469 What is your purpose

Upon hearing this, the pink rabbit in Su Jiu’er’s arms and the green snake on his arm trembled at the same time!

Su Changyu looked at Su Jiu’er’s bulging chest and smiled: “The little rabbit in your arms is not small. If you bring it in braised sauce, it will taste great! The outside is crispy and the inside is oily but not greasy. It’s creamy and delicious…Don’t you want to try it?”

Su Jiu’er was very angry, but somehow he even slobbered, and he had already made up for the braised rabbit in his mind!

“I bah! Su Changyu, dare you! This is my spirit beast, you dare to move it, I will never end with you.”

“It’s just talking, if you have chosen it, hurry up.”

“What are you urging! This is my elixir, but it took me a lot of hard work to get it. It is a waste to replace your rubbish!” Su Jiu’er gave Su Changyu a white look.

Su Changyu smiled and said, “It turns out that this is the case, then you are really interested!”

These hundreds of treasures, all of them are very precious!

To pick out thirty of them, Su Jiu’er is really a bit difficult to choose!

You can pick whichever you choose, and you are not willing to give up on any one!

Pick the last ten pieces.

Even the Pink Bunny and Green Snake don’t know how to choose!

“They are all good things! Anything you want will do!”

“It’s the sword,” Green Snake suggested.

“No! I think that silver bead is better!” said the pink rabbit.

“Good sword! Believe me!”

“Beads are better! I’m right! Jiu’er, want beads!”

“Jiu’er, you will regret if you want beads, you must have a sword! That sword is not a common product at first glance, it may have been used by the holy emperor!”

Su Jiu’er was so arrogant that she was greedy by the two, and she wanted it all!

After turning around with clever eyes, Su Jiu’er took out another elixir from behind, and smiled: “Su Changyu! Actually, I am not only one elixir! Look at you, listless and sluggish. , The injury is really bad! I think one elixir might not be enough, so let me give you this one too! I’ll lose a little, and I’ll change 30 more. I don’t care what I lose, I’m used to it!”

Su Changyu raised the corner of his mouth and sneered: “Su Jiu’er, what good things are you thinking about! Impossible! Do you think, which of my darlings is not as good as your elixir?”

Su Jiuer said earnestly and earnestly: “Su Changyu! You don’t understand! These things of yours are all things outside of the body, and your body can’t get better. What if you have more spiritual tools? The body is the most important thing! You believe I, taking the two elixirs together, the effect is better! Forget it, I will suffer a little bit more, and I will exchange 20 elixirs for one! Isn’t this the headline?”

Su Changyu squeezed his palm, and all the spiritual weapons behind him disappeared!

At the same time, Su Changyu’s expression became cold and indifferent.

“Su Jiu’er, I have been letting you and spoiling you, don’t know what is good or what is wrong! More and more! What qualifications do you have to bargain with me? Are you stupid or are you stupid for me? Do you really think I can’t tell The value of your elixir? To others, I have always been cruel and ruthless, but to you, I have tolerated everything, but you have challenged me again and again! If you want it, don’t get out!”

It’s really moody!

Su Changyu’s sudden change made Su Jiu’er stunned for a moment!

At the same time, Su Jiu’er also woke up.

Su Changyu is the enemy of own, what is he doing? Why are you still enthusiastic about chatting with the enemy?

Since Su Changyu took the initiative to bring up this matter, Su Jiu’er had to ask!

“Su Changyu, what is your purpose?”

“Thank you for speaking clearly, I’m already very impatient!” Su Changyu said indifferently.

This is not like Su Changyu at the beginning!

Moreover, this is the Su Changyu in Su Jiu’er’s heart!

However, this “Su Changyu” will make Su Jiu’er very disappointed and disappointed!

Feeling furry in my heart, very sad!

Because he really saw the shadow of the Big Brother on “that” Su Changyu, and it made her unable to kill!

But this Su Changyu, Su Jiu’er just wanted to kill him as soon as possible!

Is this the so-called “suppression of the magical nature” and “the inability to suppress the magical nature”?

It’s really a big change in xinxing, like two people!

Now that Su Changyu is seriously injured, is it possible that he has hurt his soul, or something from his origin, that makes him so moody and grumpy?

This is what Su Changyu wants!

If you leave, let Su Jiu’er suffer from gains and losses!

Just like a kite, pulling back and forth will only make Su Jiu’er more uncomfortable, and will unknowingly get stuck in it, unable to extricate himself!

I’ve always been so good to Su Jiu’er!

It’s not good to be indifferent to Su Jiu’er all the time!

Must switch back and forth, constantly stimulating Su Jiu’er.

Su Jiuer couldn’t understand Su Changyu. But Su Changyu can figure out her!

Because all of Su Jiu’er’s emotions were written on his face.

“I mean, why do you want to save me, why do you want to restore the nine races, why don’t you kill me! You obviously have this strength! The people outside are all your loyal subordinates? Everyone is extraordinary, you It can completely prevent me from entering Zhongzhou or getting close to Tianjian Mountain!”

Su Changyu grabbed his chest and got up with difficulty, and slowly said, “It seems that I have explained this to you. I will say the same again! I can’t choose what happened back then! I can’t help myself, I won’t kill you, yes. Guilt! Good to you, it is compensation! But, it does not mean that you can ride on my head! As for the restoration of the Nine Clans, that is the matter of the Su dynasty, I have to take care of the overall situation! I became the emperor, and I am not the emperor , Not a concept!”

Su Jiu’er stepped forward and asked: “You lied! You are Su Changyu! You are the Devil who kills people without blinking! You obviously can do it without showing a trace. Since you are wrong, then you will go all the way to the end. I believe it is now in the Su clan. In the dynasty, no one dared to fight against your three races. Even if you kill me, no one would dare to speak out! Moreover, with your ability, it can be completely airtight without anyone noticing it!”

“But you didn’t. Instead, you are still defending and protecting me everywhere! You know that doing so may shake out the things of the year! Let the devil’s affairs be exposed! But you still did it! I don’t I think your conscience discovered that there must be some hidden secret behind you!”

Su Changyu’s face was cold, with murderous in his eyes, he suddenly raised his head to look at Su Jiu’er, with a biting cold feeling, directly ascending from Su Jiu’er’s spine to the top of his head, making Su Jiu’er two steps involuntarily to retreated, and his whole body was hairy. , The goose bumps are all up.

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