The powerhouse of the four layers of the Law Phase Realm has already stepped into the middle of the Law Phase Realm.

Fang Yuan, as long as this senior is willing, he can even integrate all the sects.

But it is such an existence, you are so coquettish to please a sect master brother who has just entered the Sea Realm!

Is it really good?

“I just heard that there is a disturbance here, just come and take a look!”

Under everyone’s surprised and complicated gazes, Lin Hong slowly spoke.

Unlike the other two brothers, without those powerful grandfathers to discern Lin Quan’s cultivation, coupled with the strange appearance of these Heavenly Sect Master elders, Lin Hong gradually felt that his father was not an ordinary person.

It should be a real big man, at least far beyond the realm of the law.

Now up and down, the entire sect is revolving around him, and the identity of the senior brother does not even compete at all, it is directly decided by the head of the sect together with more than twenty elders.

For what happened, Lin Hong has gradually figured out the deep fatherly love behind his father after a period of ups and downs in his mentality.

The excellence of the father does not conflict with his excellence.

Over the years, his father has been pretending to be a weak chicken, obviously not wanting his excellence to affect his son’s choice, so he sent him to the Purple Cloud Sect.

And over the years, in the Purple Cloud Sect, he had only begun to grow and become more mature after experiencing so many setbacks.

These growths are far more important than some cultivation growth.

Now, my father feels that he has matured, so he has begun to use some of his own power to help him.

This kind of silent father’s love, how could he blame his father’s good intentions, more wanted to hold the long sword in his hand, hoping not to disappoint his father and not waste his years of teaching.

“Hong’er, just now, a real person from the Zixiao Gate came to make trouble, and now it has been solved by the sect master of Qingxia!”

Ziyun Old Ancestor pointed to Chen Beiluo on the ground and slowly spoke.

“Today is a big day for your ceremony, don’t worry, we will do the rest!”

“Will my father come today?”

Lin Hong asked.

His character has always been very resolute, but when he was diligent in the Purple Cloud Sect, his greatest hope was to become a master brother.

Now, this position has been reached, although there is his father’s support in this, in fact, with his own efforts, he is also completely sure to get the position of senior brother.

Although, this position, probably in front of the father, is too small to be worth mentioning.

But for him, it was his dream when he was a teenager, the most meaningful achievement of this career, so deep down, he hoped that his father could witness it.


Ziyun Old Ancestor thought of that promise of existence and nodded heavily.

At the moment when the words fell, the sky was suddenly shrouded in an orange light, so bright that people couldn’t open their eyes.

On the opposite side of everyone, countless flames seemed to burn the entire Tianyu, spreading towards the Purple Cloud Sect, reflecting everyone’s faces in orange.

Under everyone’s incredible gaze, everyone gradually discovered that above this flame, there was a figure.

He is handsome and difficult to describe in human words.

He stepped on the fire of the heavens, dressed in a white robe, and stood with his hands in his hands, and the kind of domineering attitude that made people tremble just by looking at it.

The silver hair fell and fell to the shoulders, and the roots were as clear as snow, with an indescribable nobility, like the gods in ancient books.

This moment!

In everyone’s hearts, there is only one doubt!

This exists!

Who is he?


In response to them, there was only a phoenix song!

At this time, everyone discovered that there was the silhouette of a bird in the sea of fire burning in the sky.


As they approached, the sea of fire parted, gradually retracted, and the figure of the bird gradually revealed.

The whole body is colorful, surrounded by countless flames.

“That is!”

The powerhouse of the Heavenly Human Realm was so shocked that he couldn’t even breathe.


I don’t know who, gently spit out two words.

Suddenly, these two words seemed to be magical, obviously very light.


It fell into everyone’s heart, like a tsunami.

Whether it was the Heaven and Human Realm or the Sea Realm, they were all trembling and difficult to stand!

This world!

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, no one would have believed it.

The world will have such a existence!

Take the real phoenix as a mount!

“That being seems to be coming to our side!”

There was an old man in the Heavenly and Human Realm who felt that his throat was a little dry, and his whole heart was about to jump out!

It’s just that no one dares to answer his words!

Not everyone and this old man generally do not understand the rules.

In front of such a great shore, if a syllable interferes with the other party, as long as this existence reveals a little unpleasant meaning, countless people will rush to kill you next.

Only, under their astonished gaze, a group of people moved!

That’s the Purple Cloud Sect!

And Qingxia Sect!

But why is it a teenager who is in the lead?

Under everyone’s shocked gaze, a handsome-looking young man in white, with two Dharma True Figures and more than forty Heavenly Human Realm elders, slowly walked towards that existence.

Under everyone’s incredulous gaze, he slowly spoke.


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