Chapter 583

The Daguang Dynasty was also the family of the former big brother of Tianjianmen, Feng said!

The wind has always been overwhelmed by Su Changyu, and he has great opinions on Su Changyu!

The Daguang Dynasty also knew that the wind was bullied by Su Changyu at the Heavenly Sword Gate!

However, the Daguang Dynasty did not dare to say anything!

After all, they are the young masters of the Su Dynasty!

But this account, Daguang Dynasty has always remembered!

And this is just one of many grievances!

What family, dynasty, or force has not been offended by what the Su dynasty has done over the years?

Let alone these dynasties and Sect. Even the Heavenly Sword Gate, the Su dynasty has offended it!

This kind of thing is difficult to say clearly, even Sage, there are things that people dislike.

Some things the Su dynasty thought were not too much, but for others, it might be too much.

There are also Tiantang Dynasty, Heiyan Dynasty, etc., all have a festival with the Su Dynasty!

Don’t forget, Su Jiu’er confronted Tang Xiao on the first day he came to the Heavenly Sword Gate!

And Tang Xiao’s Big sis, Tang Qingqing, is also one of the true disciples!

Tang Qingqing has always wanted to avenge Little Brother, this is not to say!

It’s just that she can’t do it!

Compared with Su Changyu now, Phoenix and Crow are simply incomparable!

The two people who were still earning life and death in the same Realm, Su Changyu changed their lives, and in the blink of an eye, they left their former competitors far behind and became unreachable!

And now, they not only saw the opportunity to find Su Changyu’s revenge, but also saw the opportunity to overthrow the Su dynasty!

Therefore, the emperors of these great dynasties, after meeting, they are the most happy and can’t get along, even if they don’t say a word, they are still laughing!

“Ha ha ha ha……”

“Hahahaha…drink, drink!”

“Come on, Emperor Tang, I toast you a drink! Drink! Hahahahaha…”

“Hahahaha, okay, Lord Zhao, look in a good mood!”

“Hahaha, Emperor Tang, so are you! Oh! Emperor Feng, you are very happy too!”

“Isn’t it, hahahaha…Come on, drink and drink, everything is in the wine!”

It was as if their respective wives were about to give birth, and they were so happy, the smiles on their faces continued from the entrance to the end!

Drink to drink, but there are still some things to say!

“No matter how great the eagle is, there are times when it misses! When the rabbit finds the chicken, it may not be without a fight! Hey, everyone, do you think this chicken can beat the eagle?”

The emperor of the Tiantang Dynasty smiled and said: “I really have a say in this matter! You may not have seen it before, but when I passed by a farmhouse the other day, I happened to see this scene! The eagle catches the chicken, It was a hen with a group of chicks. As a result, the hen and the eagle fought hard, but drove the eagle away! You said gods are not magical? Hahaha…”

Emperor Zhao of the Black Rock Dynasty said: “Since ancient times, there has been an old saying that you need to do your best to call the lion fight the rabbit. Why? You can kill him, but you may not be able to catch him! If you don’t pay attention, then run away! If the rabbit stomped on the eyes, it would not feel good!”

“Who said no! The ancient times that Emperor Tang said just now was very intriguing! Do you think this eagle can’t kill a chicken?”

“Definitely! But the chickens resisted so fiercely, it would take a lot of effort to catch them. With this effort, the farmers are attracted. Then the eagle will be over?”

“So, Eagle, I don’t dare to fight for too long, don’t you?” The Emperor of the Daguang Dynasty smiled.

Emperor Zhao said: “That’s not necessarily true, don’t forget, there is more than one eagle, and now all three have been dispatched! A farmer may not be able to beat it!”

Emperor Tang shook the wine glass in his hand and said: “Where are hundreds of farmers in a village? Can you help me if you really fight?”

The Emperor Feng said, “But these hundreds of farmers may also help the eagle deal with the farmers, and finally snatch the chicken!”

The emperor of the Hailing dynasty put down the wine glass and said with a smile: “Then we Hailing dynasty can make it clear first, we help farmers, not eagles! Who does not have a few chickens at home? If this eagle doesn’t come down, maybe Come to your house to steal chicken tomorrow!”

The Emperor Feng of the Daguang Dynasty pointed out: “Help the farmers, you are not afraid of being scratched by the eagle?”

“Do you think this eagle still has this ability?”

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, each other tacitly laughed.

“Hahaha, good, drink! Come on!”

“Drinking and drinking! Although all our dynasties are united in this matter, the chances of winning are very great! But, this cannon fodder, we can’t be regarded!”

“This is inevitable! And I think it is better to stabb the knife from the front than from the back! Wouldn’t it be better to kill with one blow?”

“So, what does Emperor Feng mean?”

Everyone has become refined, the wind does not say what this means, needless to say, anyone can guess!

After having a drink, the Emperor Feng of the Great Dynasty said: “But we have to send a letter to the other hundred races first. If we act, they are afraid, but they dare not fight with the eagle. This will not be self-defeating. !”

“No, we can take action at the last moment. After they think they have received reinforcements and relax their vigilance, they will go straight to Yellow Dragon! Try to destroy the six heavenly cities directly!” Although the emperor of the Hailing Dynasty said this with a smile Words, but his eyes flashed viciously.

The emperor of the Tiantang Dynasty immediately said in a deep voice: “Hey! Lord Shangguan, what are you talking about! What six heavenly cities! Are we talking about how to kill eagles? What does it have to do with the six heavenly cities? Be careful to hear your words. Here, there are ears in the partition!”

“Oh… oh yes yes yes! Yes! Kill the eagle, kill the eagle! I was the one who talked too much! Come on, everyone, I will punish myself for a drink!”

“Ten thousand swords return to the clan!”

“Sweep everywhere!”

“Heaven and Earth Liuhe!”

“Cool wind palm!”

On the Black Fire City side, Shura Purgatory has already been beaten!

All kinds of Cultivation Technique can be seen above Black Fire City!

The sky is completely invisible, and it is completely blocked by the sea and the sky full of Practitioner!

Heihuo City is a thousand miles away!

It’s drizzling!

Red drizzle!

Every drop is the blood of Practitioner!

And in the sky, it was like a group of heroes falling, and countless “powder” unknown objects fell down!

That is Practitioner’s Magic Treasures, weapons, arms, broken legs, heads, bones…

If a mortal sees it, it is estimated that he will be scared to death by this picture!

Even if the Practitioner watched it, he would have a nightmare for three months!

There is no humanity!

At the end of the fight, the teeth are all used!

Burning Blood Essence, burning origin, self-destruction and other desperate tactics have all been moved out!

There are countless casualties of the Sea Clan!

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