Chapter 95




Xiao Mochen’s voice kept echoing in Xiao Han’s ears.

If it were Xiao Han before, he could no longer bear it at this moment, but now it is the old demon Yuan Qing who controls Xiao Han’s body.

The old demon Yuan Qing is not only not angry, but wants to laugh!

She scolded Xiao Han, what does it have to do with herself?

It seemed that the own strategy was successful. Xiao Binger was so disappointed in herself, she didn’t plan to be with herself anymore, they left!

Then Yuanqing Old Demon has no scruples!

The only worried Xiao Bing’er did not doubt his own identity after seeing herself. After that, she can sit back on Wu You. No one will care about Xiao Han’s life and death anymore, and Xiao Han’s body can be safely occupied by herself. .

In the attic, Su Changyu took a sip of tea and said calmly: “Qingxue, it seems that you don’t need to go down anymore.”

Mo Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Alright, I’m worrying about it, I don’t know what to say!”

Su Changyu’s gaze has been on Xiao Han, and he said: “Now, the great secret realm is open, and next, Xiao Han should go to the great secret realm! We just need to follow him!”

Xiao Han is the son of luck, and the old Yuanqing demon is also the son of luck. It doesn’t matter whether they seize the house or not, it is the same!

Mo Qingxue asked with some doubts: “Changyu, this old guy ran out on his own, aren’t you angry? He swore to follow you before!”

“Let him go, he is not sincere to me anyway, I am always wary of him! He is by my side, but it will make me worry about the future. It’s okay to leave!”

Mo Qingxue asked, “Then why are you sure that he must go back to the Secret Realm?”

Why are you so sure?

Su Changyu chuckled, and secretly said in his heart, this guy is a son of luck, it would be weird if he didn’t go!

After waiting for a cup of tea, the old demon Yuan Qing finally checked out and walked out of the inn, and then headed east.

Su Changyu was not in a hurry, but was still drinking tea leisurely.

He did not speak, and Su Changyu and Bu Qingchen did not dare to speak, so they could only stand quietly by the side.

However, a long time has passed, and Su Changyu still hasn’t acted, and Mo Qingxue finally can’t hold back her temper.

“Changyu, what are we waiting for?”

“Wait for the praying mantis!”


After all, Xiao Binger, Xiao Mochen and others walked past the street below.

Mo Qingxue suddenly said, “Changyu, can you count this?”

She found that she could no longer keep up with Su Changyu’s footsteps. Su Changyu was like a god. Why couldn’t she hide anything from him?

Hasn’t Xiao Bing’er already left? Why are you back again?

Is this the calculation of the people in Zhongzhou?

too frightening!

Fortunately, it is not the Wujizong who confronted Su Changyu, otherwise, today may have become history!

This is very simple, Yuanqing Old Demon’s Qi Luck value has not been cleared, if it is cleared, then Su Changyu will have a settlement reward.

Since there is no clearing, it means that he still has great fortune, and it is impossible for Xiao Binger to abandon him!

It seems that I have never squeezed the wool of the old demon Yuanqing, his luck must be very much!

Even if Xiao Binger wants to leave by herself, Heavenly Dao will try her best to change her mind, or let her “coincidentally” meet the old demon Yuanqing again, and her old love will rekindle!

This is the power of the protagonist’s halo!

The old demon Yuan Qing will go to the secret realm next, which must be very dangerous. When the protagonist is in distress, how can there be no miracle?

Xiao Mochen, Xiao Binger, that’s the miracle!

Therefore, Su Changyu is more than 80% sure that he will look back after seeing Xiao Bing’er!

I guessed it right!

Su Changyu looked at the Bu family behind him, and said: “Okay, now the protagonist and supporting roles are on the stage, let’s be a little guy, follow behind and prepare to enter the prehistoric secret realm!”

“The secret realm!? Really?”

“Can we really enter the prehistoric secret realm?”

“Follow Young Master Su, I believe we will definitely be able to!”

“Master Su is mighty! Master Su deserves to be Master Su!”

Su Changyu didn’t bother to listen to those compliments.

He picked up a piece of jade from the table and put it on his body, and then walked downstairs!

This jade pendant is a family treasure and can shield any spiritual exploration!

Otherwise, how could Xiao Mochen and Xiao Han not find Su Changyu at such a close distance?

Not to mention Xiao Mochen, as long as Su Changyu turns on the shielding function of this jade pendant, even Xuan Ming who is close at hand will not find Su Changyu.

Three days later!

On the east side of the entire Eastern Territory, a vision descended from the sky!

A huge purple moon all the way, appeared over the entire Eastern Region!

It looks like a nearby planet, very shocking!

Its width connects from the south of Qingzhou to Yuzhou! Across the entire Lingzhou!

You can imagine how big it is!

However, this situation did not last long.

Within two or three hours, this purple moon shrank, and finally became only eight thousand miles in diameter!

Rao is so, but also very huge!

It floats in the air like a mirage, giving people a sense of emptiness.

Around Ziyue, there is a white mist lingering!

If someone has good eyesight, they should be able to see five divine beasts with different shapes under the white mist!

They are Azure Dragon White Tiger, Black Tortoise Vermillion Bird, and Qilin guarding the center of the purple moon!

This is the legendary secret realm!

Seeing the emergence of the prehistoric secret realm, the entire Eastern Region was boiling. Of course, the Eastern Region here refers to four continents and one lake.

The prehistoric secret realm only exists in the legend, but it has really come today. How can this not lead those Practitioners to be obsessed with it! ?

If anyone has the opportunity to enter the ancient ruins from the prehistoric secret realm, then the crow can turn into a Phoenix and dominate the party!

However, Wangshan ran to death, everyone watched Ziyue heading east, but they could not touch the edge of Ziyue!

That Ziyue is like a discussion image in the sky, visible but not touchable, and no one knows how far it is from the Eastern Region!

Some Practitioners with high self-esteem even started flying in the air, or riding a strange beast, flying towards the purple moon, but in the end they all returned to the Eastern Region because of exhaustion!

This situation lasted for ten days. Within ten days, the Practitioners of the Eastern Region tried all kinds of methods, but they couldn’t touch Ziyue!

Finally, on the eleventh day, Ziyue disappeared!

This means that someone has cracked the entrance of the primordial secret realm and moved the primordial secret realm from the void to reality!

So, for a while, even some hidden old monsters started to take action, looking for the entrance to the prehistoric secret realm in the entire Eastern Region!

But few people can be found.

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