Chapter 580

“help me!”

Luo Tianhe is the Holy King Realm, and the Supreme Ancestor is always the Human Emperor Realm, the two are naturally incomparable!

Taishang Ancestor injured Luo Tianhe with a move, which is also reasonable!

Luo Tianhe knew that he was not the opponent of Taishang Ancestor, and immediately summoned Tsing Yi and Hai Huo!

With the two men being recalled, Luo Tianhe was relieved here, but the fighting situation over there became precarious!

The Shura army, which had not been suppressed by the imperial realm, instantly turned into a lion, and rushed into the Luofomen disciples, killing them, as if entering the realm of no one.

Among the Sea Clan, there are also a lot of Demonic Beasts from the early stage!

But in the early stage, it is only equivalent to the holy realm and holy king realm of the human Practitioner!

The Holy King Realm wants to suppress the Shura Army, it’s difficult!

too difficult!

The Shura Army may not be able to kill the Holy King Realm, or it may fall into a disadvantage, but the Holy King Realm does not even want to kill the Shura Army!

The Shura Army is well-trained and invincible, and often four or five Shura Army can join forces to contend with the Holy King Realm!

With more than ten people, it is possible to kill the Holy King Realm!

If there are more than 20 people, this possibility will expand to 90%!

Ordinary twenty holy realms, wanting to kill the holy king realm is pure nonsense.

This is the difference between the Shura Army and ordinary holy realm powerhouses!

It is also the terrifying aspect of the Su Dynasty!

“Vengeance for Young Master! Kill!”

“Kill! Give revenge to Young Sect Leader!”

“I want to tear your group of monsters to pieces! Give me all of them to die!”

With a heavy heart, the Shura army turned this grief into anger, and vented on Luo Fomen and the Hai Clan!

Many of the disciples at the Heavenly Sword Gate had already reddened their eyes!

These people should be the disciples who followed Su Changyu from the Xianyuan Continent. They have witnessed Su Changyu’s legend, and witnessed Su Changyu’s broad-mindedness, son of heaven and young Sect Leader. They could have witnessed how a legend grew…

But now, no chance!

Other Tianjianmen disciples who did not have a deep friendship with Su Changyu were also angry. Although they were not familiar with Su Changyu, they regarded Su Changyu as an idol!

Now that the idols have fallen, how can they not be annoyed!

Here, when the powerful grand ancestor is facing two imperial realms at the same time, he also becomes a bit weaker, and may even be defeated and injured at any time!

Not to mention two people in the imperial realm, even if it is one!

The ancestors of the Taishang have no absolute certainty to win!

Demonic Beasts’ Realm will overflow the Practitioner Realm. If the opponent becomes the main body, then the great ancestor may have to run away!

“Old ancestor, don’t you plan to make a move?”

Looking at the chaotic battlefield below, Su Jiu’er became a little anxious!

Su Xiaoshan said: “He will be fine.”

“What about over there?”

Su Jiu’er pointed to the people of the Tianjianmen and the Su dynasty surrounded by the Sea Clan.

“It’s none of our business! These Shura troops come from the other eight clans. If there are no people from the nine clans, what will happen if they die! Until Su Wangtian has not restored the nine clans, I won’t do it for the Su dynasty. Fighting!”

Su Xiaoshan glanced at Su Jiu’er, and said, “But you have to fight, you are a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and you should fight for the Sword Sect!”

“But I respect him…”

“Don’t worry, he can’t die! I will save him, but I won’t save others! Don’t worry!”

With Su Xiaoshan here, Su Jiuer can also join the battlefield with confidence, Su Xiaoshan will never let her have an accident!

But Su Xiaoshan did not fight for the Su dynasty, which was beyond Su Jiu’er’s expectations!

Then why should he come?

The strong must have a face!

Su Xiaoshan is now taking the air!

He wants to wait for the Su Dynasty to invite him!

The more disadvantaged the Su Dynasty was, the happier he was!

“What are you talking about? Young Sect Leader is dead?”

“No! It’s the young Sect Leader who has been driven into the space crack, life and death are unknown!”

“This…what’s the difference between this and death? There are only six holy refining realms for the young Sect Leader! How can we stop the tearing of space cracks? How can the party resist the chaos?”

“Luo Fuzong smashed the group, I will break them into ten thousand pieces! Ten thousand pieces of corpses!”

“The Heavenly Sword Gate does not need to be guarded, all the inner Outer Sect disciples, all assemble, let me go to Black Fire City to avenge the young Sect Leader!”

“Little Luo Fumen, turned them upside down!”

The news came back to the Heavenly Sword Sect, and reached the ears of those disciples who stayed behind, and the entire Heavenly Sword Sect was scattered!

They will be punished and left their own post directly!

What Medicine Pill Pavilion, what Buddhist scripture building, what weapons storehouse…

More than 90% of the disciples have all given up their own responsibilities, and are about to kill all the Luo Fomen people and avenge Su Changyu!

The genius Sect Leader, who has never been seen in a million years, has fallen. This makes it impossible for those disciples who regard Su Changyu as an idol to swallow this breath. Even if they are punished, they must do their best!

He also heard that the battle situation in Black Fire City is tight, and the three masters of the Sea Clan are really too powerful!

For this kind of Sect war, the human emperor realm is comparable to nuclear weapons, and the destructive power is not one level at all!

These disciples of the Holy Realm, Guiyi Realm, and Liangyi Realm, no matter how much they fight, they can’t completely destroy the Black Fire City!

But as soon as the Saint King Realm makes a move, it is very likely that Heihuocheng will be razed!

And if the human emperor realm gets rid of the red eye, it will suffer a thousand miles away!

Now it’s just the beginning, some people have asserted that at most half an hour, Black Fire City will no longer exist!

Not long after the start of the war, Liu Wen and other Sect Elders evacuated the Black Fire City!

They just want to stay out of the matter and avoid being involved!

At present, the war has just started, and the situation is not clear enough, no one can know where to help!

Even Buddhism didn’t rush to make a move. For these Sects, it is the most correct to remain neutral.

However, the news that Su Changyu was broken into the space crack by Luo Tianhe was spread!

“Bold! You dare to say nonsense! If this kind of thing is heard by the people of the Heavenly Sword Sect, or heard by the people of the Su dynasty, do you believe it or not?”

“Talking nonsense? How dare I say such things nonsense?! It’s true! Now Black Fire City is already fighting!”

“Don’t be kidding! Su Sect Leader is the son of heaven, and the less expensive Sect Leader, the young emperor. Even if the fight starts, he can’t take the lead!”

“The fact that Luo Fomen surrounded the Heavenly Sword Gate has been spreading over the past few days. It shouldn’t be fake! I heard that Luo Fomen also called the Sea Clan. But… but just after the start of the Su Sect Leader, he was infiltrated. Space cracks, isn’t it a bit…too ridiculous?”

As the news spread, this matter immediately became the first focus of Zhongzhou!

The heat far exceeds the fairyland continent!

Numerous messenger jade charms flew around in the sky, calling for news, and the major Sects immediately took back the disciples scattered outside!

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