Chapter 619

Those Sects were originally on the sidelines, sitting on the sidelines!

But if the Heavenly Sword Gate finds them trouble, threats, and threats at this time, the effect may be counterproductive!

The other party will definitely think: “You can’t protect yourself from the Heavenly Sword Sect. Do you dare to order to persecute us at this moment? Since Luo Fomen has taken the lead, then we might as well help Luo Fomen!”

And seeing someone take refuge in Luo Fomen, there will definitely be more Sects in succession to help Luo Fomen!

In this way, the situation is even worse!

Su Wangtian squinted his eyes and raised the corner of his mouth.

“Since intimidation is not enough, then we might as well try to lure… There are no eternal friends, only eternal benefits! Six Elder, immediately formulate a reward system, whoever helps the Heavenly Sword Gate, then reward the Cultivation Technique spirit weapon, will Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise brought by Changyu from Dongyu are regarded as the highest rewards!”

“Whoever contributes the most will get the five sacred beasts! All the merits and deeds are rewarded, and the top three have the sacred beast rewards! Taishang ancestor, what do you think?”

The grandfather ancestor nodded slightly and said, “I think it is feasible. Also, I immediately issued a disciple order to let people from the four parts of the southeast, northwest and northwest also come to help!”

Taishang ancestor has many disciples!

Moreover, most of his disciples are quite good now, Fang Tianxiang in God of War in the west, Prison Saint in the south of Central State, etc., are all from the Megatron side!

The ancestor of the Supreme Supreme Being is the ancestor of the Emperor Realm of the Heavenly Sword Gate, how can a few powerful disciples say the past!

“Okay, then do it! What about Xianyuan Continent?”

Six Elder asked.

When it comes to the Xianyuan Continent, the worries on everyone’s faces have become even heavier!

It’s really killing a thousand swords, Luo Fomen will come early or late, so he has to come at this time.

The Xianyuan Continent did not resist early, and did not resist late, it must resist this time!


The ancestor Taishang exhaled, “Close the space crack! Xianyuan Continent is not the foundation, let all those disciples come back. Anyway, the Xianyuan Continent can’t run there. Once the Zhongzhou side is settled, go again. Deal with the Xianyuan continent!”

It can only be so!

Comparing the two sides, it is clear which is lighter and heavier at a glance!

Zhongzhou is the foundation of the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Su dynasty. There is no balance here, so how can you manage other things!

And Su Changyu also calculated this in advance, he would never let the passage be closed!

He knew that if the passage could not be closed, the Houtian Sword Gate and the Su Dynasty would definitely destroy the passage forcibly.


“It seems that I have to go to the west of Red State to find the core array of that spatial channel and see how he connects the two worlds!”

In the ancient forest, Su Changyu is absorbing the essence of more than three million Practitioner corpses. The ground is full of the corpses of Xianyuan Continent and Tianjianmen disciples!

But at this moment, the blood on the ground took the initiative to flow in one direction!

Soon it converged into a small river, winding up the mountain!


Seeing this scene, Su Changyu suddenly became interested!

“It seems that there is an old monster that can’t hold it anymore! Are you ready to be born? That would be even better!”

Su Changyu has been waiting for this moment!

For him, those old monsters of the Saint Emperor and Human Emperor Realm are the most abundant meal!

An old monster is even more seductive than millions of corpses!

Su Changyu slowly followed the blood river to the depths of the ancient forest.

In the ancient forest, the mountains are blocked by the mountains, and the grass and trees are in the sky. The deepest part of it is inaccessible. Not many people have been here!

The River of Blood didn’t fly fast. It was about two or three meters high against the ground, walking through the forest, more like a guide to Su Changyu!

It seems that the other party wants to see him too!

Soon, Su Changyu followed the Blood River to the halfway point of a mountain in the depths of the ancient forest!

Here, a stone gate appeared!

On both sides of the Shimen, there are dense vegetation, and the Shimen is also covered with a thick layer of dust. It is estimated that no one has been here for a long time.

The blood river was like a snake, meandering into the cave.

Su Changyu stood in front of the cave with his hand holding his hand. He knew that since the old stuff inside wanted to find him, he would definitely come out to see him!

“Master Su, since he’s here, why not come in for a while?”

What came from inside was a female voice.

“Since you have brought me here, why not show up?”

Su Changyu turned his back to the cave, arrogant all over!

I only heard the girl in the cave giggling, “Master Su, are you afraid that there is a formation in my cave, are you afraid of getting into my trap?”

“Stop talking nonsense. Either come out and speak obediently, or my son can leave.”

The other party is right!

Su Changyu is really afraid of any mechanism formation inside!

You know, Su Changyu’s opponent at this moment is not the Saint King Realm or Human Emperor Realm!

The old things that survived the war ten thousand years ago were almost all above the human emperor realm.

What level of people are they?

What age do they live in?

Many of their ancient formations may have been lost now. The ancient formations can open the world and suppress the advanced Demonic Beasts!

Su Changyu doesn’t want to capsize in the gutter, so everything has to be handled carefully!

“Well, since Young Master Su is so cautious, the old man should come out and see him.”

Not long after, a pretty face emerged from the cave first. The skin was very firm and tender, the skin was white and bloody, and the facial features were exquisite, as if they had been carved by meditation.

Another stunning beauty who is all over the country!

However, her hair makes Su Changyu feel a little uncomfortable!

Her hair is made up of countless small snakes. The tail is the root and the head is the tip. The snakes are still opening their mouths, demonstrating in all directions.

However, this woman’s body is not a human body.

The upper body is a human body, but the lower body is indeed a snake tail!

She was holding the snake stick in one hand, and in the other hand, she was dragging a red blood ball, which looked like the snow beads condensed from the blood just now!

Before she showed her face, Su Changyu used Mental Energy to detect her.

Sure enough, he is a holy emperor!

And it may be the pinnacle in the holy emperor.

Her breath is even more terrifying than Su Xiaoshan!

“Haha… Young Master Su, your old man is polite!”

The snake girl lowered her head slightly towards Su Changyu, which was considered a courtesy.

Su Changyu turned around and looked at each other up and down, “Snake Race? Spirit Race?”

“The old body is the Sky Snake Spirit Race!” The Snake Girl said truthfully.

The other person’s appearance is only in his twenties, but he has an old body, which makes Su Changyu feel very responsive!

“Heavenly Snake Spirit Race? Oh… I remember, one of the eighteen guardian tribes of the Xianyuan Continent! It seems that there are only 18 spirit races in the Xianyuan Continent? The spirit races are all the guardian clan of the Xianyuan Continent, I Are you right?”

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