Chapter 516 The Killing Has Started

With the arrival of the strong from all sides!

Frequent bloodshed and casualties occurred in Xianyuan Continent!

Moreover, they were all unilateral slaughters!

It is the massacre of the Xianyuan Continent on the continents of Zhongzhou, Southern Xinjiang, and Northern Wilderness!

Among them, the Su dynasty and Tianjianzong in Zhongzhou.

Hopeless Demon Sect in Southern Xinjiang!

The first ancient sword gate and the second ancient sword gate of the Northern Wild Continent.

These five Sects are the most powerful!

As for West Desert…

In terms of the overall strength of West Desert, it is not very strong, shooting on the top of the Eastern Region!

But compared with the two continents of the Northern Wilderness and Southern Xinjiang, it is a bit unable to get on the stage.

West Desert does not have a strong Sect, but there are super strong ones!

Some super powers are enough to compete with top masters like Taishang Ancestor and Su Xiaoshan!

The Northern Desolation Continent is almost completely ruled by the Ancient Jianmen!

There are a total of seven ancient sword gates!

Divided into seven heads!

Their relationship is one divided into two, two divided into three, three divided into four…

Therefore, I directly named the first ancient sword gate, the second ancient sword gate, and the third ancient sword gate!

The first and second ancient sword gates are the strongest in the Northern Wilderness!

As for Southern Xinjiang!

The strongest must be the Hopeless Demon Sect!

It’s just that this hopeless demon god cult was almost cut off by Su Wangtian at the beginning!

Later, with Yueyingmei’s relationship, this was able to survive!

But also because of Yue Yingmei’s relationship, the Hopeless Demon Sect became stronger!

Su Wangtian and Yueyingmei married thousands of years ago.

It’s just that I have only wanted a child like Su Changyu in the last thirty years!

Su Wangtian was also a pro at two thousand years old!

After these three or four thousand years of recuperation, the Hopeless Demon Sect is stronger than before. With the support and help of the Su dynasty and the Wuwang Goddess Sect, it has ruled most of the territory of Southern Xinjiang!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the overlord of Southern Xinjiang!

Su Changyu, I have never seen grandpa own before!

And the Great Demon God has been in cultivation Closed Door Training all the time!

This time I heard that my grandson was in trouble. The Great Demon God went out immediately without any delay. He entered the space crack directly, and brought the people of the Demon God Sect to the Immortal Fate Continent!

And the source of this time, they have also found out!

It was led by the Frost Abandoned Dragon and Peacocks!

Long Chen of the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan first shot Su Changyu!

And Kong Jingtian of the Peacock clan directly used the sacred artifact!

Although Sect in the fairyland continent wants to transfer all the responsibility to the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan!

However, in the previous battle, there were countless Zhongzhou Tianjiao present!

What is going on, can Zhongzhou still know?

Indeed, they can shirk responsibility internally!

However, no matter who is taking the lead on the Zhongzhou mainland, as long as you shoot Su Changyu, you must pay a price!

Especially Kong Jingtian!

Using the sacred artifacts is simply frantic. Since they ignore the rules, then Zhongzhou Continent will let them see what is meant by true ignorance of the rules!

Maybe even Su Changyu himself didn’t expect that there are so many relatives in his own!

Her mother, Yue Yingmei, never told him about grandpa!

After all, the Hopeless Demon Sect belongs to a cult and has a very bad reputation in southern Xinjiang!

The reputation in mainland China is not very good either!

Besides, Su Changyu is still young, only twenty-five years old!

At this age, for a Practitioner who can live for thousands, tens of thousands of years, and hundreds of thousands of years, that is a newborn baby, there is no need to say too much.

Many things will naturally be understood in the future.


A piece of golden brilliance floated slowly, coming from the east to the west!

And above this golden brilliance, that is a battleship!

On the battleship, there are countless warriors in gold armor standing!

A golden armored youth is standing on the deck, staring at the red state below with expressionless expression!


He just listened to him with a cold snort, raised his foot, and stepped on it hard!


Beside him, there was a scream like killing a pig!

A handsome man was lying beside him. At this moment, his leg bones had been crushed by the golden armor youth!

This clean-faced man is a genius of the Peacock clan, and he is quite famous among the Peacock clan!

“You peacocks dare not take the initiative to use the sacred artifacts against us! What a courage! You guys, what should we do?”

Behind the golden armored youth, hundreds of golden armored warriors stood neatly and orderly!

I saw the golden armored warriors all raised the swords in their hands and shouted loudly!

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

The golden armored youth asked: “Who to kill!?”

The golden armor warriors responded in unison: “Peacocks! Kill! Kill! Kill!”

Excitement appeared in the eyes of the Golden Armored youth, and he nodded: “Okay! Kill the Peacocks! Let them know that our Su dynasty is not easy to provoke! Who dares to bully the young master of the Su dynasty will have to pay blood. cost!”

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

The roar of the golden armor warrior shook the sky and the world!

But they are just the most ordinary army of the Su dynasty!

This golden armored young man is Su Changyu’s uncle!

It looks very young, but it’s over a hundred years old!

The young man from the Peacock clan on the ground was frightened and shook his head and said, “No…it doesn’t matter to us…it’s…it’s the head of the Frost and Abandoned Dragon clan…it doesn’t matter to us!”


The Jinjia youth’s face was ruthless, and he stepped on again, crushing the hand bones of the peacock family’s Tianjiao!

Then, he turned to look at a man from the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan who was tied up on the other side!

This person’s name is Long Sheng!

It was a Frost Dragon Clan Tianjiao who was captured by the Golden Armor Warrior. Seeing what happened to the Peacock Clan, Long Sheng broke out in a cold sweat and begged for mercy!

“I’m sorry…I’m really sorry…it…it’s none of our business! We didn’t let Long Chen kill Young Master Su! Really no! It was…the Peacock and Tianying clan bewitched Long Chen! Really! Your lord! Please forgive me!”

“Spare you? Humph, do you think it’s possible?”

The golden-armored youth grabbed Long Sheng’s dragon horns and snapped it off with two clicks. Then the light flashed, and a nine-foot serial machete slashed at his head, and Long Sheng split into two instantly…

The Tianjiao of the Peacock clan was scared to the side, and he shouted in horror: “I…I…I am the youngest… young master of the Peacock clan! If you are… if you kill me… The Peacocks can never spare you!”

The golden armored youth laughed and said: “Can’t spare us? Are you the opposite? We didn’t intend to spare you the Peacock clan! Are you the young master of the Peacock clan?”

The golden-armored youth provoked the youth’s chin with a nine-foot serial machete, and shook his head contemptuously: “I don’t think you look like the young master!”

“I…really the young master! I am… I am an illegitimate child! My father is the patriarch of the Peacock clan!”

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