme in the northern region was newly born in that abandoned land in the northern region?

Just a month ago, in the northern region, purple qi suddenly covered the sky, spreading for countless miles along with the entire world, and finally suddenly disappeared under the exploration of a group of great emperors.

Since then, the entire continent has gone viral, and a new supreme has appeared in that abandoned land in the northern region!

This rumor lasted for more than twenty years, until a few days ago, when the Southern Region Dao Ancestor and the Western Region Buddha jointly visited the Northern Regions, and under the temptation of several tough actions, they never saw the Northern Region Supreme, and this rumor gradually disappeared.

And now that I heard what the Qingfeng Saint Son said, could it be that the Northern Region Supreme really existed, but his old man went to the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm?

Just when everyone was curious, another sound of space shattering sounded.


In addition to the Qingfeng Saint Son, another person who explored the secret realm this time, the Shocking Saint Daughter, also returned.

“Hong’er, what did you encounter in the secret realm?”

The Great Elder of the Monarch level walked directly to the Shocking Saint Girl and asked.

It’s not that they don’t believe what the Son says, it’s just that what the Son says is too strange.

Seeing the solemn look on the Great Elder’s face, the Holy Lady also knew the urgency of the matter, so she did not dare to slacken and said seriously.

“There, there is also a young man who can summon Purple Qi to the east and call that Supreme Daddy?”

As a woman, the Shocking Saint Girl spoke in much more detail than what the Qingfeng Saint Son said, not only talking in detail about Lin Quan’s toughness, how to suppress the leader of the abandoned clan who controlled the remains of the Supreme in two words, but also said some people who were very close to the Supreme.

Among them, especially Lin Yunhe, who made her extremely envious.

“That lord must be the Supreme of the Northern Regions, otherwise how can ordinary people give birth to such a creation figure?”

When many elders heard the story of the shocking saint girl, they looked at each other, and their hearts couldn’t help but be secretly awe-inspiring.

“In addition, this supreme also has a daughter, although I can’t see the heels, but I remember that the service she wore seemed to be very familiar, it was the holy lady’s costume of the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land.”

“The Holy Daughter of the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land?”

Several elders glanced at each other, and their pupils shrank slightly.

Not long ago, a vision of the gods appeared in the Eastern Region and landed on Tianfeng Mountain.

Now that I think about it, it wouldn’t be surprising if it was that terrifying being visiting her daughter!


The Holy Lady nodded heavily, after all, she was a little hungry for their father in her heart, so she carefully observed Lin Yunhe and Lin Qingyue, wanting to find the outstanding place on them, and she observed more carefully.

“Hong’er, then do you know why the secret realm was closed in advance this time?”

The monarch-level Great Elder basically understood the information about the same, and asked the last question with some curiosity.


“Lord Supreme seems to have suddenly left the secret realm in some hurry, and then closed the secret realm!”

“This !!!”

Rao is a great elder with a monarch-level cultivation, a good heart, and two black lines can’t help but appear on his forehead.

This secret realm was closed early, and he was the most nonsensical he had ever seen.

Just when the Taiyi Sect got the news, many sect holy places also got the news of Lin Quan from their Holy Son True Transmission, and they couldn’t help but be stunned.

For a time, the disputes and frictions between continents and the holy places of the past were much less in an instant.

All the sect holy places are restraining the conflict.

They are all backing down, leaving the stage for the rest of the situation.

Because they knew that there would be one more supreme in the Yonghe Continent next, and the pattern of the continent would probably change.

While everyone was waiting for this supreme lord’s next grand deed, Lin Quan finally mixed into the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land with the help of his daughter.

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