Since the Sect Master of Qingxia Sect had successfully broken through with his own help!

Lin Quan also breathed a sigh of relief and set his eyes on Zhenfeng’s side.

The true phoenix in front of him noticed Lin Quan’s gaze and felt that under this gaze, it seemed that there were countless stars surging, curled up in the corner, shivering.

Obviously, this Zhenfeng was scared by Lin Quan!


I was so scared that I didn’t even dare to escape!

Seeing this scene, Lin Quan’s eyes showed a trace of helplessness.

The dignified true phoenix, the legendary divine species, the most noble creature, did not even have the courage to sacrifice his life for a blow, what kind of divine bird?

Originally, each went its own way, and everyone was happy and peaceful with each other, okay?

Now like this, obviously, you have to force me to get rid of you!

Lin Quan vomited, he really didn’t want to use An Lan’s blow for this bald chicken, he really just wanted to scare her away, since the other party was so ignorant.

He can only be scared again, the majesty of the human emperor.

If it doesn’t work, in order to protect yourself, either go to the points mall to rummage over whether there is any big killer, or use An Lan to hit it.

Lin Quan closed his eyes, and this time he felt not only the power of his physical majesty, but also the connection between the majesty of his body and the mountains and rivers of hundreds of millions of miles.

“Borrow! Hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers to use! ”

In Lin Quan’s heart, a throbbing suddenly rose, and the whole person suddenly raised his head!

Open your eyes!

Printed in Lin Quan’s pupils, there are countless rivers of stars tumbling!

And behind Lin Quan, hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers condensed to the extreme in an instant, only one step away from turning into reality and killing towards True Phoenix Town.

When the emperor is angry, the mountains and rivers are angry!

Zhenfeng screamed sadly, shivered, and quickly spit out a red bead from his mouth.


At the moment when the red beads appeared, hundreds of millions of mountain and river phantoms suddenly dissipated!

Although Lin Quan knew that he mastered this majestic power and was very bluffing, he definitely could not be bluffed.

Although this hundreds of millions of miles of mountain and river suppression looks powerful, if it really hits the body of the true phoenix, it will definitely be found abnormal by the other party.

Therefore, when this blood bead appeared, Lin Quan chose to stop.

Sensing that Lin Quan stopped, Zhenfeng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the blood droplets in the air, his expression was a little complicated, but he looked at the human emperor and sighed leisurely in his heart.

The other party, so bad is the legendary human emperor, and it is not insulting to use him as a mount.

Taking the blood beads flying towards him, Lin Quan’s mind shook slightly, and he realized that his soul had a strange connection, which came from the true phoenix below.

This blood bead is a mount contract, the content of the contract is very simple, in addition to not being able to kill the true phoenix for no reason, and at the same time to protect the true phoenix must be safe, in addition, the true phoenix must obey all his orders, if not obey, Lin Quan acts on the contract, can make the true phoenix survive and die.

This is the most demanding mount contract, I didn’t expect that this true phoenix in front of me, once a supreme existence of the Great Emperor, was willing to sign it.

“Very good!”

Lin Quan praised, it seems that he misunderstood Zhenfeng before.

Zhenfeng was more knowledgeable than he thought.

“Master, I hope you can treat Ling’er well in the future!”

In Lin Quan’s mind, there was a pleasant female voice.

It is actually a female phoenix, Lin Quan can’t help but be a little curious, legend has it that the demon beast can transform into shape when he is the emperor, I don’t know how this real phoenix in front of him can be transformed.

This idea has just arisen, Huo Linger and Lin Quan signed a contract, although they can’t directly know her mind like Lin Quan, but the relationship between the two will be much closer, and they can guess some of Lin Quan’s thoughts and reveal their true body in Lin Quan’s sea of knowledge on the spot.


A red silhouette was revealed, tall and tall, with an absolutely beautiful and exquisite appearance, even with Lin Quan’s gaze, today, the appearance of the transformed true phoenix can definitely rank in the top three.

Compared with appearance, what is more attractive is that Zhenfeng has a graceful and luxurious temperament, far beyond what mortal queens, and has a motherly temperament.

People just look at it, they have a sense of self-shame, and feel noble and inviolable.

However, this nobility only lasted for an instant before disappearing, and Huo Ling’er’s whole person looked at Lin Quan pitifully with that absolutely beautiful appearance.

“It’s beautiful!”

Lin Quan was a little shocked, but when he thought that the other party was just the identity of his mount, his mind suddenly calmed down, and he slowly spoke.

Receiving this kind of praise, Huo Ling’er’s face was overjoyed.

It’s good to be praised, I’m afraid I won’t enter the eyes of this being.

After all, with her current cultivation at the peak of the Refining Void Realm, there really wasn’t any attraction in front of such a mighty existence.

Even if she was a great emperor before, it only means that she has the potential to return to the emperor realm, which will take too long years, who knows if the emperor in front of her has such patience.

She hoped that her appearance would make that being a little more patient.

PS: The activity of the book review area is too low, the psychology is so panicked, all the big people who are reading this book, can you bubble up in the book review area, so that I can always feel the presence of your big people!

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