Chapter 591

“Do not!”

After Lin Feng listened, she kept shaking her head.

“You can’t say that! What you said they killed thousands of people and tens of thousands of people is just a hypothesis in the future! Now they did not kill! No one can be sure what will happen in the future! What if they change their evils?”

This guy is really a stubborn ass!

When Su Changyu heard him speak, he knew that this guy was definitely not good!

Ninety-nine percent is an elm head!

The stubborn kind!

“Changing evil and returning to righteousness? You tell me how to change evil and returning to righteousness?”

Lin Feng said anxiously: “You can…you can influence them! You just need to abolish their force, you let me tell them! I believe that I can definitely influence them!”

After hearing this, Su Changyu smiled disdainfully.

“You? Probate them? You have a first-come-first-served order, okay? If I didn’t kill them at the moment! Then you will die! If you die, who will probate them?”


“No but! Kid, you remember! If the mouth is useful, then there are not so many people in this world for cultivation! Just let me say it with just one mouth, but what else is the cultivation? The world is the same, the ten thousand sects are one. This kind of peace and prosperity can’t be said with just the mouth!”

Lin Feng said: “Neither! You are not right…”

“Okay, since you think what I said is wrong, then you can convince me!”

Lin Feng raised the belt, and was really ready to argue with Su Changyu!

At this moment, Su Changyu’s finger was already on his neck!

As long as Su Changyu exerts a little effort, Lin Feng will die immediately!

Lin Feng was immediately scared to move by Su Changyu, “You…what are you going to do… didn’t you say… didn’t you say let me persuade you?”

Su Changyu sneered: “You are dead! You are not qualified to talk to me! Do you understand?”

Lin Feng shook his head, but rather angry.

“You are so unreasonable, you want me to explain what you say, and I want to convince you what you say, but you don’t give me a chance!”

Su Changyu looked at him as if he was an idiot.

“Don’t you understand? Only people of the same strength are qualified to sit on an equal footing! You are so humble, do you think those strong will listen to your nonsense?”

“You are so unreasonable, can the strong kill the innocent? You kill! Even if you kill me today, I still want to say, you…”

Su Changyu pointed on the opponent’s neck, and the other party was speechless.

Su Changyu said: “Are you qualified to reason with the strong? The strong don’t want to listen to you, but some means! If you can break my trick and speak forcibly, then I will listen to your nonsense!”

Before using the Super Slash Card, Su Changyu couldn’t show his killing intent to Lin Feng, so everything Su Changyu did to Lin Feng could not hurt the other party’s life!

Lin Feng can’t worry about this at all!

Lin Feng was blocked by Su Changyu with a wisp of Spiritual Qi. He couldn’t make a sound at all, so he could only switch expressions!

Just follow the dumb point is the same reason!

Lin Feng looked at Su Changyu fiercely and dissatisfied, and had already explained everything with his eyes!

Su Changyu smiled and said: “Don’t look at me with this kind of eyes! This is the world of The Weak are Prey to the Strong! Your name is Lin Feng, right?”

Hearing this, Lin Feng immediately widened his eyes and looked at Su Changyu in disbelief!

Su Changyu chuckled, “Don’t look at me with such eyes, if you have the ability, you will kill me! It is absolutely impossible for me to listen to your nonsense! Similarly, your words, yes For other practitioners, it’s also nonsense! You should be thankful that you met me. If it were someone else, you would have died at this moment!”

Can’t move, can’t talk, can only look at Su Changyu quietly!

Use an angry expression to express your dissatisfaction!

Su Changyu smiled playfully and said, “Okay, since you don’t believe it, then I will show you this real Martial Dao world!”

With that, Su Changyu grabbed Lin Feng and flew away!

Mountain city!

This is a city located deep in the mountains with a large population!

Counting the civilians and the Practitioner, there are about three or four million people!

But Realm is very humble.

There are more than one million civilians alone!

In the case of Practitioner, most of them are Qi Condensation realm, Condensation realm!

The Transcendent Realm can be regarded as a big brother here!

Su Changyu came to the vicinity of the mountain city, took out the Jade Talisman of the Su clan’s dynasty, and sent a message out!

Before long, within half an hour, a group of golden armored fighters flew in the distant sky!

After the golden armored fighters came to the mountain city, they didn’t say anything, they just started!

“Kill me!”

There are not many Golden Armored soldiers, probably only seven or eight hundred!

However, the lowest of these Golden Armored Warriors in Realm are all in One Realm!

For a small mountain city, they are like gods, unmatched!

Not to mention seven or eight hundred people, even if there are only seven or eight people, it is enough to slaughter the mountain city!

This jade talisman is not Su Changyu’s own, but a piece that Su Changyu picked up on the battlefield casually!

It is not false that it is the jade talisman of the Su dynasty, and it is also the jade talisman of a little leader!

This jade talisman can completely mobilize the golden armor warrior!

“Master Su Qing has ordered to kill all the people in this city! Leave none!”




The golden armor warrior let out a long roar, and slew towards the mountain city!

The reason why Su Changyu didn’t use own jade talisman was definitely because he was afraid of revealing his identity!

But in fact, there is nothing to be afraid of, because these seven or eight hundred golden armor fighters will eventually die in the hands of Su Changyu!

What Su Changyu was afraid of was that after they received the order, they talked to other Su dynasty people before they came to the mountain city!

In this case, Su Qing’s jade talisman seemed very wrong.

“My sirs, may I ask you…ah-”

“What are you doing? Do you want to kill innocent people? We don’t know anything, you…ah–”


“No! No! My lord, please don’t kill me. I have an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old child. And I am not a Practitioner. I am just an ordinary person! My lord, please…ah-”

“My lord, I am willing to surrender you and do anything for you, please let us go!”

“Evil thief! I’m fighting with you!”

In the face of the killing, there are all kinds of reactions!

There are those who beg for mercy, there are those who choose to resist, there are those who wait for death without saying a word, and there are those who explain…

However, the number of Golden Armored fighters in the Su dynasty does not matter so much. The order they received was to slaughter the mountain city, not leaving one! It doesn’t matter if these people are civilians or Practitioners!

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