Chapter 477

Kong Jingtian opened his mouth and spit out a mini feather fan!

It was a feather fan woven from the feathers of the ancestors of the peacock family!

It’s just that the foundry division’s technology is not good, and in the end he only casts a mysterious weapon.

However, this mysterious weapon was carved into formation by the sage king of the Peacock clan, and it was a real sacred weapon!

Moreover, in the sacred objects, they are all top-notch existences!

After all, this was woven from the feathers of the ancestors of the Holy Emperor Realm.

After this feather fan left Kong Jingtian’s mouth, it rose up against the storm, and instantly became bigger than Kong Jingtian. It was five meters long, exuding compelling coercion!

Because the sacred artifacts can fight for a long time!

Therefore, the sacred instrument is equivalent to a Practitioner in the holy realm!

Most of the life-saving hole cards are one-off, even if they are not one-off, they just burst out with a powerful force that exceeds their own strength in an instant!

“Die to me!”

Kong Jingtian held the feather fan in both hands and poured Spiritual Qi into it. The feather fan suddenly radiated and was activated!

Kong Jingtian rounded his arms and slapped him over!

In an instant, the sky is full of terrifying Sword Qi, and it also carries a vast coercion!

Realm is lower than the Practitioner of Tongyou Realm, directly exploded into blood mist!

Through the You Realm Practitioner, even a person with a spiritual weapon, was fanned hundreds of miles away, and his whole body was wounded by swords. It is estimated that he will not survive after landing.

Don’t talk about the secluded realm, even in the Liangyi realm, you would have to fly more than a dozen miles away if you were slapped, and you would be seriously injured.

The current Kong Jingtian, unable to display the full power of the sacred artifact, can only play to the same level at most!

But this is enough!

Because this is a continuous Magical Item, once it is activated, it can continuously release the powerful attacks of the unified realm.

It was just a fan, and three hundred people were slapped and killed on the Zhongzhou mainland side!

Bang bang bang…

Hundreds of Practitioner bodies exploded in the air, and even a corpse was not left behind.

There are also hundreds of Practitioners, and they have flown more than a dozen miles and hundreds of miles away.

“What a sacred artifact!?”

Seeing the colorful feather fan woven with peacock feathers, Xiao Tianchu, Ouyang Le, Shangguanxue and others all showed surprise and hurriedly left the battlefield to keep a certain distance from Kong Jingtian!

“Kong Jingtian! You really want to break the rules!? Your use of sacred artifacts is no longer a contest between peers!”

Longying returned to Kong Jingtian’s side and sneered: “The rules? Who told you that there are rules between us? Who said that the Holy Land can’t participate?”

This is the default rule of the two continents!

The powerhouses in Central China have never taken action. Obviously, they have also acquiesced to this rule!

Only the death of Kong Ying is a violation of the rules!

Because Kong Ying is a strong man in the holy realm!

However, Kong Ying’s death did not find the murderer.

Whether it was Su Changyu on the Zhongzhou side or his own people on the Xianyuan Continent, no one knew.

Although everyone thinks that Su Changyu did it, they think that if there is no evidence, then it is definitely Su Changyu, and this incident cannot be used as a reason to attack Su Changyu!

So those strong guys still didn’t make a move!

“It seems that the other party is determined to kill Su Sect Leader this time! Goddess Shangguan, you take Su Sect Leader to the current retreat, Brother Ouyang, Brother Mo, let’s break! Even if it is dead, we must ensure that Sect Leader can leave safely. !” Xiao Tianchu whispered to a few people around him.

Ouyang Le nodded, and Li had no objection, Shangguanxue also agreed!

They all understand in their hearts!

Those who are broken will undoubtedly die!

Because the other party has holy artifacts in his hands!

With their strength and luck, they may be able to block the first and second blows of the Holy Artifact…

But this thing is terrifying, once activated, it can be used indefinitely!

Can stop one, two, three, can’t stop three, four, five!

The other party time and time again, there is no other way but to kill Kong Jingtian!


Who can?

Now that Kong Jingtian has a holy weapon in his hand, and with his own strength, even if it is in the first stage, it is difficult to kill him!

Can only abandon the car to be handsome!

“You… cherish it!”

Shangguan Xue reluctantly glanced at Mo Li, Xiao Tianchu and others, then turned and flew towards Su Changyu!

“Want to run!? Stop it!”

Kong Jingtian raised his colorful feather fan with a wave!

When Sword Qi was horizontally and horizontally, the people around Xiao Tianchu and Ouyang Le either exploded or were fanned, and even Xiao Tianchu was fanned to a tree hundreds of meters away.

He has used the force of nature to resist it, but unfortunately he can’t stop it at all!

If you continue like this, at most three strokes, he will be crushed!

“Su Sect Leader, go!”

After Shangguanxue landed, he hurried to Lasu Changyu!

“No! Go!”

Who knows, Su Changyu pushed away Shangguanxue’s hand.

His frail face seemed to regain some expression, his eyes burned with resoluteness, and he stepped out with one step, and his aura instantly doubled!

Taking another step, the breath has surpassed Shangguanxue!

One step further, the momentum came to the peak, unattainable!

Shangguanxue was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly shouted: “No! No! Su Sect Leader! No…”

This is Burning Blood Essence!

Su Changyu suffered a very serious injury, and it is impossible to recover to his peak state at this moment!

However, he is slowly recovering!

There is only one explanation!

Su Changyu is ready to sink the boat and fight back!

After burning Blood Essence, it will leave a very serious wound to the Practitioner. Realm regresses and Realm stagnates, which are all mild.

In serious cases, Meridians will be cut off directly and lose their qualifications to become Practitioners.

Completely become a waste!

What’s more, because of the excessive burning of Blood Essence, he died suddenly!

Su Changyu’s doing this is tantamount to joking about own’s future!

He is the son of heaven in Zhongzhou, a genius who has never met in a million years.

How can a bright future be ruined here!

“No…cough cough…no…Brother Su…”

“No! Don’t-Su Sect Leader, absolutely!”

“Su Sect Leader, we are not worthy of you! We are dead! You are the future of Zhongzhou! You have the ability to step on the Xianyuan continent!”

“Stop! Sect Leader! Please! I’m kneeling for you! Don’t… Sect Leader…”

Xiao Tianchu, Ouyang Le, Mo Li and others, seeing Su Changyu burning Blood Essence, all spoke to stop them, and the other Tianjiao around even knelt down and begged Su Changyu!

Su Changyu, please stop!

“Sect Leader! Our life is insignificant compared to your talent! Twenty or thirty years later, there will be a batch of ordinary Practitioners like us, but…you only have one! If you are gone, it will be true. Gone!”

“I beg you! Su Sect Leader! Stop it! Let’s go to death!”

Even Su Jiu’er was shocked at this moment and couldn’t recover for a long time.

Su Changyu, he…he actually chose to burn Blood Essence for the lives of those people?

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