Chapter 97

Moreover, it is quite possible to have more than one treasure!

“Great, Lord Su, are you here too?” Xiao Mochen smiled.

Su Changyu nodded faintly, looked at Xiao Han, and said: “Good job, Xiao Han, this time, I will give you a great achievement. When I return to take you to Zhongzhou, I will definitely give you a full post!”

Notice! Su Changyu’s name here is Xiao Han, not Yuan Qing Old Demon!

Old Demon Yuan Qing immediately guessed.

Su Changyu knew his own identity, but didn’t say it!


Is it to prevent yourself from being exposed to Xiao Binger?

Or…Use Xiao Binger to deal with yourself?

Xiao Bing’er had brought a strong saint, and he certainly wouldn’t dare to self-destruct. Otherwise, Xiao Mochen could crush himself to death with just one finger.

But in this case, Su Changyu is also holding his own handle!

I pretended to surrender, and Su Changyu called himself “senior” at the time and respected himself very much.

But now, Su Changyu seemed to treat him like a hand!

With Xiao Bing’er there, it is impossible for him to jump out to vent his own dissatisfaction and bargain with Su Changyu.

Su Changyu is really a good strategy! Using himself, he didn’t dare to say a word, and it is very likely that he will continue to control himself in the future!

The old demon Yuan Qing is right!

Su Changyu thought so too!

But the old demon Yuan Qing couldn’t figure it out, how did this Su Changyu find own?

Had he been following Xiao Binger?

Su Changyu raised his foot, looked at the fallen leaves on his shoes, sighed, and said, “Oh, the shoes are dirty!”

After that, I won’t say it anymore. Instead, he looked at Xiao Han!

Everyone was stunned, including Xiao Han.

What is Su Changyu doing?

Su Changyu frowned, his voice became cold, and said: “I said the shoes are dirty, can’t you hear me? Xiao Han, I just came to give Damn shoes!”

How dare he… how dare he!

The old demon Yuan Qing was about to get angry right away. He had lived for thousands of years before being treated like this by a nasty kid?

However, he thought of Xiao Mochen and Xiao Bing’er next to him, and the anger in his heart suddenly stopped.

Su Changyu knows the secret of own, and he can’t die if he doesn’t sin against him!

However, if Xiao Mochen and Xiao Binger knew that Xiao Han had been taken away by him, then he would die here immediately!

He doesn’t want to die, he wants to live!

Otherwise, his remnant soul would have died with the opponent in the same year!

As the old demon Yuan Qing swallowed this anger forcibly, a reminder came from Su Changyu’s system!


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value will be increased by 700!


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value will be increased by 400!

The former is from Xiao Han, and the latter may be from Xiao Binger!

Xiao Binger immediately pointed at Su Changyu with a sword, and shouted coldly: “The surname Su, what did you say? You say it again!”

Su Changyu looked at Xiao Han with a wicked smile, and said, “I think, two times is enough? There is no need for the third time, right? Xiao Han, do you know what to do?”

“I…I know!”

The anger in the old demon Yuan Qing’s heart is enough to break the sky, but the big man can bend and stretch, he has always warned Xiao Han before, and now the matter has fallen on him, he can’t help but have to bear it!

Xiao Han stood up slowly and walked towards Su Changyu!

“It’s just a dog, who made you stand up? Climb over!”


Xiao Han raised his head and looked at Su Changyu with a sullen expression on his face.

Xiao Binger shouted angrily: “Su Changyu, I will kill you!”

“Miss! Don’t!”

Xiao Mochen hurriedly grabbed Xiao Binger!

Xiao Han’s complexion was worse than pig liver, but in order to survive, he could only endure it in silence and act accordingly!

Su Changyu! My fairy!

Su Changyu! You must die!

Su Changyu, wait, as long as I still breathe, I will definitely kill you!

Su Changyu, your meanness is beyond my imagination! I x your ancestor!


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value will be increased by 500!

Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value will be increased by 700!

Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value will be increased by 600!

Su Changyu’s system kept sending reminders, which made Su Changyu’s heart happy, but he had to make a cold look on his face, and looked at Xiao Han indifferently without any mercy.

“Cousin! What are you doing?”

When he saw Xiao Han bend down, Xiao Binger’s body was trembling!

Xiao Han…he really wants to crawl over?

“Cousin…cousin! Xiao Han–”

Xiao Binger yelled sharply, but she couldn’t hold Xiao Han, and Xiao Han was determined to get down!

“Xiao Han! Are you crazy, are you? Do you still have a bit of spine? Do you still have a bit of dignity? Ah? You can’t pass!”

“go away!”

Xiao Han pushed Xiao Binger away and knelt on the ground with both knees, supporting the ground with both hands!

Xiao Mochen pulled Xiao Bing’er back and said angrily: “Miss! Don’t you still wake up? This guy is a trash! He is not worthy of you to him! He is worthless! He is not saved! He is a dog! Don’t you understand?”


Watching Xiao Han climb towards Su Changyu step by step, Xiao Binger’s disappointment with Xiao Han fell to an unprecedented low!


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value is increased by 2000!

Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value is increased by 5000!


Su Changyu sneered and watched Xiao Han climb to his feet step by step, and reached out to wipe his own shoes. Although Xiao Han’s eyes were full of anger, Su Changyu turned a blind eye!

Be angry!


Hate yourself!

The more you are like this, the happier I am!

“Master Su…full…satisfied?”

Xiao Han looked up and looked at Su Changyu with a sneer, already showing his killing intent!

He may be able to control his own behavior, but he can’t control his own emotions, the killing intent has already been sprayed out of his eyes!

But what can it be?

Can he beat Su Changyu?

Even if there is no Xuan Ming guarding the law around, one-on-one against the old Yuan Qing after Xiao Han, it is definitely not Su Changyu’s opponent!

Su Changyu smiled slightly, patted Xiao Han on the head, and said, “You did a very good job! I’m very satisfied! Get up!”

“Thanks! Su! Lord! Son!” Xiao Han stood up slowly with red eyes.

Xiao Bing’er completely collapsed and sat on the ground, her eyes hollow, and she could no longer call out.

The cousin she knew, the cousin in his memory, was not like that!

“Cousin…you…why…you why…why…”

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