Chapter 90 The Three Great Inheritors

Four dark shadows rushed out of the carriage at the same time, and then the huge tiger palm smashed the carriage to pieces!

“We actually have such a powerful Demonic Beasts here?”

Standing on the branch, Lu Ya looked at the huge tiger head above with some surprise, and said, “This must be Demonic Beasts, right?”

Li Chiyao shook her head and said, “No, we haven’t reached the level yet. There is no level Demonic Beasts here. In my opinion, he should be an upgraded Demonic Beasts!”

Li Ruoqi said in horror: “Xuan…Xuan-level Demonic Beasts? What should I do?”

Demonic Beasts are divided into four levels, the heavens and the earth are mysterious and yellow, and the yellow is the lowest!

However, don’t underestimate Huang Jie’s Demonic Beasts.

A Demonic Beasts from the early stage of Huang Tier is enough to kill a Practitioner in the Concentration Realm!

Huang Jie Dzogchen Demonic Beasts can even contend with Tongyou Realm!

And Xuan-level Demonic Beasts, even in the early stage, are enough to kill Tongyou Realm!

Tongyou Realm is the top powerhouse in the Eastern Region, but it is not an opponent of the Profound Rank Demonic Beasts. One can imagine how terrifying the Profound Rank Demonic Beasts are!

Li Ruoqi has never seen such a Demonic Beasts, and it is also a three-eyed purple tiger!

Among all the Demonic Beasts, apart from the special beasts, the carnivorous Demonic Beasts are the most powerful and cruel!

If this were a rhino, a hippopotamus, or a fawn, Li Ruoqi would not show such a panic, but the opponent is a tiger!

This is the king of beasts!

Even among Demonic Beasts, he is the king of beasts!

“Xuanjie…Xuanjie late stage?”

Li Chiyao stared at the three-eyed purple golden tiger for a long time, and hesitated to say what was in her heart.

In terms of size, this three-eyed purple golden tiger should be a late stage of Xuan-level!

Or it is Dzogchen, but it is absolutely impossible to be a ground level!

Xuanjie late stage!

This is equivalent to Practitioner’s home state!

However, Demonic Beasts has the advantage of Xiantian, and the physical body is extremely powerful. If it is allowed to fight against the strong in the Guiyi Realm, then 80% of the Guiyi Realm will be shot to death!

“Wh… what? late stage? It’s over! It’s over!”

Li Ruoqi’s face changed drastically, but the words behind Li Chiyao made her even more hopeless!

“No! It’s Dzogchen! He should be about to break through the profound stage! We actually have such a powerful Demonic Beasts here! I have never heard of it!”

Li Ruoqi’s face paled with fright, and her words became a little uncomfortable, “Greatly…consummate?”

Dzogchen is already equivalent to the Holy Land!

Li Chiyao is just the early stage of the Holy Land!

With such a Demonic Beasts, even Li Chiyao is not sure of winning, right?

“It’s tricky!”

Li Chiyao thought for a while, and said, “Don’t be afraid, even if we can’t fight, we can escape!”

But at this moment, the sound of lightning and thunder suddenly came from the void behind him.

Li Chiyao Li Ruoqi turned his head and looked at it at the same time. At this moment, Long Tianming had green hair fluttering in the air, and the Azure Dragon mark appeared on his eyebrows.

When the dragon yin sounded, Long Tianming really turned into an Azure Dragon phantom, and tore it towards the three-eyed purple tiger with its teeth and claws!

“Do not–”

Li Chiyao shouted aloud, this tiger is definitely not something they can deal with. In his opinion, Long Tianming is dying!

Long Tianming’s strength is mysterious, Li Chiyao can’t feel it, but she doesn’t think that there are people better than herself in the southern part of Yuzhou!

The three-eyed purple golden tiger stood upright, and the two huge palms slapped wildly in front of him, distorting the Azure Dragon, making it impossible to get close.

The vertical eyes on the forehead suddenly lit up, and a beam of light as thick as a wheel shot out from it!

With a bang, the Azure Dragon was torn to pieces, and the remaining energy of the beam hit the ground, leaving a huge pit of eight or nine meters deep on the ground, almost flattening the hillside.

Long Tianming turned into his body, his body rushed straight up, and jumped to the top of the three-eyed purple-gold tiger’s head, but how could he touch the tiger’s ears?

The three-eyed purple golden tiger suddenly shrouded in a layer of golden light. The golden light burst out automatically like thunder and lightning, leaving Long Tianming with no place to stay!

Long Tianming had no choice but to fly from the tiger’s head, and a huge roulette wheel appeared behind him. There were countless characters printed on the roulette wheel, which were lit up one after another at this moment!

“Azure Dragon?”

Seeing this scene, Li Chiyao was stunned, and then she suddenly pinched the seal with her hands, and behind her appeared a vermilion roulette, exactly the same as Long Tianming’s roulette, except for the color!

“I go!”

Lu Ya looked at the Cultivation Technique displayed by the two and scratched his head, “No, it’s a coincidence…”

Azure Dragon roulette and Vermillion Bird roulette shine at the same time, the dragon chants and the phoenix roars, Vermillion Bird Azure Dragon’s true body is revealed.

In an instant, Tianming became an entity Azure Dragon, and Li Chiyao became an entity Vermillion Bird.

Azure Dragon Vermillion Bird soared into the sky, rushing towards the three-eyed purple tiger from two directions!

Before they reached the three-eyed purple golden tiger, their profound energy had already turned into thousands of daggers, shattering and breaking the three-eyed purple golden tiger’s protective golden light blow!


The three-eyed purple golden tiger’s forehead and vertical eyes shined again, and a beam of light stronger than before shot out from it, spraying towards the Azure Dragon Vermillion Bird in the sky.

Azure Dragon entangled and rushed to the side of the three-eyed purple gold tiger against the beam of light, and bit the tiger’s neck with one bite. Vermillion Bird was reborn from the ashes, carrying the beam of light hard on his body. In front of the tiger, stretched out the sharp chicken claws, and with just one click, the vertical eyes on the head of the three-eyed purple golden tiger were torn apart!


The three-eyed purple golden tiger stood upright, and the painful cry resounded from thousands of miles away!

Its pair of tiger palms waved more quickly in the pain, and all the Azure Dragon Vermillion Bird was patted off the head, holding one tiger palm down!

Open the blood basin and swallow it towards Azure Dragon!

Azure Dragon’s body is not big, just a little bit bigger than the carriage just now. At this moment, being pressed by the palm of a tiger on the ground, it can’t move, and can’t even struggle to get out!

Seeing that the tiger’s mouth was about to fall, but at this moment, another loud shout came from the side!

“Black Tortoise order!”

At the moment when the tiger’s mouth fell, a tortoise shell appeared above the soles of the three-eyed purple golden tiger!

There is a crisp sound!

The two huge teeth of the three-eyed purple golden tiger knocked on the tortoise shell, unexpectedly sparks!

But obviously, the three-eyed purple golden tiger didn’t make money, and with a wailing cry, he let go of the Azure Dragon Vermillion Bird, stepped back, and kept pulling his own tiger’s mouth with the palm of the tiger!

It feels like a toothache!

A Black Tortoise mark appeared on Lu Ya’s eyebrows. He stood in front of Azure Dragon Vermillion Bird, folded his hands together, and shouted, “Black Tortoise is here!”

A gray roulette appeared behind Lu Jian.

After shaking the mountain for a while, Lu Qian turned into a Dragon Turtel three times larger than the three-eyed purple golden tiger, showing a kindly gaze at the tiger!

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