Chapter 587

“You are Xiao Ziling!?”

“Xiao Ziling! You are so bold! You dare to pretend to be our Sect Leader!”

“Xiao Ziling, you are finally out!”

Those disciples scolded and accused Su Changyu and were filled with righteous indignation. They wanted to tear Su Changyu to pieces immediately!

Su Changyu smiled faintly, and walked towards the disciples!

These disciples are no longer considered Tianjiao.

They are old disciples of the Su dynasty, Su Changyu should be the 12345 generation of the Su dynasty, and they should be the 12045 generation of disciples!

Three hundred generations earlier than Su Changyu.

Tianjianmen accepts disciples every year, which is equivalent to one generation a year.

Three generations are three hundred years.

So these people are at least three hundred years older than Su Changyu, but they all look quite young.

Most of their Realms are around the Guiyi Realm, there is a Normalized Holy Realm, and the lowest there is a Liangyi Realm with nine levels!

I heard that Xiao Ziling only has the Cultivation Base that connects to the secluded realm!

Even if they are descendants of magic power, so many of them should be able to fight!


As Su Changyu walked towards them, one of Realm’s highest disciples headed out his hands and stopped the disciples behind him!

“He is not Xiao Ziling!”

Behind a disciple asked suspiciously; “What do you mean? Isn’t he still our Sect Leader?”

The leading holy realm disciple said: “I have not seen Xiao Ziling, but I have seen Su Sect Leader! The aura in him… and Su Sect Leader… Moreover, it is impossible for Xiao Ziling to reach the holy realm! Young Sect Leader was here not long ago. The Xianyuan Continent breakthrough holy realm! And he is the holy realm! Six ways of refining the holy realm!”


“Xiao Ziling has already made a breakthrough in the Holy Realm?”

“The speed of magic power cultivation is too fast, it’s almost catching up with our young Sect Leader!”

Su Changyu stopped and looked at these people in front of him like an idiot.

“Oh! Except for him, you are all too stupid! Forget it, this is your trust in me, Su! I shouldn’t say that to you!”

The disciples in front of them listened and accused them in angrily, “Xiao Ziling! What are you still pretending to be!”

“Funny! Do you really think of yourself as our Su Sect Leader? Return someone to Su? You deserve it too?”

“Everyone, don’t talk nonsense with this demon, go together and hack him to death! Eliminate harm for the people! Eliminate harm for the people of the world!”

The head of the disciple’s eyes flickered, he had already seen it, but he just couldn’t believe it!

“For… why… Sect Leader? Why?”

Su Changyu sneered and said, “What’s the reason? This is a fact! How can there be a reason!”

The leading disciple shook his head, his eyes were red!

“We… We have always trusted you very much! But why are you… why… how do you explain to those of us who trust you?”

Su Changyu smiled and said: “Explain? What do I need to explain to you?”

The disciple behind looked at the lead disciple and shook his head, “No! He is Xiao Ziling, he is not our Sect Leader! Absolutely not!”

The leading disciple looked sad and disappointed, and it was difficult for him to accept this reality!

The Realm here is his highest, and he can clearly perceive Su Changyu’s breath and Realm!

The breath may be imitated, but what about Realm?

Xiao Ziling’s Realm cannot be as fast as Ascension’s!

He was injured by Su Changyu not long ago.

Now it is a miracle that he can recover from his injuries, not to mention Realm Ascension.

And he had seen Su Changyu many times, and he also had a certain understanding of Su Changyu’s deity.

This person is Su Changyu!

Even if he doesn’t want to believe, he doesn’t want to believe, but the fact is the fact!

“No! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

“I don’t believe it! He won’t be Su Sect Leader!”

“You lie to me! Brother, you lie to me!”

Su Changyu stretched out his hand at the disciples and said with a smile; “Your brother did not lie to you! He is right! I am Su Changyu! Moreover, I am also a descendant of magic!”

With that said, Su Changyu had a three-color golden crown on his head, and a broken and damaged Sect Leader God clothing appeared on his body!

This treasure was given to Murong Yan by Su Changyu before, but Murong Yan took it out during Transcends Tribulation, and she did not take it away after it was broken. In the end, it was directly taken away by Su Changyu!

So Changyu Su picked it up again!

“you you……”

“No… it’s not true!”

“He is… Brother Su!”

It is impossible for Xiao Ziling to possess the Sect Leader’s robes and the three-color golden crown!

Everyone has been lying to themselves, but now they can’t go anymore!

The proof is like a mountain!

This person is Su Changyu!

“Brothers, go all the way!”

Su Changyu laughed loudly, and spouted a devilish energy from his palm, swallowing all the dozens of Tianjianmen disciples!

“Zong… Sect Leader…”

“Su Sect Leader, I…”

Those disciples, even if they were swallowed by Su Changyu in the end, they did not scold Su Changyu!

There are both unbelief and unwillingness in their eyes, and a few people even have the color of willingness!

Looking at the corpses lying on the ground, Su Changyu shook his head and sneered, “That’s stupid! If I had known you trust me so much, I would just disclose my own identity! Humph!”

He is just making a joke, even if everyone in the world trusts him, then he can’t tell the identity of his Demon Monarch!

The entire battlefield was quickly swallowed by Su Changyu, and he couldn’t even smell the bloody smell, only a faint rancid smell.

With half a million lives, Su Changyu’s magic power has been restored a lot, probably four-fifths of it has been restored.

Already approaching the peak state.

“It’s really troublesome, now we need to restore magic power. Only after restoration can Ascension!”

If Su Changyu’s magic skills were not damaged, it would have absorbed half a million lives, which would cost about one-tenth of Ascension!

The next time the magic power breaks through again, then Su Changyu’s real Realm is at least in the Heavenly Emperor Realm!

Not long after Su Changyu flew forward, he found another battlefield, where about a hundred thousand people died!

There is nothing to think about, just take it all as it is, and all the essence is turned into devilish energy for your own use!

After absorbing these hundreds of thousands of people, Su Changyu’s magic skills were almost completely restored.

Then absorb it again, and that essence will merge into the dark sky source.

Su Changyu did a rough calculation, but it was not a lot. There were about 100 Saint King Realms, three Human Emperor Realms, and 10,000 Kowloon Great Saint Realms, so his Realm could almost be Ascension.

This number refers to corpses!

If it were a living person, it would be even better!

One person in the imperial realm, one sacred king realm, and a thousand people in the Nine Dragon Great Sacred Realm, he can make a breakthrough.

But Su Changyu was afraid of absorbing the living being exposed, so he chose to absorb the corpse!

In fact, Su Changyu’s current strength is already able to single out a continent!

Even if exposed, you can’t die!

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