Chapter 514: He Has a Demon Heart?

Hearing this, the great ancestor on the side couldn’t help but curl his lips, slandering inwardly.

If Su Changyu is brought over, it is still possible to bully whom!

Even his great ancestor, Su Changyu’s anger was thunderous, and he kept jumping!

How much is Su Xiaoshan better than himself?

Maybe, Su Changyu’s hidden tricks came out at the same time, even Su Xiaoshan can’t deal with it!

The grand ancestor did not know that Su Changyu possessed magic power, only knew that Su Changyu possessed magic heart!

Having a demon heart does not mean that there is magic power!

The devil’s mood is excusable, but the devil’s work is very evil.

He also knew that Su Changyu had the heart of the Bone Emperor!

Adding up these hearts, Su Changyu’s strength shouldn’t be underestimated if he really starts his hands!

Even if it does not threaten the Human Emperor Realm, it should be able to threaten the Holy King Realm.

If Su Changyu had any chance in this fairyland continent!

That’s not accurate.

Still have to beat others, this Su Xiaoshan can’t help but value himself too much.

As expected, Su Jiu’er resolutely refused.

“No! I’m going to defeat Su Changyu by myself! Old ancestor, if you want to help me, then suppress Su Changyu’s Realm to the same as me! No! It’s better to be one Realm lower than me! No! It’s two Realms lower! ”

Su Changyu’s talent is too strong, and his combat experience is rich!

With Realm, Su Jiu’er really doesn’t have 100% confidence in winning!

Even if it is one Realm lower, she is definitely not enough insurance!

She didn’t want to kill Su Changyu now, he was going to beat Su Changyu!

Vent your hatred!

“Huh? What is your request?”

Su Xiaoshan didn’t expect that Su Jiu’er would make such an unthinking request. Wouldn’t it be better to help her teach a lesson?

He didn’t understand, it was because he didn’t understand Su Jiu’er enough.

Su Jiu’er wanted to catch up with Su Changyu from the beginning, and from the beginning he wanted to defeat Su Changyu under the same Realm.

But then she gradually diverged. Even with Realm, she might not be Su Changyu’s opponent, and she inevitably felt a little frustrated.

Su Jiu’er wears a green dress flying in the wind, and the blue silk is flying, she looks firmly into the distance!

“Because I want to prove that I am better than Su Changyu! I want to defeat Su Changyu upright and honestly! Even without the heart of the Bone Emperor, I can surpass him with my efforts!”

Although the words are nice, but this matter…

It’s hard to do it!

At the beginning, when Su Jiu’er was in Xiancun, she made a promise to herself, thinking that she would definitely surpass Su Changyu!

However, when she met Su Changyu, this firm belief was instantly destroyed!

No way, Su Changyu is too strong!

Especially after seeing Su Changyu’s methods time and time again, she couldn’t raise a bit of fighting spirit!

The previous fighting spirit was hatred!

The reason why she has not given up on this goal is because Su Changyu always bullies her!

She is going to vent her anger! She wants to spread fire!

But if this idea is heard by Su Changyu, he will definitely be angry. Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

Bully her?

When did Su Changyu bully her?

Which time is it not that she bullied Su Changyu!

But there is no way, that’s what the little girl thinks in her heart!

After listening to Su Jiu’er, Su Xiaoshan suddenly raised his head and laughed!

“Okay! With backbone! As expected of my ninth family line!”

Speaking of the Bone Emperor’s Heart, Su Xiaoshan sighed again and again!

This was originally the hope of the Nine Races, and it was the rise of the Nine Races!


But it was dug up by Su Wangtian, Su Changyu and his son!


This is the end of the matter, it is not practical to let Su Xiaoshan kill Su Wangtian, and it is impossible to kill Su Changyu!

These two people have extremely high prestige in the Su Dynasty.

Although Su Wangtian did something wrong back then, he has to say that he is a good emperor!

Under his leadership, the Su dynasty became stronger and stronger, and its forces had penetrated into several other powerful clans in Zhongzhou!

For example, Tianjianmen, Su Wangtian is the big Elder!

Wuwang Shennvzong, that is Su Wangtian’s wife as the head!

And his son Su Changyu, fiancee is still the empress of the Taoist dynasty!

The power of the Su dynasty is unprecedented!

It can be regarded as making up for it!

In addition to Su Wangtian’s wise leadership, Su Changyu has gathered unprecedented prestige and connections!

Su Changyu is now the god among the young generations of arrogances in Zhongzhou mainland!

The existence called the Son of Heaven!

This is a great thing for the Su Dynasty!

Therefore, Su Xiaoshan would not touch Su Changyu easily!

The father and son can’t move, so they can only use it to vent their anger.

As for the heart-digging things that year, as long as Su Wangtian and Su Changyu do not make any serious mistakes in the future, then this incident… is not inexcusable.

“But this kid treats you this way, Su Wangtian treats my Nine Races this way, this account…”

Su Xiaoshan feels that capital crimes are forgiven, but life crimes are hard to forgive!

She doesn’t need to investigate and care about the things back then, but at least she has to find a way to vent her anger.

Hearing this, Su Jiu’er paused and said hesitantly: “Old ancestors, in fact, Su Changyu had difficulties in the things back then…”

“Difficulties? What hardships?”

This thought, Su Changyu has been instilling in Su Jiu’er!

Although Su Jiu’er didn’t believe it on the surface, Su Changyu mentioned the difficulties of the year again and again, and used facts to prove it.

When the Soul Extinguishing Clock fell, Su Changyu didn’t dodge or dodge, intending to kill him!

When Luo Mengyu killed Su Jiu’er, Su Changyu stepped forward regardless of previous suspicions!

These are good proofs!

Su Changyu still cares very much about Su Jiu’er.

He also told Su Jiu’er about the events back then!

Moreover, Su Jiu’er could also vaguely guess now.

“Actually… Actually Su Changyu… Su Changyu…”

Su Jiu’er looked at the grand ancestor!

Taishang Ancestor frowned, he slapped his mouth twice, and said, “It’s not impossible to say it! Brother Su, I’ll just tell you straight, Su Changyu, there is a devilish heart!”

“What did you say!?”

Su Xiaoshan was taken aback, as if he had been stung by a wasp, and almost didn’t jump up!

His eyes were torch, staring at the grand ancestor, solemnly and solemnly: “This is serious!? This kind of thing is no joke!”

Su Jiu’er said: “Old ancestor, it’s true! Su Changyu really has a demon heart! Born!”

Su Xiaoshan was pacing back and forth with his hands on his back, his face uncertain and gloomy!

“Devil Heart! There is a magician inheritor in my Su family! Su Changyu! Must die! Even if I am a member of the Su dynasty, even if I am his ancestor, I will never allow the existence of a magician inheritor! He! where are you now?”

The ancestor Taishang hurriedly said: “Brother Su! Don’t get excited! When did I tell you that he is the inheritor of magic power?”

“Didn’t you just say that he has a demon heart?”

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