Chapter 560

Taishangzu’s face was cold!

“You know? Since you know, you dare to ask someone?”

Luo Tianhe is still neither humble nor overbearing, completely worthy of the patriarch!

In this sea clan power, there are still a few middle stage Demonic Beasts!

What concept?

It is equivalent to the Holy King Realm and the Human Emperor Realm!

Demonic Beasts of this level are extremely rare!

Luo Tianhe is absolutely unthinkable, even this level of Demonic Beasts can control it!

Bi Haixiao, Tide Sheng Zhu, is simply a supreme artifact!

Taishang ancestor, but also the human emperor realm!

He is a human being, and he really started his hand. It is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of middle stage Demonic Beasts!

In addition, Luo Fumen also has ancestors, who is afraid of whom?

Hit the big deal!

Do you dare to fight at the Heavenly Sword Gate?

Does the Su dynasty dare to fight?

If they dare to fight, then Luo Fomen will dare to fight hard!


At this moment, three men in black with cloaks flew out of the sea behind Luo Tianhe and floated behind Luo Tianhe!

After feeling the breath of these three mysterious people, the face of Taishang Ancestor suddenly changed!

“Middle stage… middle stage?”

However, Su Xiaoshan on the side looked as usual!

It’s just a middle stage, not a late stage. For him, it’s just a few things!

Luo Tianhe smiled and said, “Grand ancestor, now do you think I am qualified to ask for someone?”

“Luo Tianhe, are you threatening the old man?” Taishang Ancestor said coldly.

Luo Tianhe shook his head again and again, and smiled and said: “Grand ancestor, don’t get me wrong, I definitely didn’t mean that! Your apprentice killed my granddaughter. In this matter, no matter what, I have to give me a Luo Fumen. Tell me? It’s not going to be a problem, right?”

If the Heavenly Sword Sect gave an explanation, it would be the cowardice of the Sky Sword Sect!

Luo Beginner, a fourth-ranked Sect, dare to come to Heavenly Sword Gate to ask for someone?

If Tianjianmen really gave it, wouldn’t it be necessary for Sect across Zhongzhou to make a joke?

How strong is the Sky Sword Gate now? Already wearing a pair of trousers with the Su dynasty.

But even so strong, Luo Fumen still dare to come and ask for someone!

Otherwise, I’m tired of life and my brain is abnormal.

Otherwise, there is something to come!

With these three middle-stage Demonic Beasts, they are not qualified!

However, the grand ancestor is not a fool!

Although these three middle-stage Demonic Beasts can’t destroy the Heavenly Sword Gate, they are estimated to bring considerable losses to the Heavenly Sword Gate!

This is equivalent to the three emperor realms, which may be so much higher than the human emperor realm!

It would be a bit tricky if these three guys were to be killed at the Heavenly Sword Gate!

Unless please come out of the ancient!

Or, use the Heavenly Sword Gate’s large formation to strengthen yourself and kill the three of them!

Seeing Luo Tianhe’s confident look, Taishang Ancestor was also a little cautious!

If this matter is not handled properly, it will really be a battle!

Su Jiu’er clenched her fists angrily, “You don’t make sense, it’s Luo Mengyu who wanted to kill me first! She can kill me? I can’t kill her? Who made the rules?”

Luo Tianhe said: “But I heard that you killed my grandson first! Otherwise, how could Mengyu attack you!?”

Yes, at the beginning, Su Jiuer shot Luo Hao first!

Su Jiu’er said, “That guy is more than guilty…”

“He’s dead? What about Mengyu? You killed my grandchildren, two! Now you still say that they are dead? You little girl, but this is vicious enough! Too great ancestors, what do you say about this? Do it!”

Taishang Ancestor frowned and said, “Luo Tianhe, what do you want?”

Luo Tianhe said: “Simple! Give me Su Jiu’er to Luo Fumen! I want to avenge my grandchildren!”

“That’s impossible! Don’t even think about it!” Taishang Ancestor said very confidently.

Luo Tianhe sneered and said: “In this case, the grand ancestor, we have nothing to talk about! Let’s do it! I know that the Heavenly Sword Sect is very strong, and I also know that the Su Dynasty and the Sword Sect are very good! But I am also Luo Fumen. Not fighting alone, the Buddha Sect will not let Luo Fomen leave alone, and the Sea Clan will also fight against Luo Fomen’s disciples to the last moment!”

Luo Fomen was originally a branch of Buddhism!

There is no conflict between the Buddha Zong and the Su dynasty and the Heavenly Sword Gate!

But if the Heavenly Sword Sect fights with Luo Fomen, then…

The Buddha Zong is definitely going to help my family!

Otherwise, it is to mediate from it, or it is to help Luo Fomen deal with the Heavenly Sword Sect. There is no possibility of the third situation.

There is a lot of involvement behind this!

Hearing Luo Tianhe’s words, Taishang Ancestor hesitated in his heart!

He definitely wouldn’t hand over Su Jiu’er, not only because of the Su dynasty and Su Xiaoshan, but also because the masters of Su Jiu’er knew the ancestors of Taishang!

The ancestor Taishang also looked at Master Su Jiu’er’s face before accepting Su Jiu’er as his disciple!

“Luo Tianhe, don’t you think that this will scare me! Yes, Jiu’er killed your grandson and granddaughter. This is indeed Jiu’er’s fault! My Heavenly Sword Sect can make compensation for this matter and make concessions! Lingbao is still Spirit Stones, don’t hesitate to say it! But important people, don’t even think about it!”

Luo Tianhe refused to give up, and said angrily: “Tai Shang ancestor, I respect you as a senior! You should know the rules very well! Repaying debts, killing and paying lives, this is a matter of course, not because she is your apprentice. , You can’t rely on you to be a member of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and you can act recklessly! Cao Jian’s life! Either hand over Su Jiu’er or go to war! You choose!”

Luo Tianhe, Luo Qisheng and others have discussed it before, this matter must not be compromised! Once you make a concession, Jianmen will have to make progress that day, thinking that Luo Fumen is afraid of them!

Tianjianmen dare not fight!

One hit, their dominance can’t be kept!

Therefore, the Heavenly Sword Gate at this moment is more panic than them!

“Haha, Luo Fumen? Important people?”

At this moment, Su Xiaoshan came out carrying a hatchet, “Do you dare to say this again?”

Luo Tianhe cupped fist cupped hands said: “This senior, haven’t consulted yet!”

“Open your eyes and see who I am!”

Luo Tianhe is no longer a child. The Cultivation Base of the Saint King Realm is at least several thousand years old. He definitely knows Su Xiaoshan!

Luo Tianhe looked at Su Xiaoshan intently, as if looking out, was startled.

“Ah! Are you… Su Xiaoshan?”


Su Xiaoshan shot directly and slashed Luo Tianhe’s head with a hand knife!

“Bold, you deserve to call my name?”

Luo Tianhe didn’t even react, the hand knife had already fallen on his head!

At this moment, a drop of water rushed out and blocked Su Xiaoshan’s this strike!

“Fellow daoist, what a heavy hostility!”

Behind him, a middle stage Demonic Beasts floating in the air wearing a black cloak opened his mouth slightly jokingly!

“What are you!”

Su Xiaoshan looked at the Demonic Beasts, “The mere middle stage, do you really think you can turn the sky upside down?”

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