Chapter 500-The Underworld Warrior

Su Xiaoshan was a little angry, and the angry look on his face was real!

Taishang Ancestor is the same as Su Xiaoshan Realm, but if he really fights, he still has the power to fight Su Xiaoshan here.

But if you leave the Hidden Sword Valley, you can’t tell.

Who knows what adventure Su Xiaoshan this old boy has encountered over the years!

What kind of power can bring Su Xiaoshan into an eternal state for five thousand years?

But no matter what power it is, as long as Su Xiaoshan hasn’t entered the Holy King Realm, then the Supreme Ancestor will have the power to fight the opponent.

But it is also limited to the Tibetan Sword Valley.

Taishang Ancestor didn’t want to tear his face with Su Xiaoshan, so he turned to say, “Well, if Brother Su really has to go to the Immortal Fate Continent! Then… I’ll go with you, it’s okay, right? .”

Su Xiaoshan laughed, seemingly indifferent, but a trace of impatience flashed in his eyes.

“You, you, you still don’t worry about me going in. You still think I will do something with Su Changyu’s child! You worry too much! He is my family carer and the young lord. Perhaps, his reputation is not very good. , I have done wrong things, but I will never be confused!”

The grand ancestor smiled and said: “No, it’s Brother Su that you have been worrying too much about! There are still some old monsters in the Xianyuan Continent. Your arrival will definitely attract the attention of those old things in the Xianyuan Continent. Let’s get together. And yes, it’s fortunate to have a look after, I don’t expect the other party to dare to attack!”

“Huh! Are the old monsters of Xianyuan Continent a monster? You should have a little understanding of how much damage to them in the First World War? It is estimated that the chaotic energy remaining in their bodies cannot be recovered yet! Even the holy ones What about the Emperor Realm? With the suppression of the chaotic aura, they may not even be able to display the strength of the Saint King Realm!”

“That’s good! But if you and I go together, it will be better. What do you think?”

Su Xiaoshan looked at the grand ancestor, and suddenly laughed, “You, just don’t worry about Su Changyu! That is from my Su family, but I feel that you care about him more than I do.”

Not really!

Su Changyu’s head bears the reputation of Tianjianmen.

This time, the ancestor Taishang wanted Su Changyu to lead the Heavenly Sword Gate to establish a mighty presence in the Immortal Continent. Of course, it would be better to take some treasures easily.

If I could bring back the Immortal Ascension method, it would be even more wonderful and happy.

But what he didn’t expect was that Su Changyu could make such a fierce noise this time, and it would directly upset the entire Zhongzhou!

Almost set off a battle between two continents!

Moreover, the spatial channel somehow, Restrictions also disappeared.

This is equivalent to directly connecting the two continents together without any restrictions.

Even Ye Huo can enter and exit the Immortal Continent at will!

Although there are not many strong people on the Xianyuan Continent, the Xianyuan Continent is big!

There are a lot of ancient ruins on the Xianyuan Continent. Perhaps, a certain ruin contains the energy to destroy the continent.

Once the two continents go to war, the outcome is really hard to say!

Not as a last resort, neither side wants to go to war.

Originally, this matter was already worrying enough, but Su Xiaoshan appeared again at this moment, which was really tiring.

Su Xiaoshan walked out of the thatched cottage and waved into the air.

I saw that the western sky was suddenly covered with black clouds, in which the voices of people were full, and the horses neighed.

Hei Yunfei came to the top of the Hidden Sword Valley.

Taishang Ancestor took a closer look and found that the underworld warlord of the Su Dynasty turned out to be hidden in the dark clouds!

That is one of the hidden strengths of the Su Dynasty!

Few in Zhongzhou know about this army!

Taishang ancestor has lived for tens of thousands of years, and once had the honor to see the warlord of The Underworld once, so he can still be recognized.

“The Underworld warlord? Brother Su, what did you call them for? Are they going in with us?”

The Underworld fighters, Cultivation Base starts with all six refining holy realms! It’s a true holy land legion!

Su Xiaoshan said: “This is not what I want, it was called by Su Changyu as the young master. I am only responsible for bringing it in. I don’t know anything else!”

“Did Su Changyu want it? What does he want the Underworld warlord to do?”

“Then you can only ask him.”

Su Changyu explained everything in the Dihuangcheng, and then left the Dihuangcheng leisurely.

He told the Xuan Family that they must not let people know the relationship between the Xuan Family and him.

The Xuan Family nowadays are all his puppets, and the chosen family dare not listen to his words.

Sooner or later, Dihuangcheng belongs to Su Changyu, and Su Changyu is not in a hurry, so let the Xuan family slowly blossom and bear fruit here.

What he has to do now is to find Murong Yan.

This girl hasn’t appeared for too long.

It appeared once when she killed Long Aotian by herself last time, and then disappeared. The ancestral dragon blood and ancestral dragon bone are all with her, and I don’t know how she studied.

What was even more exaggerated was that this time so many Tianjiao from the Xianyuan Continent came to besiege Su Changyu who was “seriously wounded”, Murong Yan must have received the news, but she was unmoved and did not even show her face.

Isn’t it a bit unreasonable?

How to say that they are also husband and wife!

Both in name and in fact, they are already husband and wife.

“My husband is in danger, you dare not come! Let me see where you are hiding.”

Su Changyu radiated his spiritual thoughts, and a small sword condensed in the sea of ​​knowledge!

That is Sword intent!

“Oh! Tibetan Bull Mountain Range! I can run quite well!”

Su Changyu had already moved his hands and feet on Murong Yan.

The three-color golden crown was given for white?

You must know, that is the treasure of the heavenly sword gate!

It is linked to Sword intent!

Without Sword intent, you can’t control it!

The tri-color golden crown recognized Su Changyu and contacted Su Changyu, so it would be useless for Su Changyu to return the tri-color golden crown to Li Wanshan! Although the tricolor is still his!

Want to change ownership? Yes, wait for the next canonization ceremony!

As long as Su Changyu has the Sword intent, he can get in touch with the Tricolor Golden Crown anytime and anywhere. As long as he has not left this continent, as long as Murong Yan has not entered a certain mysterious state, it will always be effective!

“Yan’er, this girl is a rebirth. She knows the secrets of this world better than I do! The route she has taken now should have been taken in her previous life! Now she has been parked in the Tibetan Niu Mountain Range. If she wants to come, there must be something wrong there. The secret to telling people! Huh, it’s probably the spirit of the origin. For the spirit of this courtyard, you abandoned your husband? Yan’er, you are too ruthless! Haha…”

Su Changyu felt that it didn’t matter, he should be able to guess what Murong Yan was thinking. Murong Yan did not come, which is also a kind of trust in his strength!

But at the same time, can it also be said that he is abandoning him?

“In return, Yan’er, I’ll take you as a treasure hunter, isn’t it an exaggeration? I’m also very interested in this origin!”

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