Lin Qingyue went all the way to the position of the saint, and after countless tribulations, she never despaired.

But today, it’s really desperate!

The blow just now had already consumed all her strength, and now it was difficult for her to even walk, let alone the alien in front of her.

At this time, she touched the Heavenly Heart Key in her arms, and couldn’t help but think of her father.

If she died, what was her greatest regret.

That is, she really wanted to see her parents’ faces.

Especially the dad who gave him the secret key of Tianxin when he was at his weakest.


Just when these thoughts arose, Lin Qingyue was shocked to find that the Heavenly Heart Secret Key in her hand exploded with a golden light, shining on her, and a burst of warmth appeared.


In the distant Heavenly Fire Dynasty, on a barren mountain, Lin Quan, who was immersed in cultivation, suddenly opened his eyes, and anger appeared in his eyes!




The whole world, countless lightning flashes, thunder everywhere.

What is Supreme Bone?

It is born supreme!

This kind of supreme is the existence of catching stars and taking the moon above the real starry sky, going through one era after another without dying, how can it be compared to the supreme of one domain in this world?

When the Supreme Bone appeared, this world felt the existence of the Supreme Bone and had automatically designated its owner as the Continent Supreme, worshipped by the Eight Directions Purple Qi, and ordered the four domains and all directions.

“What happened?”

“Who? that being? ”

Next to the boundary wall of the Northern Region, one emperor after another appeared angry.

From the beginning to the present, this world has finally given birth to a world supreme.

A continent, only the birth of such a great existence, can integrate the power of the four domains, complete the unification, and thus embark on the ancient road of the starry sky.

But now, this existence has actually been provoked!

Once they know, they must not die!

“Don’t be afraid daughter, daddy is here!”

For this daughter, who has not been seen since childhood, Lin Quan is indebted and loved in his heart, and has always wanted to find an opportunity to compensate.

But unexpectedly, the opportunity to compensate did not appear, and his daughter was bullied!


The space shattered, the door of space constructed by the daddy summoning card was activated, and Lin Quan stepped into it.


White light flashed, and Lin Quan disappeared in place.

At the same time, the emperors of the Northern Territory Boundary have looked at me, I look at you, I look at the Northern Territory Boundary Wall, I don’t know if I should step forward.

Just now, the supreme aura of the world they felt disappeared cleanly all of a sudden!

Tianxin Secret Realm, the entire void shook violently, and a depressive aura spread around, making many Tianjiao’s hearts awe-inspiring, feeling like a little white rabbit being stared at by a tyrannosaurus rex, and there was an inexplicable horror on his body.

“It looks like things have changed!”

The blue-eyed leader’s pupils shrank slightly, originally wanting to be cruel and vent the resentment in his heart.

Now it seems that it is still necessary to solve it quickly, and quickly converge with the organization!

“Really lucky to let you die so quickly!”

The blue-eyed leader threw a punch hard, and his eyes showed a bit of regret.

Obviously, he was sorry that he failed to torture Lin Qingyue once.


“You dare to let him die?”

The sky shook violently, countless spaces broke inch by inch, and a roar spread throughout the space.

“Damn, what kind of monster is this!”

In the center of the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm, an illusory spirit body trembled violently, its scalp was numb, and its whole body was terrified!

In this world, when, when there is such an existence, just the breath, can suppress the entire Heavenly Heart Secret Realm, almost collapse.

You know, the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm is a broken world fragment!

Crush a world fragment with just your breath!

What a great power is this?

The spirit of the secret realm shivered, and the eye of insight carefully spied on the being, and its eyes almost bulged directly!

That daughter of the great shore existence was actually bullied!

“Who are you talking about dead?”

Under the heart of the beloved daughter, Lin Quan was a little impulsive, and directly stepped out and came to the leader of the blue eyes, and the eighteen ancient barren mountains behind him appeared, and punched towards the leader of the blue eyes.

If he normally faced the cultivators of the Mountain Moving Realm, how could the blue-eyed leader allow the opponent’s fist to swing towards him.


The aura on Lin Quan’s body was too terrifying, and his entire mind was completely shocked!

The brain desperately tried to dodge the fist, but the whole body did not listen to the command at all, and watched the fist blast!


Eighteen Taikoo Barren Mountains condensed to one point, coupled with the full operation of the Supreme Bone and Eternal Heart, Lin Quan’s physical strength at this moment was incredibly huge, comparable to the Primeval Fierce Beast, and a punch slammed heavily on the leader of the Blue Eyes, shattering his entire body.

This blow was the only time Lin Quan got the system to personally strike.

Lin Quan doesn’t know what level of master he killed for the time being, and there is only one word in his heart, cool!

Since he was born, he has been a brocade and jade food, and since he was detected as a waste vein, Lin Quan is very self-aware, knowing that he is a small rookie, and every time it is a fight and action by his subordinates.

Finally, when he had a system, he found that a group of real people around him called him every day, in order to maintain his image, he did not dare to find rookies of the same level to compete, he could only try to maintain the image of the big guy, very tired.

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