Chapter 629

“Fire lotus cleans the world!”

The three monks who suddenly sprang out of the grass, directly used their hands to hit the representative of the Buddha Cultivation Technique, the Buddha Lotus flower!

The Buddha Lotus is similar to the Wan Jian Xin Jue of the Tian Jian Sect. When it comes to Wan Jian Xin Jue, people will think of the Heaven Sword Sect for the first time!

As for the Buddha Lotus flower, people can think of the Buddha Sect in the first place!

After these three Buddhist disciples came out, the monks at the foot of the mountain also came to the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

The disciple of the Tianjianmen immediately smashed the jade talisman, but before he could throw it out, he was beheaded by the disciple of the Buddha Sect!

Not only disciples of the Buddha Sect but also disciples of other Sects came here. Roughly speaking, there are at least thirty Sects!

However, within the time of the incense stick, there was a bloody storm on Xiaotian Mountain. There were only more than a hundred disciples on it. They couldn’t stop the attack of the Buddha Sect at all. They were quickly cleaned up before the gods knew it!

After the Xiaotianshan, it is the Great Tianshan.

There are more disciples on the Datian Mountain, at least five or six hundred people.

The Little Tianshan is not very far from the Big Tianshan, so you can see it with your eyes.

The disciples on the Big Tianshan saw the Spiritual Qi flickering on Xiaotianshan, but it didn’t last long and disappeared soon, so they didn’t take it seriously.

However, a disciple was very careful, he thought something was wrong, so he took the initiative to visit Xiaotianshan!

As a result, he went for a while and didn’t come back for more than half an hour.

At this moment, the disciples on the Great Tianshan finally realized that something was wrong. After sending out the jade talisman, they did not receive a response. All fools knew that something went wrong!

On the side of Tianjian Mountain, news spread that Su Changyu might not be dead.

But this is just a guess.

Su Wangtian not only frowned when he understood the cause and effect of the incident.

He alone pulled the clan uncle into the room and asked if the clan uncle had used his spirit power at the time.

The clan uncle has been dealt with by the generals and the six clansmen, a little unsure.

He was 100% sure before that, he had never used spirit power.

But the general said that he had told him a lot of reasons with the six elders. He was too excited at the time, and Su Changyu’s soul was very weak. As long as he used a little bit of force, the soul would dissipate!

Therefore, this possibility is not ruled out!

After Su Wangtian heard this, he was not very optimistic. Although he hoped that his son was still alive, he had to look at the facts fairly and fairly!

Su Wangtian’s method didn’t work. The Hundred Clan didn’t follow Su Wangtian’s method. They are now determined to overthrow the Su Dynasty and the Heavenly Sword Sect!

After the Buddha Sect’s sneak attack, Su Wangtian and the Taishang Patriarch immediately began to counterattack, opening the mountain gate and strangling most of the disciples who had attacked the Buddha Zong that day!

The power in Qingtianhe was not withdrawn by the Heavenly Sword Gate!

Before the Tianjianmen and the Su dynasty deliberately left a part of the power at the mountain gate, after this Buddhist attack, the Tianjianmen immediately used that part of the hidden power to drive out the people of the Buddhist sect!

Seeing Buddhism’s hands, the world’s hundreds of tribes also began to stand in line!

More than 80% of the forces supported the Buddha Zong and Luo Fomen. By the next day, some Sects had already started.

On the third day, the Heavenly Sword Gate was besieged by 350 Sects!

Qingtianhe’s disciples must be withdrawn.

As soon as Qingtianhe’s disciples retreated, Luo Fumen lost the pressure and led the Sea Clan to kill!

Just after the sixteenth day!

The Central State Continent has formed a spectacular scene where the eight hundred forces besieged the Heavenly Sword Gate, which is rare in the ages!

More than eight hundred Sects and races, under the leadership of Buddhism, surrounded the Heavenly Sword Gate to an impassable state!

The total number of participants exceeded 900 million!

What a scale!

The 900 million disciples are all Realm above the Realm of Two Yis!

As for the disciples in the two states, that’s even more!

But this is all cannon fodder, almost negligible!

The Dao Xuan Dynasty rushed to aid the one million fighters of the Heavenly Sword Gate, it was useless at all!

In the face of the huge number of 900 million, it seems very weak.

Subsequently, Murong Yan wanted to send troops again to assist, but this time, she was stopped by Murong Cheng!

“The Dao Xuan Dynasty can’t send troops! Now if you make another move, then you are sure to stand on the opposite side of the Zhongzhou Hundred Clan! Next, they will most likely besiege the Dao Xuan Dynasty!”

“Didn’t we always stand with the Su dynasty?”

“That was before, now it’s different!”

The world has turned upside down. Although the Taoist dynasty is the second largest dynasty in Zhongzhou, it can’t resist it before the sky!

This incident is absolutely nothing good after being involved, so Murong Cheng intends to protect himself first, see what happens next, and then make a choice!

Su Wangtian opened the sky formation of the Su Dynasty and moved the six heavenly cities to the sky above Tianjian Mountain in advance!

In other words, the current Su dynasty and Heavenly Sword Gate have been integrated.

One is in the sky and one is underground!

Siege of the Heavenly Sword Gate is tantamount to siege of the Su Dynasty!

The Heavenly Sword Gate occupies a million li!

Tianjian Mountain is in the very central area of ​​Tianjianmen!

Surrounded by mountains, there are thousands of mountains, such as Tianjian Mountain, Tian Qing Mountain, Su Jian Mountain, Yueguang Mountain, Tang Jian Mountain…

Moreover, these cities of Black Fire City belong to the Heavenly Sword Gate!

Buddhism, Luo Fomen, and eight hundred Sects, billions of disciples, all surrounded the millions of miles of the Heavenly Sword Gate.

And, after the current battle, they have slowly attacked in!

After all, the scope of a million miles is too wide, and the Heavenly Sword Gate cannot take care of all the places. At this time, the battlefield must be shrunk and all power must be gathered together!

The time of this battle is definitely not too short!

It may last for thirty to fifty years or even a hundred years!

Wanting to overthrow the impeccable Heavenly Sword Sect and the Su Dynasty within a few days is simply wishful thinking!

Currently, there are only ten major dynasties and a small number of Sects in Zhongzhou who are watching the changes. I don’t know which side they will help in the end.

But now the Zhongzhou hundred people have the upper hand!

It is very unlikely that the people of the ten dynasties will help the Tianjianmen and the Su dynasty. In the end, they should choose to help the hundreds of people in Zhongzhou!

But it is more likely that they will sit on the mountain and watch tigers fighting, and do nothing!

Another month has passed!

The battlefield of millions of miles has shrunk by more than half!

The Sect area of ​​the Heavenly Sword Gate is now only two to three million miles long, and some practitioners stand on the edge. You can even see the Tianjian Mountain in the middle.

Time passed quietly, and another three months passed!

Tianjianmen was defeated steadily, and only the last 50,000 li was left!

However, these fifty thousand miles are also the most difficult to chew!

Although most of the territory was lost, the Heavenly Sword Gate and the Su dynasty did not lose much. They wanted to preserve their strength, and finally broke out suddenly, killing all the hundreds of clans!

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