Chapter 504

Tibetan cattle mountains!

Circles of Spiritual Qi suddenly spread and shrink! Xiaguang bursts, far and near.

Under this entangled Spiritual Qi, sitting a young girl with icy muscles and bones!

The girl was dressed in plain clothes, and the temperament all over her body exuded cold and arrogant, and her face was even harder to find in the world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fairy from the sky.

This person is Murong Yan who has been waiting in the Tibetan Niu Mountains for nearly two months.

The spirit of the origin was not born, and Murong Yan was already a little impatient.

The situation in Xianyuan Continent now is completely different from what she experienced in her previous life.

Unexpectedly, people from the four continents would come!

If this trend continues, the Xianyuan Continent will become a battlefield!

This is absolutely non-existent in the previous life!

They left after searching for treasures in the Xianyuan Continent in the previous life. Later, she became relatives with Su Changyu!

But this life has been completely disturbed by Su Changyu, and now even Murong Yan can’t see clearly in the chaos.

In this way, the spirit of the origin must have been affected by this willingness, and has never been born!

Just when Murong Yan was about to give up, she found a stone stele in the Zangniu Mountain Range, and the stele recorded on it turned out to be a half chapter fairy formula for tempering the body!

Without getting the spirit of the source, it is worth getting half of the fairy formula!

At least you can gain a little!

And when Murong Yan cultivated this half of the fairy formula, he suddenly sensed the existence of the spirit of the source.

At this moment, Murong Yan suddenly figured it out!

The emergence of the spirit of the source is not due to time, but man-made!

In the previous life, perhaps other disciples discovered this half of the fairy formula and cultivated them, so that the spirit of the origin was born.

But in this life, Murong Yan has sealed this place, no one can come in, even if they come in, they can’t see it!

Therefore, the spirit of the origin has not moved for a long time.

Until Murong Yan found this stone stele!

Everything, just to keep up with the rhythm of the last life!

Murong Yan cursed Damn it!

She didn’t know about it! Who could have imagined that the appearance of the spirit of the source was actually artificial. If she knew, the first thing she did when she came to the Tibetan Niu Mountain Range was to look for this stone monument!

How can it be delayed for so long!

All disrupted her rhythm.

Now, she can only cultivate the fairy formula as soon as possible, and then see if she can get the spirit of the source in the shortest time.

Try not to disturb Su Changyu’s side!

In order to ensure that she would not be disturbed when she was cultivating Xianjue, Murong Yan also used the jade talisman to call her own followers and guard her around.

However, what she didn’t want to see still happened!

I saw a cyan streamer flying rapidly from the horizon!

Behind the cyan light, there are countless black spots!


Seeing that the streamer’s goal was Murong Yan’s side, Murong Yan’s followers flew out directly from around the Tibetan Niu Mountain Range, blocking the path of Qingguang!

“Oh? So many people?”

In the green light, it was Su Changyu riding Qilin!

Su Changyu glanced at Zhongzhou Tianjiao with interest and smiled.


When Murong Yan’s followers saw the person in front of him clearly, they were first shocked, and then they all showed respect!

“It’s Su Sect Leader! I’ve waited to meet Su Sect Leader!”

“Oh, are you from the Taoxuan Dynasty?”,

Su Changyu took a look at the clothes of the people in front of him, showing a very “surprised” look!

As if he happened to pass by above!

Murong Yan in the formation looked up to the sky in surprise and suspicion!

At this moment, she can see Su Changyu and others outside through the formation, and Su Changyu and the others, looking down, are just ordinary mountains, because Murong Yan is on top of the big formation and added a magical formation!

Therefore, Su Changyu and others could not see Murong Yan!

“Su Changyu!?”

Seeing Su Changyu, Murong Yan gave a thud in her heart.

What a coincidence?

At his most critical moment, Su Changyu’s servant suddenly appeared, and he happened to fly over his head?

Who will believe this?

Murong Yan is the one who knows Su Changyu the best, not one of them!

Even people like Mao Ruozhen, Dihuang, Su Wangtian, and Taishang Ancestor don’t know Su Changyu’s background!

Murong Yan also doesn’t know, but at least, she knows more than those people!

At the beginning, she also despised Su Changyu very much, thinking that Su Changyu was the same as the previous life, but Su Changyu in this life gave her too much surprise and disbelief.

So now, Murong Yan has begun to think that Su Changyu is omnipotent!

However, Su Changyu is also a thief!

He ran here, is it also for the spirit of origin?

What shouldn’t it!

He came for the Spirit of Origin!

Murong Yan thought for a while, but couldn’t think of a good solution!

If Su Changyu was allowed to get in, then 80% of him would not be able to get the spirit of the source!

However, Su Changyu’s servant has already come, is there any way to prevent him from getting along?

“Find a way to let them go!”

Thinking about it, Murong Yan put a note on his followers!

After one follower got the order, he was a little at a loss.

They…Aren’t they dao companions?

Are you about to get married soon?

Why is this family still reluctant to meet?

Although he was puzzled, the follower did what Murong Yan said!

“Where is Su Sect Leader going?”

Su Changyu said: “I was chasing a Demonic Beasts, and the Demonic Beasts just came here.”

“Demonic Beasts?”


“What are Demonic Beasts?”

“A turtle.”

The follower immediately shook his head and said: “Oh! I saw it! We have been guarding here. Just now I seemed to have discovered a Demonic Beasts that is not much longer than a tortoise and ran over there! Su Sect Leader, You chase there! Do you need us to help you?”

Can Su Changyu still be unclear about what the other party is thinking?

First of all, Murong Yan is here!

Secondly, the face of this follower became very sudden just now, it should have been some instructions, 80% of them were transmitted to him!

Mostly Murong Yan!

In the end, there are no tortoises at all, all these are just excuses made up by Su Changyu!

“That’s not necessary!”

Su Changyu smiled and said: “I left a mark on this Demonic Beasts! I can feel it clearly where he is! This beast can use the art of virtuality and reality, switching between virtuality and reality at will. You see him running over there, but He is actually below, and I can feel his breath below!”

With that said, Su Changyu is about to fall towards the Tibetan Bull Mountain Range!

The follower hurriedly stopped him, “Su Sect Leader! We have been here all the time, there are really no tortoise Demonic Beasts down here!”

Su Changyu looked up at them with interest, “Oh? Are you always there?”

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