Chapter 74: Ancient Xiao Family


There are hundreds of ethnic groups in the land of Zhongzhou!

Zhongzhou is the heart of the world!

To Zhongzhou, the Eastern Region and West Desert are all marginal places!

Zhongzhou is rich in resources. Someone once said that even a baby in Zhongzhou is better than an adult in the East!

Although this is a bit exaggerated, it does illustrate one of the truths!

Born in Zhongzhou, I already won!

Some people may not be able to catch up with the starting line of their home in Zhongzhou for a lifetime.

“Han Big Brother, how are you doing now!”

Three days ago, in the backyard of a palace in Zhongzhou, a young girl was sitting by the pond in a daze, staring blankly at the fish playing in the pond, but her face was full of sorrow!

“Oh, Miss, are you thinking about your cousin in the Eastern Region again?”

A circle of ripples appeared in the void around the girl, and a masked woman walked out of it.

The girl knew who came without looking up.

“Auntie Chen…”

“Oh, Miss, it’s been more than a year, you should look a little bit more, you and him… it’s impossible, you are not a person of the same world at all!”

The girl remembered his cousin’s loud words back then.

“Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don’t bully the young and poor!”

What a vigorous spirit, how full of fighting spirit, his cousin was stronger than ordinary people since he was a child, but somehow, Realm suddenly regressed!

If you count from the beginning, she has never seen anyone with a higher qualification than her cousin!

At the age of ten, he has already reached the realm of God!

But at the age of eleven, without knowing what happened, his cousin suddenly Realm regressed and retreated to Qi Condensation!

Since his cousin can do it the first time, he must do it the second time!

She always believed in this.

However, someone from the family suddenly came and forcibly brought the Eastern Region back from her.

This difference is a whole year!

I don’t know what happened to the Xiao family now!

I don’t know, what happened to Xiao Han now.

Suddenly, the girl seemed to have thought of something, and looked up at the woman next to her, “Auntie Chen, didn’t you say that you left a mark on your cousin when you were leaving? You said it, even if it is separated Far away, I can feel the mark on my cousin, how is it now?”

When mentioning this matter, Auntie Chen obviously hesitated, but in the end she said, “Miss, this matter…I didn’t want to tell you about this matter, but since you asked, then I… I can only say it.”

“What’s wrong?”

When Aunt Chen said so, the girl immediately had a bad feeling in her heart!

“Aunt Chen, what’s the matter? Say it! Don’t keep talking!”

Aunt Chen paused, and said: “That mark, I am… I can’t perceive it two days ago!”


The girl’s face changed, she stood up nervously and looked at Aunt Chen, “What does it mean to…not perceive? Aunt Chen, what does this mean?”

“It’s…” Aunt Chen hesitated, she didn’t want to say that she was afraid of making the girl sad, but the other party was her Miss, she should have concealed something, “It’s just… it might be dead!”

“No…no…impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

The girl shook her head frantically, stepped back, and when she stumbled, she almost fell into the river. Fortunately, Aunt Chen, who was on the side, was quick with eyes and drew her back.

“No! Absolutely impossible! Xiao Han Big Brother will not die! Definitely not!”

Aunt Chen said immediately: “Miss, the mark disappeared. It doesn’t have to be death, but it may also be…some other unknown event happened.”

“What location and time? For example?”

Aunt Chen thought for a while, and said: “For example, if he enters an ancient Restrictions or forbidden area, the mark will be blocked, and for example, if he cultivation some kind of Cultivation Technique with a purification effect, it can also clear my mark, Miss There are so many possibilities, we shouldn’t think badly!”

After listening to Aunt Chen, the girl felt a little better, but she was still very worried!

“Miss, you said last time that you felt a dangerous breath next to your cousin. Is it true? Is it accurate?”

“Should… There should be no mistakes!”

Aunt Chen must first look at the girl’s face when she says anything, and try her best to speak nicely without lying, so that the girl doesn’t worry!

“You said that breath comes from Zhongzhou? Is it?”

“Well, there is an aura similar to Zhongzhou, very young, and a strong Zhongzhou who is probably a holy realm once appeared.”

The girl turned to think about it alone, and made up her mind secretly.

“Auntie Chen, accompany me to the Eastern Region!”

“What? No, Miss, absolutely not! The master once clearly ordered that you absolutely… Miss, you are…”

Aunt Chen hadn’t finished speaking, the other party had already pulled out a dagger and placed it on Own’s neck!

“Aunt Chen, if you don’t take me, then I will go by myself! If you dare to stop me, then I will die in front of you! Today, I must go to the Eastern Region to find my cousin, no one can stop me!”

“Miss, put the dagger down quickly. That dagger is the mysterious magic Treasures that the master gave you. It’s no joke! Just put it down!”

“Then will you take me? Or, don’t stop me. You just pretend not to know about this, and I will go by myself!”

Aunt Chen asked bitterly, “Miss, can you break the barrier?”

“I have my own way!”

Seeing that she couldn’t dissuade her, Aunt Chen said helplessly: “Miss, I really don’t know what is good about that kid. I have seen him and his qualifications are too bad. You are from the Xiao family in Zhongzhou, and he is from the Xiao family in the East. It’s the ancient race, and the new race. The relationship has been broken a long time ago. Why do you…do it, I won’t say it.”

Seeing Xiao Binger’s expression getting colder and colder, Aunt Chen interrupted Own in time.

Xiao Bing’er is like that, she can’t see others say bad things about her cousin, although she doesn’t know how good her cousin is!

“Auntie Chen, you keep it secret for me!”

Xiao Binger put away the dagger and was about to leave the Xiao family, but was caught by Aunt Chen.

Xiao Binger said nervously: “Aunt Chen, are you going to stop me?”

“No.” Aunt Chen said helplessly: “Miss, how can I rest assured if you go there alone. Alas, if you are known by the master… die, die. Seeing Miss all the time, I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to. It’s so sad. I’ll go with you!”

“Really? Aunt Chen, I know you are the best!”

“Hey, I really can’t help you!”

“Aunt Chen, if you accompany me over, then I feel more relieved. At that time, if I encounter the strong man in the holy realm, Aunt Chen, please come and help me deal with it!”

“Understood, let’s go, when you are found by the master when you turn around, you won’t be able to leave.”

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