Chapter 67: The Truth

“My son, let me come.”

Bu Qingchen blushed like a red fruit, shyly, green and innocent.

Hearing this, Su Changyu nodded and let go of his hand.

Bu Qingchen awkwardly unbuttoned Su Changyu’s shirt, followed by his underwear.

During this process, Bu Qingchen kept his head down, afraid to look at Su Changyu. At the same time, his heartbeat accelerated and his breathing became more and more urgent.

“Are you nervous?”

Su Changyu spoke suddenly, but Bu Qingchen was taken aback.

Bu Qingchen shook his head slightly and said: “It’s kind of, but…but it’s okay, son, you lie down…”

She had completely forgotten now, and she was lying behind her for a while.

Bu Tian, ​​who had been dead for a long time, suddenly started to lie down together at this moment.

It’s just that neither of them found out.


Congratulations to the host: successfully plundering son of luck luck, luck will add 500 points!

There is a reaction!

Su Changyu turned his head and looked around for the first time, and he was ecstatic. It seems that Hate Tianzun still cares about Bu Qingchen!

This is easy to handle. Since the other party can bear it, let the other party endure it. Su Changyu needs to see how long the other party can endure it.

If he really took away Bu Qingchen’s Supreme Azure Profound Body, would Hate Tianzun suddenly cheat the corpse and fight himself?

However, what Su Changyu didn’t know at the moment was that this Qi Luck did not come from Hating Tianzun, but from Bu Tian’s body’s obsession!

The Hate Tianzun at this moment has been eroded by the Heavenly Demon skill. He is now lying in the Sea of ​​Knowledge, panting heavily, and has no time to deal with Bu Qingchen!

That’s right, Bu Qingchen is indeed very important to him, but that also has to figure out the order!

For Heng Tianzun, own life is greater than anything else, followed by Bu Qingchen’s supreme green profound body!

This Human Cauldron physique he can do without, but he can’t do without his own life!

I’m almost dead now, how can I still feel in the mood to control Bu Qingchen?

That’s right, Bu Tian’s soul in this corpse is no longer there.

However, in this corpse, the obsession of Butian still remains.

If this corpse has been dead for a long time, and it is safe to enter the earth, then this obsession will also disappear with Butian.

But in fact it didn’t. This corpse was still alive. Because of the existence of Hate Tianzun, his body had always been warm after Bu Tian died, so this obsession did not dissipate, and it remained in Bu Tian’s body.

Now, Su Changyu and Bu Qingchen are doing things next to Bu Tian’s body, which makes Bu Tian, ​​who is deeply dependent on Big sis, very unbearable!

This obsession naturally jumped out.

Bu Qingchen’s flaming red lips kissed Su Changyu’s neck, mouth after mouth, very infatuated and affectionate.

Since the previous fake Su Changyu, she has been making preparations for this.

At that time Bu Tian used Su Changyu’s identity to enter Bu Qingchen’s room. Bu Qingchen didn’t have any mental preparation, so he couldn’t let go.

Later, Su Changyu made love with Bu Qingchen in the backyard, and Bu Qingchen was half ready.

This time, Su Changyu talked to her so much, especially when he saw Su Changyu studying books for a night in order to save Bu Tian, ​​Bu Qingchen trembled and was moved by Su Changyu.

Whether it is a woman, a strong woman or a female Practitioner, they are all emotional. Seeing Su Changyu’s sincerity, Bu Qingchen feels that Su Changyu is a worthy person!

That’s why she has the initiative now.

Untie Su Changyu’s underwear, take off, and Bu Qingchen kissed Su Changyu’s chest a little bit!

She opened her eyes, a little confused, but when he saw Su Changyu’s chest clearly, the mood and mood that had been brewing just now disappeared suddenly, replaced by a chill!

“The son… the son… you…”

“What’s wrong?”

Su Changyu looked towards Bu Qingchen and asked softly, “Why stopped?”

Bu Qingchen touched Su Changyu’s chest with his hand, and began to look for it, “Master, on your chest… where is the mole on your chest?”

“What mole?”

“It’s… right here, you have a mole!”

Bu Qingchen pointed to Su Changyu’s chest where there should have been a mole, and asked, “Don’t you have such a big black mole here?”

Su Changyu was a little confused, shook his head and said: “I don’t know what you are talking about, I don’t have a mole on my body. Have you seen my body?”

“No! No! You have it! You obviously have it!”

Bu Qingchen shook his head in disbelief.

Su Changyu didn’t understand what happened, thought for a moment, and asked, “Do you want me to have it or do you want me to not? Qingchen, why am I a little confused, what are you trying to say?”

“I want to say, where’s your mole?”

“I don’t have a mole!”

“No! You have!”

Bu Qingchen could not accept this fact!

Because this means that in the early morning, the person who broke into his boudoir was not Su Changyu!

But he has only seen one person with a mole on his chest!

own Little Brother, step by step!

If Su Changyu doesn’t have moles, then the person who broke into his boudoir is Bu Tian!

That’s own Little Brother!


She was a little afraid to think about it!

This is crazy! It’s too abnormal!

“But I really don’t have one! Look!”

Su Changyu took the opponent’s hand and touched his chest, “Is it? Nothing!”

“no no……”


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value will be increased by 200!


Congratulations to the host, plus 5000 luck!

Five thousand points?

Su Changyu was shocked, what happened? Why did I increase my luck by 5,000 points all at once? And it’s from Bu Qingchen! ?

Seeing Bu Qingchen’s shocked face, Su Changyu didn’t react at first.


Su Changyu stood up as if thinking of something.

Bu Qingchen, who was originally leaning on Su Changyu, was lying on the ground while Su Changyu stood up.

But she didn’t mean to get up. She looked sluggish, so she put her hands on the ground and repeated her mouth dumbly, “Impossible! Impossible! Impossible…”

Su Changyu came to the bed next to Bu Tian, ​​opened the clothes on Bu Tian’s chest, and saw a mole on Bu Tian’s chest!

In an instant, Su Changyu understood everything!

He knew that Bu Qingchen had guessed the truth of the matter. He had noticed someone pretending to be himself before, and no one in Bujia dared to do it, only Butian.

But Bu Qingchen didn’t know that it was Bu Tian.

Now she knows.

Su Changyu pointed to the mole on Bu Tian’s chest and asked, “Qing Chen, isn’t the mole you talking about like this? Come and take a look!”

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