Chapter 88 Azure Dragon Line


Li Chiyao snorted coldly, turned his head and left.

With her temperament, she would definitely have to threaten Su Changyu with a few words before she left, but the old guy Xuan Ming was really too easy to provoke, and she did not dare to say the last threat!

Everyone just watched Li Chiyao, Li Ruoqi and others leave.

Many people wanted to go up and intercept, but Su Changyu didn’t speak, and they didn’t dare!

After the Vermillion Bird family had completely left, Bu Qingchen stepped forward and asked her father a question that no one understood.

“My son, why are you letting her go?”

Bu Wuqiu said: “Yeah, son, this is to let the tiger go back to the mountain. The Vermillion Bird line is very powerful. They come from the ancient clan, so let them go. If they don’t know how to be grateful, they will definitely come back in the future. Looking for trouble!”

Su Changyu smiled and said, “It’s okay, just let them come.”

Bu Guangming said: “My son, the other party has asked for 50 million Spirit Stones and 10 Sect sites. It seems that the Vermillion Bird line is about to emerge from the underground, let’s…”

Hearing Bu Guangming’s voice, Su Changyu was still a little angry. What role did this guy act just now? Su Changyu can come by himself, he has to get a kick from it, but it makes Su Changyu appear very hypocritical!

However, the final result is good!

Su Changyu didn’t expect that the other party would believe it so innocently.

If this matter is disturbed, then Su Changyu must be cured!

“It doesn’t matter, come out as soon as they come out, but I really hope they can come out!”

Seeing the disappearance of Li Chiyao and others, Su Changyu laughed in his heart, but he wanted to use this Li Chiyao to find Son of Luck!

Li Chiyao is a bait, and it is best that the opponent can always appear in his field of vision!

If they really return to the Vermillion Bird line, then they might not find anyone yet!

“Xuan Ming.”

“My son, the old slave is here!”

“You have to do this yourself!”

“What’s the matter? Master, please tell me!”

Su Changyu came to Xuan Ming’s side and whispered: “That Li Chiyao should be a strong man in the holy realm. Others will definitely be found following. You can stare at me. The entrance to the Vermillion Bird line is the best. I can’t find it. It’s okay, don’t let them find you!”

Xuan Ming didn’t understand it before. Hearing Su Changyu’s words at this moment, he woke up instantly!

Su Changyu played…

The idea of ​​Vermillion Bird!

Absolutely right!

Unexpectedly, Su Changyu’s ambition is so big!

Even Vermillion Bird dared to move!

Vermillion Bird is one of The Four Divine Beasts in the East! And it’s also the ancient The Four Divine Beasts!

However, there is no Vermillion Bird in Zhongzhou!

This The Four Divine Beasts only exists with the Eastern Region!

“Old slave understands!”

Xuan Ming knows these things in his own mind. He doesn’t dare to ask Su Changyu now. If he is annoying, he will definitely be scolded!

“Old slave, go now!”


“Young Master…I…I…”

At this moment, in the extremely distant mountains!

The blood of the corpses in the mountains and plains has gathered into a river, dyeing all the plants in the valley red, and even the ground has become a red mud soaked in blood!


At least tens of thousands!

The valley was almost full of corpses!

Right above all the corpses, a teenager is pinching another teenager by the neck!

The two are about the same age, they look like eighteen or nineteen years old!

The only difference is that one teenager has green hair, and the other teenager has normal black hair!

The green-haired boy doesn’t have much clothing anymore, and behind him, there is an Azure Dragon tattooed!

“Young Master… I… I… go first… go first…”

The black-haired boy was pinched by the green-haired boy, and blood was bleeding out of his mouth!

It stands to reason that the two are enemies and enemies!

However, at this moment, the black-haired boy called the green-haired boy “Young Master”, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, as if he was happy for him!

There was a little bit of unbearableness in the green-haired boy’s eyes. He closed his eyes and turned his head away, but his hand was still pinching the opponent!

The black-haired boy smiled miserably.

He grabbed the green-haired boy’s wrist, patted it twice, and said intermittently.

“Young Master…no…don’t have to…sorry for me…I…we were born…at that moment…fate is…it’s already doomed…”

“Young Master, I will…be your last…stepping stone…I am…very happy…”

“Kill me, you will…consummation…we…must go out…the outside world…broader…”

“Don’t forget…your…your mission…never…”

After finishing speaking, the black-haired boy grabbed the green-haired boy’s hand and twisted his neck suddenly, breaking it on his own!

The green-haired boy hurriedly opened his eyes and looked at the last fallen corpse, his eyes trembling!

“Big dog! Big dog! Big dog…”

The black-haired boy lying on the ground exhausted his last strength and raised his head slightly, “Young…Master…”

After finishing speaking, he completely lay on the corpse, no breath!

The Azure Dragon pattern on the back of the boy lit up, and he raised his head, but what he called out was not a human voice, but a dragon!

Resound across the sky and surround the valley!

All the Demonic Beasts, alien beasts, and beasts in the valley all crawled down at this moment, facing the direction of the young man piously, against the head, that is the respect for the strong, the respect for the strong!

The Azure Dragon pattern on the back is alive, like a liquid, converging on the boy’s forehead along the boy’s shoulders, neck, and cheeks!

Finally, an Azure Dragon pattern is formed on the center of the boy’s eyebrows!

It flickered twice and disappeared!

Two viciously hovering Azure Dragons appeared in the eyes of the green-haired boy, and they disappeared in an instant. Then, the boy’s hair slowly turned black, returning to peace!

“Azure Dragon, inheritance!”

The boy looked at the palms of own hands and let out a sigh of relief!

The corpses in the mountains and plains made him feel painful!

These are his people!

Moreover, these people are not only young people about his age, but also old people!

Azure Dragon, all people over fifteen years old are here!

Looking at the hill in the distance, dozens of children are still standing there.

That is the last root of Azure Dragon!

Dragon wings emerged from the boy’s back and flew to the side of the group of children, but they were disgusted by the group of children, and they picked up stones to hit him.

The young man will not dodge, let the stones hit Own!

They are still young, they don’t understand!

I don’t understand, but I have to do it!

These children are the last descendants of the Azure Dragon clan. Even if you die, you must protect them!

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