Chapter 6 It’s Too Easy


When the door opened, Su Changyu still appeared in front of Mo Qingxue.

It seems that To put in one’s eyes.

It is no wonder that he is the core disciple of the top Sect in Zhongzhou, Cultivation Base is stronger than Mo Wuji at a young age, and he has the capital of pride.

“Holy Maiden is visiting at this time, I don’t know what is going on?”

Su Changyu smiled indifferently, and did not invite the other party in.

Mo Qingxue pursed the corner of her mouth slightly, sighing in her heart.

When was she treated like this since she was a child, and who saw her without respecting all kinds of flattery? Regardless of whether it is Outer Sect disciple or Inner Sect Elders, she must be regarded as the biggest one, but on Su Changyu’s side, her “privilege” has failed.

“Qingxue has seen Master Su. This time, Qingxue came here to apologize to Master Su!”

“Apologize? Why?”

“The Xiao Han incident actually started because of me, but from the beginning to the end, I didn’t talk to the son and listen to it. This was Qingxue’s fault, and the son suffered Xiao Han’s malice for no reason. Qingxue came this time. It is to apologize to Young Master Su, and secondly, I want to talk about the Central Plains and listen to Young Master in detail.”

This is kind of interesting.

Taking the initiative to stop the fault on her body, it was a bit of a guilty plea, so even if she was really wrong then, Su Changyu would feel a little embarrassed to blame her.

At the same time, he took the initiative to tell the truth of the matter, and he appeared to be very candid and had no reservations about Su Changyu, which would make the other party trust her more!

Congratulations to the host: successfully plundering son of luck.

The luck value adds 500.

I go!

What’s happening here?

At this moment, Su Changyu received the system prompt again in his mind, which made him even more confused.

I didn’t do anything, and have received luck twice in a row?

Could it be…

Seeing Mo Qingxue in front of him, Su Changyu gradually understood.

Could it be because of her?

Xiao Han shot himself because of Mo Qingxue, which is equivalent to saying that Mo Qingxue is Xiao Han’s weakness in luck!

Now, Mo Qingxue has been humming and respectful to herself one after another, so this also has an impact on Xiao Han?

“Wait a minute, I’ll stroke it…”

Su Changyu felt a little confused, frowned slightly, and thought inwardly.

Xiao Han is the son of luck, and Mo Qingxue is Holy Maiden. It stands to reason that the heroine should be Mo Qingxue, and Xiao Han can finally get along with Mo Qingxue.

This is destined in the future!

However, he was killed halfway through. The situation forced Mo Qingxue to bow his head to him. This changed the fate of Xiao Han and Mo Qingxue, making it possible for the two to travel further and further.

It is tantamount to changing Xiao Han’s luck!

“It should be like this… well, it must be like this.”

Su Changyu secretly speculated in his heart and became more certain.

In this way, as long as he worked hard on Mo Qingxue, he would be able to squeeze Xiao Han’s wool continuously?

That’s much easier!

Originally, Su Changyu was not interested in knowing about the two of them, but now he is no longer, he is very patient!

And Mo Qingxue really had no reservations, and told Su Changyu all the things that had happened between him and Xiao Han.

After listening to it, even Su Changyu couldn’t help but be moved. The story of these two people is correct, the hero and the heroine!

No wonder Xiao Han is obsessed with Mo Qingxue!

“So, you tell me this, do you want me to let Xiao Han go?”

“Don’t get me wrong, Master Su, I just don’t want him to care. Everything I say is to show sincerity, and there is no overthinking. If Master Su does not blame Qingxue, Qingxue is already grateful! As for Qingxue! Xiao Han, it’s the son who has been worrying too much.”

I have to say that this woman is also quite scheming! When you see something, you can’t do anything, and immediately leave it alone.

“Then Xiao Han is so affectionate for you, can you be worthy of him when you say this?”

Mo Qingxue sighed slightly, her eyebrows frowned slightly, as if she had no choice but to do so.

“Xiao Han loves Qingxue deeply, but…I can’t ignore Sect. My father is embarrassed, and my children are in love, so what’s the matter.”

Mo Qingxue knows that Su Changyu is not stupid. At this time, if she tells some lies and fabricates reasons to deceive him, then she is wise, so she is telling the truth!

If you offend Su Changyu, can Wuji Zongyan have a good end?

Xiao Han and Wujizong, Mo Qingxue had no choice!

Su Changyu didn’t say a word, but looked at her indifferently, but he actually laughed out of his heart!

What a big show!

I could only watch it on TV before, but I didn’t expect to see it with my own eyes now!

happy! happy!

But Mo Qingxue mistakenly thought that Su Changyu still minded this matter.

With a light sigh, Mo Qingxue said again: “Master Su, in fact, Qingxue… there is one more thing to say.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Qingxue is actually… Supreme Azure Profound Body. Only Qingxue knows about this.”

In order to show enough sincerity, Mo Qingxue can only say this too!

Good guys!

Su Changyu hasn’t changed on the surface, but he has already exclaimed in his heart.

In the memory of the predecessor, there is a record of “Supreme Blue Profound Body”!

This is an excellent Human Cauldron physique!

Congratulations to the host: successfully plundering son of luck.

The luck value increases by 800.

Mo Qingxue had no secrets and no reservations about Su Changyu, which changed her and Xiao Han’s fate again, and Xiao Han’s luck continued to decrease because of this.

I didn’t do anything, so I added 1,800 points? This is too profitable!

After saying this, Mo Qingxue showed a hint of shyness.

No way, she had to say that Su Changyu’s pressure on him was too strong, and Chang looked at her with a look down on sentient beings, but she was powerless.

In order to gain Su Changyu’s trust, she had to do this!

Su Changyu’s gaze turned slightly, and he looked up at Mo Qingxue, seeming to be a little bit ill-intentioned.

“If you tell me this, you are not afraid of me…”

Mo Qingxue’s expression of anxiety appeared on her face, and she was a little bit shy, which made her even more charming.

With a bite of Yinya, Mo Qingxue whispered shyly: “Qingxue…not afraid.”

Before coming here, Mo Qingxue had already planned for the worst. How could it go bad no matter how bad it was?

Mo Wuji’s thoughts made Mo Qingxue serve Su Changyu, and if Su Changyu really had that thought, Mo Qingxue would be gone for the first night!

If you can contact the great backer of Heavenly Sword Sect through Su Changyu, then even if Mo Qingxue makes a big sacrifice, it will be worth it!

After leaving Su Changyu’s residence, Mo Qingxue trot down all the way in shame.

Su Changyu’s “Holy Maiden, please respect yourself” still linger in her ear, which is really embarrassing.

People don’t mean that at all!

It seems that I had misunderstood Master Su before, and the other party is an upright person!

Now think about it, Su Changyu didn’t touch her the first time, so it can explain the problem!

Regardless of the previous life or the Jin Shi, Su Changyu is not an animal that thinks in the lower body.

But he is not Liu Xiahui. At that moment, he did have the idea of ​​eating the other person, but he didn’t dare!

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