Chapter 589: The Emperor Appears

Lin Feng was knocked out by the old slave and fell dozens of miles away!

But the people of the Hopeless Demon God Sect did not intend to let Lin Feng go, so they flew out!

“Boy, want to run?”

What surprised Lin Feng was that when he fell to the ground, it didn’t hurt at all.

Seeing the people from the Hopeless Demon God sect rushing forward, Lin Feng hurriedly waved at them to explain.

“Don’t do it, don’t do it, you may have misunderstood, I have no grievances with you, why did you kill me? Do you know that everything you do now is remembered by the heavens, You have to accumulate your virtues, or else after entering Samsara, you will suffer the pain of heartbreaking for centuries, thousands of ages, and ages! Only when you make up for the calamity, can you re-enter Samsara…”

Those disciples of the Hopeless Demon Sect, look at me, and I will look at you!

“What is this guy talking about?”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s a fool!”

“Damn, what are you telling me here? Samsara bites her heart and kills!”

“Okay, I’ll come! Watch me cut him in half with a single knife!”

Lin Feng has no Cultivation Base at all!

And the disciple of the Demon God Sect had already reached the Guiyi Realm!

Killing Lin Feng, isn’t that enough?

He slashed Lin Feng’s head directly!

Lin Feng shrank his neck in fright and closed his eyes!

Only hearing the sound of “keng”, the disciple was shot and flew out with a knife!

When the knife fell on Lin Feng’s forehead, Lin Feng’s Sky Spirit cover suddenly spewed out a glow.

In the glow of the sun, a Qilin could faintly be seen, spreading its teeth and dancing claws, very domineering!


Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes, took a strange look at own body, and touched his head again, but he didn’t find any injuries or bleeding. Everything was normal!

“Thank you! Many thanks to Dage for not killing! I think you must have figured it out… Right! Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha, there is a saying in the Buddha’s words…”

“Yun, mother! Shut up!”

The disciples glanced at each other, and one of them said, “This kid has treasures on him! Kill him first, and then take the treasures back!”

Lin Feng panicked back and waved his hand: “No! Several brothers, you have already made a lot of mistakes, so don’t keep making mistakes, Sea of ​​Bitterness is boundless, looking back is the shore…”

“Your grandma Kishi! Shut up!”

A disciple jumped up and slashed at Lin Feng’s head again!


There is another crisp sound!

However, this time there was still a broken voice!

That layer of glow on Lin Feng’s head was shattered!

Su Changyu came to this battlefield and found a group of disciples of Hopeless Demon Sect, besieging two holy realm powerhouses!

“We haven’t finished the fight yet, there’s no one nearby, just a few of them! Okay, let me see someone from Su to see you off!”

There are millions of corpses on the ground, this is a big battlefield, here must have experienced a very tragic fight before!

The corpses on the ground include people from Zhongzhou and also from Xianyuan Mainland!

At this moment, there are only tens of thousands of disciples of the Hopeless Demon Sect in the front of the Baili battlefield!

The disciple of the Demon God Sect saw Su Changyu in the sky, and immediately rose into the sky!

“Who are you?”

“I’m here to kill you!”

Su Changyu smiled faintly, his body began to emit black magic!

Originally, the people of the Hopeless Demon Sect saw Su Changyu’s dress like a person from Zhongzhou, and didn’t want to do it!

However, Su Changyu took the initiative to attack them, so don’t blame them for being rude.

“Your Excellency, it must be the Zhongzhou Practitioner! This time, our southern and Zhongzhou mainland’s well waters are not invading the rivers. They are all for revenge for Young Master Su Changyu. Your Excellency, do you want to be an enemy of Nanjiang? You don’t know us. What is the status of Young Master Su in Zhongzhou?”

Another disciple said proudly: “It’s okay to tell you that we have no hope of the Demon God Cult, but Su Changyu’s Sect Leader’s matriarchal power! Do you know who Su Changyu’s mother is? She is actually the daughter of our leader! Your Realm is very high. But your Excellency has not yet reached the point where it can compete with the Su Dynasty and the Heavenly Sword Gate!”

In Zhongzhou, the Heavenly Sword Gate and the Su dynasty are heaven. Who can compete with these two forces?

Therefore, the disciple of the Demon God Sect did not even ask Su Changyu what he called, and moved out of these two patrons directly!

Su Changyu smiled and said, “Really? I think I can really compete with them!”


His words directly caused the ridicule and laughter of the previous Demon Sect disciples.

“Who do you think you are? You dare to say such rants! Dare to report your name and let me wait to pay tribute to your great achievements. I really want to know what identity your Excellency is and can say such ridiculous and ignorant things!”

Su Changyu smiled and said, “Have you ever met your Young Master Su?”

“Naturally I have never seen it before!”

“But I have seen him! He looks just like me!”

A disciple showed doubts, “Your Excellency, what do you mean by this?”

“I am Su Changyu!”

“What did you say?”

“Hahaha, it’s ridiculous, our young master has already returned to the mainland of Zhongzhou, how can we appear here! You are so bold, you dare to pretend to be our young master Su!”

The people of the Demon Sect did not believe it at all, they only thought that Su Changyu was a liar!

“Don’t believe it, because you will all die here soon!”

“Only you? The Six Paths Refining Holy Realm? You are too confident too!”

Are there no holy realm disciples in the Demon Sect?

Moreover, there are 20,000 people in the Demon God Sect, even if they are all in the same state, Su Changyu can be exhausted by the number of people!

A disciple noticed the black air radiating from Su Changyu’s body.

“what is this?”

“Black… Chaos air? Annihilation air? Or…”

“Devil energy? This is devil energy! He is Xiao Ziling!”

“What? He is Xiao Ziling who severely injured our young master?”

“Asshole! Everyone join and kill him!”

What surprised Su Changyu was that these disciples of the Demon God Sect were quite touching. Although he had not even seen him as a young master, the first reaction after seeing the inheritor of the magic art was not to run for his life, but Desperately!

“Unfortunately, if I were the protagonist, I would definitely lead you to dominate the world! It’s a pity that I am a villain! Hahahaha… my task is to kill the protagonist!”

Su Changyu revealed a hideous face, the scope of the devilish energy suddenly expanded, and a four-armed Shura emerged from the devilish energy!

Heavenly Demon’s real body!

Su Changyu’s current skill has been completely restored, and the magic power can be used casually!

And with the restoration of magic power, the recovery speed of Ascension will be faster!

Because the Bahuang Zhan Kuang is a demon soldier, he can swallow Su Changyu’s devilish energy to restore himself, the stronger Su Changyu’s demon energy, the faster the Bahuang Zhan Kuang recovers!

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