Chapter 610: The First Person in the East

In Nanlin Prefecture, there is also the legend of Jin Chan Tianzun!

It’s just that this legend is only known to people above the emperor realm.

Lin Feng’s mother once told Lin Feng the first person in five places in the east, west, south, and north.

The first person in Nanlin Prefecture must be Lin Feng’s great-grandfather, the emperor is supreme, Heavenly Emperor!

The other four places are also the Heavenly Emperor realm, among them, the golden cicada Tianzun in the east is included.

She said that Jin Chan Tianzun gave himself up to save others and saved all living beings. It is the great power of Buddhism. In order to rescue an ordinary woodcutter, he spent 300 years at his own expense in Cultivation Base to treat him.

At that time, Lin Feng was full of interest in this Golden Cicada Tianzun, and wanted to see him very much!

But he has only heard of it once in his life, and he has not become a Practitioner, his memory is the same as ordinary people, and he quickly forgot Jin Chan Tianzun!

If it wasn’t for Su Changyu to take the initiative to sign up for the number today, then Lin Feng would never think of it.

“The first person in the East?”

“Buddha power?”

“Saving oneself to save others? To save all living beings?”

Hearing Lin Feng describe himself this way, Su Changyu immediately got a general understanding of the great power he played!

“Amitābha…yes, I did do this kind of thing back then!”

Fortunately, the eastern part of Red and Blue and Nanlinzhou are separated by the abyss of chaos, and the people in Nanlinzhou look down on this side, so they don’t know much, and Lin Feng’s parents have never seen Jin Chan Tianzun.

It’s just hearsay.

This made Su Changyu put his heart down and began to play the role of Jin Chan Tianzun with peace of mind.

“However, that was a long time ago. If you don’t tell me, the deity will forget it! Before, the deity never killed anyone, but later, the deity also looked away. Sometimes, if you want to save people, then You have to kill! If he doesn’t die, more people will die for him! Lin Feng, Shancheng, you don’t blame you for being a teacher, do you?”

Lin Feng knelt on the ground and kept shaking his head, “No! How could it be! Master, the disciple has realized it too! Sometimes, it is indeed necessary to use a little violent means!”

“That’s good!”

Su Changyu nodded and took out the water relic!

“Lin Feng, next, I might be busy as a teacher, because the relationship between the Central State Continent and the Xianyuan Continent is too anxious, and battles may break out at any time. I must do something for the teacher! This second one! Relics, given to you as a teacher! Hope, it can play a higher value in you! Remember, Lin Feng, you must never live up to the expectations of being a teacher, and you must take saving the world as your own responsibility! Grow as soon as possible!”

Lin Feng took the relic with both hands, nodding his head, “My disciple remembered! But…Master, your Realm is so high, can’t you stop this war?”

“Hey, I can’t use Realm as a teacher now!”


“As a teacher…have entered the Nirvana realm! Realm is re-cultivating! The Realm currently serving as a teacher only has the holy realm, and the holy realm can’t do much in this war!”

Lin Feng was puzzled, “What is… Nirvana Realm? Above Heavenly Emperor… Isn’t it… Fairyland?”

“This, you will naturally understand in the future! Your senior is about to arrive in the Red State, you find a way to reunite with him! There are still important things to do as a teacher, and you may not be able to protect you in the future! Be careful!”

“The disciple took it down!”

Lin Feng looked up and found that Su Changyu was gone. He was holding the water relic, and his heart was full of excitement and fighting spirit!

It is an honor for him to do things for Jin Chan Tianzun!

Shenmu Great Hall!

However, in one hour, the patriarch and Sect Leader of the Hundred Clan had gathered in the Great Hall of the Shenmu.

The crowd sat in rows, with an aisle in the middle.

And the Mother of Flowers, Qingchuanzi, and Ziyou Zhenren stood in the middle aisle.

The second and third Elders of the Mu Tianhua and Shenmu clan were sitting on the upper part of the seat of the original Shenmu Elder.

At this moment, everyone is blushing, holding their own opinions, and arguing!

“What to fight? How to fight? Who is going to fight? It’s a joke! You just open your mouth!”

A middle-aged man with blasted hair glared at the head of a hundred clan in front of him.

This person is the patriarch of the Tianlei clan.

Over there, the patriarch of the Zhanhu clan got up and said, “What did you say? You say it again? You stubborn, you!? The alien race in Zhongzhou has bullied us all for this purpose. I thought that forbearance was over, but now they actually do. I still want to level the Red State. Can this be tolerated? Fight! I must fight! I don’t share the same attitude with the foreign races in Zhongzhou! The situation is not at odds! Even if they want to withdraw their troops, I will chase them to the mainland of Zhongzhou!”

“well said!”

Another person stood up, the master of the Xutian Gate!

“Everyone! I know what you think in your heart, it’s not about yourself, you don’t worry about it! But now, this matter is about ourselves! You haven’t counted how many schools have been destroyed in the previous half month. On this point, we have done detailed statistics at Xutianmen, then let me tell you!”

“A total of forty-nine sects, races, and forces were completely wiped out in the previous half month. Now there are 18 sects and races that are on the run! Among them are the Frost Abandoned Dragon Clan! The Frost Abandoned Dragon Clan. The ancestors don’t know what’s wrong, no, the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan could compete with the alien races in Zhongzhou such as the Heavenly Sword Gate, but without the ancestors, they are just fish on the plate, and they can be slaughtered!”

“A total of Death, 97 million people, this is not even counted as ordinary civilians! If you count, at least 300 million people! Do you know? Those aliens in Zhongzhou, ordinary civilian towns, can be slaughtered with one palm! It’s a few million! You don’t know! You only know how to protect yourself, just thinking about how to avoid losses in this war! I tell you, there is no way to protect yourself now!”

“For half a month, 300 million creatures were extinct! When you hear this number, don’t your hearts fluctuate at all? This is the land of our Xianyuan continent! Those are the creatures of our Xianyuan continent! Although we usually like internal fighting , There are also deaths and injuries, but for hundreds of years, thousands of years, do you count them, has the number of deaths exceeded 10 million?!”

Everyone around listened, some nodded, some were angry, some shook their heads and sighed, some wanted to rush out directly…

An old man stood up and said: “Xutianmen sect master, we all know what you said, but you tell me, how do we fight? Adding up the forces of our hundred clans, how many holy realm practitioners are there? There are no more than 10,000 people. So? Can each Sect send fifty holy realms? Can it? Huh! No! You only know that we are being oppressed, but the real reason for this is that we are too weak! Not counted as the Su dynasty, just It is a Heavenly Sword Gate, and the number of Practitioners in the Holy Land exceeds 10,000!”

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