Chapter 594 Master

However, whether it is Spiritual Qi attacks or close combat, they are not Su Changyu’s opponents!

Su Changyu killed the golden armored warrior in front of him, while also launching a Spiritual Qi attack, strangling the people behind!

In a short while, of the seven or eight hundred Golden Armored soldiers, only seventy or eighty people were left dead!

More than seven hundred people were easily beheaded by Su Changyu’s gestures, so how can they be Su Changyu’s opponent?

These dozens of people, look at me and I will look at you, some of them directly took out the teleport jade charms and prepared to contact the large troops of the Su Dynasty in the distance!

But how could Su Changyu give them this opportunity?

I saw Su Changyu dispatched with a palm of the sky, and these seventy or eighty people actually exploded collectively!

Su Changyu didn’t even leave them a chance to breathe!




With a few loud noises, countless golden armors and bones fell from the sky, and the sky began to drizzle!

The Practitioners and civilians who were fleeing below stopped and turned their heads to look up to the sky!

“Huh? This is…”

“This lord, who is he? Is he from our Xianyuan continent or from the Zhongzhou continent?”

“It must be from the Xianyuan Mainland! If it is from Zhongzhou, then how can he act against the people in Zhongzhou?”

“Yes, yes, I was so dizzy, I asked such a stupid thing!”

‘Thank you, sir! Thank you, my lord! ’

“Thank you, my lord, for your life-saving grace!”

“Thank you, sir!”

“Thank you two adults!”

Below, countless Practitioners and civilians gathered towards Su Changyu and Lin Feng!

Since Su Changyu can take action against the people in the Zhongzhou Continent, it means that Su Changyu must be a person on the Xianyuan Continent!

Even if Su Changyu is wearing the costumes of Zhongzhou mainland!

“Thank you two adults for your life-saving grace. I don’t know how the two adults should be called?”

“My lord, you saved our family of eight! Thank you so much! Thank you so much!”

‘My lord, thank you! ’

Looking at the civilians and Practitioners kneeling on the ground, Lin Feng was excited and happy at this moment!

It feels like I have done something great!


This is his least favorite thing!

He has always been very disgusted with murder!

But this time, it made him kill so comfortable!

Su Changyu looked down and said to Lin Feng: “How? Did you see that? Killing is actually not a bad thing sometimes. Sometimes, only killing can solve the problem!”

Lin Feng looked at Su Changyu. At this moment, he was wrapped in Su Changyu’s Spiritual Qi, so he could float in the air just like Su Changyu!

“Please, Master teach me!”

Su Changyu raised his brows, looked at Lin Feng, smiled and said, ‘Okay, you can have this realization! I am very pleased to be a teacher! ’

With that, Su Changyu flicked his sleeves and disappeared into the sky at the same time as Lin Feng!

“My lord! My lord?”

“Hey, where did your lord go?”

“Master! We have met a master! This method, I guess… I guess it can pass the secluded realm, right?”

“Tsk tsk… It is estimated that you can’t do it in Tongyou Realm! At least Liangyi Realm! This is definitely a big man!”

“But I don’t understand. Our mountain city has never done anything evil. Why do these guys in golden armor want to attack us?”

“Oh! You don’t know, the current fairyland continent is too chaotic! I heard that there was another world invasion, and the Sects on the Red State side have been slaughtered almost! The remaining Sects are in danger, and they are all behind closed doors. Not out, for fear of being caught by those other world beasts!”

“Damn it! I hate that my strength is not strong enough, otherwise, I must fight with these another world beasts!”

For the continent of Xianyuan, Zhongzhou is another world!

In the forest, the space is distorted!

Su Changyu took Lin Feng out of it!

“Now, do you understand?”

“I… I get it!”

Lin Feng clenched his fists and said, “Master! Can you tell me what identity these people are? Why does this happen?”

Su Changyu sighed, took off his own robe, and put on the costume of Xianyuan Mainland!

“All of this started with a guy named Su Changyu!”

“Su Changyu?” Lin Feng frowned and asked, “Who is he?”

“He is a arrogant man in Zhongzhou!”

“Zhongzhou…Where is it?”

Su Changyu told Lin Feng about the recent events and also some basic common sense!

After hearing this, Lin Feng asked uncertainly: “Master, according to what you said, as long as you kill Su Changyu, you can stop these things from happening? Can you stop this disaster?”

Su Changyu shook his head and said: “No! Killing Su Changyu will only make things worse! However, if Su Changyu can be arrested and threatened to retreat from the Zhongzhou mainland, it should be extremely possible!”

“Su! Long! Yu!”

Lin Feng clenched his fists, his eyes burning with anger!

Su Changyu said, “Actually, you shouldn’t put your eyes on Su Changyu!”

Lin Feng asked suspiciously: “Then whom should I put on?”

“Of course it is on your own body! Lin Feng, have you ever thought that if you are strong enough, you can stop this war even without catching Su Changyu!”

“So… I want to get stronger?”


Su Changyu took out a relic and said: “I think this fire relic is destined to you, so I will give it to you as a teacher! Lin Feng, I hope that next time I see you, you can become satisfied with me!”

Lin Feng respectfully accepted the fire relic with both hands, but when he just touched the fire relic, his mind suddenly went blank.


Lin Feng yelled and fainted on the spot!

“Lin Feng? Lin Feng?”

Su Changyu’s call became more and more blurred in Lin Feng’s ear!

When Lin Feng woke up again, his body was still very hot!

He felt like he was thrown on the stove and roasted for a while!

Su Changyu sat beside Lin Feng.

“Master, what’s wrong with me?”

“You kid, the physique is really special! The fire relic actually got into your body! It seems that you have a destiny with the Buddhist school!”

“Yes… is it?”

Lin Feng raised his hands and checked it over and over again. He felt that there was no difference, except that his skin was slightly red!

However, when Lin Feng saw the leaves under his butt, he was so scared that he moved his body to the side!

Under his ass, those branches and leaves were all burnt to ashes!

“Master, this…what’s going on?”

Lin Feng doesn’t know yet, he has entered the concentrating state!

From an ordinary person, he jumped directly to the concentrating state, at this speed, Su Changyu even slapped his tongue!

Sure enough, the emperor’s talent is not covered!

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