Chapter 617: A Grand Victory?

“Look, my lord, north!”

A golden armor warrior found out that something was wrong and yelled at the crowd, pointing to the north!

Once Su Zhen and Su Shan died, the people here became a group of practitioners in the Great Sacred Realm of Kowloon.

These Kowloon Great Sacred Realms are basically official positions such as team captains. They can only fight on a small scale. But if they are allowed to control the overall situation and make precise deployment, they will be far behind.

Among them, there is a member of the Su dynasty called Su Yuanqing, who is also a half-step holy king. He has worked with Su Shan, Su Zhen and others, and he is quite good at this aspect.

Today, everyone puts hope on Su Yuanqing.

“Don’t panic! The Xianyuan Continent is just a bunch of ants, killing them is no effort at all! I will let me arrange everything next! The first and second army, go to the east, prepare to outflank the right wing, the third and fourth army, go to the west, prepare Left-wing assault. Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Army, head-on…”

Su Yuanqing quickly issued a few orders to arrange the Shura Army and the Golden Armored fighters in each position.

Su Changyu stood in the higher sky, overlooking everything below.

“This Su Yuanqing still has something! However, he can’t control the Shura array, it’s useless! Humph, I’ll come back later!”

After speaking, a gap was torn in the space beside Su Changyu, he stepped in and disappeared into the sky above the cold city!

the next day!

The battle between Tianhan City and Kuanggu Forest has spread throughout the entire Red State!

“Have you heard? Under the leadership of the ancestors of the Shenmu clan last night, our Hongzhou made a counterattack and won a big victory!”

“A big victory? Who did you hear? How did I hear that four million Practitioners died. The Su Dynasty and the Heavenly Sword Sect retreated temporarily!”

“Doesn’t this mean a complete victory? What does this mean? It means that we are not without the strength to fight the Central State Continent!”

“Great! That’s how it should be! These alien beasts should have killed them long ago! After swallowing for so long, someone finally came forward! The ancestor of the Shenmu clan is our hope! I heard… He seems to be called Mu Baidao!”

“Yes, it was the counterattack initiated by Master Mu Baidao! Originally, the battle of the Chill City was impossible to win. Although we have an advantage in numbers, we are far inferior to each other on Realm! We have dispatched Saints. There are more than a dozen people in the king realm, and 30 holy realms. The others are all in the two-level realm and the same realm!”

Someone asked anxiously: “What about the Su Dynasty? What’s the situation with them?”

“They don’t have the Holy King Realm!”

“What? There is no Saint King Realm? Then it is so hard to beat them? Isn’t it possible to defeat them easily?”

“What you think is too simple! Although they don’t have the Holy King Realm, they have thousands of Holy Realms! And they cooperate very well with each other. Killing the Holy King Realm is completely trivial! Even if the human emperor sees them , It’s also bad luck!”

Some people were unbelievable when they heard it, thinking that this was all nonsense!

No matter how many holy realms there are, how can it threaten the emperor?

“Don’t be kidding! I may still believe that the Holy Realm deals with the Holy King Realm, but do you think too much about dealing with the Emperor?”

“Huh, do you think? Why didn’t Shenmu Elder dare to fight before? Shenmu Elder is the human emperor realm! Then? But it has not repeatedly compromised with Zhongzhou? That is the reason! The holy realm can really threaten the human emperor realm. Yes! The sacred realms of the Su dynasty are very tacitly coordinated with each other. If you really treat them as sacred realms, then you have to wait for death!”

“Oh my god, it’s terrible. They can have thousands of holy realms! How did they cultivate such a strong team…”

After some explanations, others also deeply realized the power of Zhongzhou!

But fortunately, last night was won by Xianyuan Mainland.

This time, the Su dynasty left a total of about 500,000 people in the Xianyuan Continent, of which about 15,000 were in the Holy Land. The Half-Step Holy King State was very rare, and the others were all quasi-biblical, so they belonged to the same state. Dzogchen, and more, are in the one-state and two-yi state!

Yesterday, there were 10 million Practitioners in Tianhan City, killing about half of the Su dynasty, killing 5,000 in the Holy Realm, returning 80,000 to the First Realm, and more than 100,000 in the Two Yi Realm.

A total of more than 250,000 people were killed.

In the end, Su Yuanqing saw that the situation was not good, so he could only retreat and lead people to flee from Tianhan City.

If Su Shan and Su Zhen were still there, the situation would be completely different.

It is estimated that instead of fleeing, they can also take advantage of the victory and pursue them.

It must be known that 250,000 people died in the Su dynasty, but 4 million people died on the Xianyuan Continent Practitioner!

This is still under Su Yuanqing’s command!

Two hundred and fifty thousand to four million!

How terrible!

If the remaining people of the Su dynasty fight desperately with the Xianyuan Continent, it is estimated that there will be another 6 million lives in exchange!

It is equivalent to the fact that the Su dynasty spent half a million people and died with the 10 million life practitioners on the Xianyuan Continent.

If there is a good general to lead the team, it will kill 10 million people with half a million people!

It’s too scary!

Xianyuan Continent has to be beaten and collapsed!

Su Changyu was afraid of this and hit their confidence, so he killed Su Shan Su Zhen ahead of time and split the Su dynasty from the power of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Su Changyu absorbed more than 4.2 million corpses with tears last night, and they existed in the source of the dark sky. Once his magic power was restored, he could directly absorb them.

On the other side, Mu Baidao personally led the team and attacked the Heavenly Sword Gate at night!

The disciples of Tianjianmen remaining in the Xianyuan Continent are also around 500,000, led by two Elder and three Elder.

Like the Su dynasty, among the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, most of them are strong in the holy realm.

However, there is Mu Bai Dao here, so the pressure of fighting is much less.

Three million, the corpses of three hundred thousand disciples from the Heavenly Sword Sect were replaced!

Three Elder was killed by Mu Baidao, two Elder fled with the remaining 200,000 disciples.

This is all right, Zhongzhou and Xianyuan Continent are completely on the line!

The Heavenly Sword Gate and the Su Dynasty will definitely send people to continue over!

This is also the worry of Xianyuan Continent!

“Well, what is it? It looks like a big victory, but it actually accelerated the destruction of our Red State!”

“Hey! What you said is wrong, what does accelerated destruction mean?”

“A big victory? I really don’t know how you said these four words! People only died four to five million people, but what about us? Seven or eight million died! If they send another million troops What to do? How long can the Red State resist?”

This topic is not only discussed in the market and in the inn, but also in the Shenmu Great Hall!

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