Chapter 496

“Your Mightiness……”

Xuan Tianyi was not very polite, and he walked into the Great Hall with his hands behind his back, and didn’t put Su Changyu in one’s eyes!


Su Changyu turned his head abruptly, and his whole body instantly expanded tens of thousands of times. Xuan Tianyi just walked two steps before he knelt to the ground instantly!

Recently, the kind of “immortal magical powers” has been circulating in the clan, and after Xuanqing cultivated that kind of magical powers, his strength has greatly increased.

As the leader of the Xuan family, the highest person!

How could Xuan Tianyi not get the secret of that magical skill?

After getting it, how could he not cultivate?

Moreover, as a Saint King Realm powerhouse, his cultivation speed is even faster than others!

So he is controlled by Su Changyu more!

Even if it’s just a little bit of cultivation, Su Changyu can control the other party, but the more he cultivates, the more the other party contributes, and the less privacy!

Xuan Tianyi’s legs kept calling, as if they were filled with lead, firmly sticking to the ground.

His face was shocked and horrified. Behind him, Xuan Ying, Xuan Qing and other Xuan Clan disciples all knelt together.

Seeing Patriarch Own also kneeled down, the doubts in the hearts of Xuan Ying and others became even more!

Xuan Tianyi is a Saint King Realm!

No matter how great Su Changyu is, it is impossible to put a soul mark on Xuan Tianyi, right?


But how to explain this?

“I…I…” Xuan Tianyi shivered and didn’t understand what was going on. He only felt that his soul was suppressed and his body was out of control, as if he was no longer himself!

It was a consciousness residing in “Xuantianyi”, unable to control “Xuantianyi”, and could only watch what was happening outside!


Su Changyu snorted and withdrew his breath.

In an instant, everyone in the Xuan family felt their bodies lightened, and their control over their bodies was restored again!

“Why am I… why am I doing this?”

Xuan Tianyi, who had lived for so long, didn’t understand what happened to him. He had never encountered such a situation.

Su Changyu said: “Don’t be confused, I will tell you! You are all my servants!”

“Servant? You planted our soul mark?”

“Soul Seal?”

Su Changyu disdainfully said: “What’s that? Can the Soul Seal control a Practitioner that is so much higher than his Realm? My curse is more terrifying than the Soul Seal!”

With that said, Su Changyu’s eyes suddenly became fierce, and he raised his head to look at the Xuan family disciple outside!

Puff puff puff…

With a look in his eyes, he immediately caused seven Xuan family disciples to explode at the same time, turning them into blood mist!

Su Changyu said solemnly: “Cursing me in your heart? Do you think I don’t know? I said, my curse is more powerful than the soul seal! I know everything you think in your heart! I dare to be right. If I feel hatred, or curse someone Su in my heart, then they will end up!”

All of a sudden, the Xuan family was in danger, and they didn’t even dare to even think about Su Changyu!

They are afraid that thinking of Su Changyu will subconsciously show disrespect and hatred towards Su Changyu!

This is really a disaster!

And it was such a sudden disaster!

Who could have imagined that the entire Xuan Family would unknowingly become a “soul slave” who had never seen anyone before!

Even if this matter spread all over the world, no one would believe it!

What magical power is this? This is simply magic!


Suddenly, Xuan Tianyi thought of this word!

Moreover, he has already begun to search for all known magic arts in his heart!

Su Changyu looked at Xuan Tianyi with interest, this old man is quite smart!

“Yes, you are right!”

Su Changyu looked at Xuan Tianyi and said lightly.

Xuantianyi suddenly realized it!

That’s it!

Therefore, everyone is responsible for killing the inheritors of magic arts!

This thing… is simply a cancer! Belongs to a pile of sheep shit eggs, broke a river!

It can turn others into own soul slaves without their knowledge! Isn’t it evil enough? Isn’t it vicious enough?

The inheritor of magic skills should be cut by thousands of swords, hung on the city wall, rubbed and rubbed, and rubbed back and forth!

It’s not enough to show the public for a thousand years!

Even if it becomes a skull, it has to be ground into powder!

It’s so exasperating!

But Xuantianyi didn’t dare to think so, if he thought so, then he would be dead!

Ordinary soul seals can only control soul slaves that are one realm higher than the master at most, and it can do great damage to the master!

However, Su Changyu only has the return to the first stage, but he can control the powerhouse of the holy king stage, and the terrible magic power can also be revealed here.

Su Changyu walked towards the seat above the Great Hall.

Xuan Tianyi’s very sensible Chong Xuanqing said: “Quickly, pour tea for the master!”

This matter is already very clear and proven.

All they can do now is accept!

Xuan Qing ran off immediately, and soon served a cup of tea!

“Su…no, master, please use tea!”


After taking a look at Xuan Qing, Su Changyu said, “You did very well in the battle the day before yesterday!”

Xuan Qing hurriedly lowered her head and responded, “No! It is the master’s mercy! Xuan Qing has been wondering why the master obviously has the ability, but does not kill me, now Xuan Qing understands! Moreover, the master should not have been injured that day, everything It’s just an illusion! I don’t know if Xuan Qing guessed it right!”

After this doubt came back, Xuan Qing began to think about it, but he was puzzled.

Su Changyu was obviously able to kill him at once, but he didn’t do that. Instead, he gave Xuan Qing a cell phone meeting again and again.

It turned out that Su Changyu did it deliberately!

“I want you to establish prestige in the Xianyuan Continent, which is of great use to me! This matter, I will talk about it later, you go down, Xuan Tianyi.” Su Changyu turned his head and looked at Xuan Tianyi.

Xuan Tianyi immediately responded respectfully, “Master, I am here!”

“In this Yellow City, there is a Lotus flower platform base that obliterated the Heavenly Emperor, right? Where. Take me there!”

The Lotus flower platform that Su Changyu got was not complete.

The Lotus Flower platform can only give birth to the true meaning of annihilation, but can not see the rules of annihilation!

If Su Changyu guessed correctly, this Lotus Flower platform was actually produced by the good fortune of the aura of obliteration, and it is the rule of obliteration. Otherwise, it is impossible to produce the true meaning of obliteration, at most it can only produce the aura of obliteration!

The difference between the two is huge!

The air of annihilation is equivalent to the bullet of a pistol.

But the real meaning of annihilation is a pistol component, there is a pistol principle, why can the bullet be fired.

The profound meaning is the principle!

Through the true meaning, you can comprehend the profound meaning.

And the true meaning is born out of the rules.

Then why can the Lotus Flower stand give birth to true meaning? Only by rules! But Su Changyu did not find the annihilation rule on the Lotus Flower stage!

There is only one possibility, the Lotus flower platform, which is not complete.

Through aggregating Xian Yin Jue, Su Changyu can also learn this secret.

“Okay! Master, please come with me!” Xuantianyi immediately nodded and agreed, and took Su Changyu to the place of protection!

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