Chapter 456: Destroying the Heir of the Heavenly Emperor

“You said us! Didn’t you see it too?!”

You Tianjiao angrily refuted.

They are not from the Xiao family, let alone ordinary disciples. Which one of them is not the pride of heaven?

Being able to follow Xiao Tianchu’s orders is already very rare. At this moment, Xiao Tianchu still speaks to them in this tone. How can they not be angry?

“Okay, stop fighting! This matter is the negligence of all of us! All of us are responsible!”

Shangguanxue glanced at the people, then looked at Su Changyu in his arms, and said, “Su Sect Leader, I’m really sorry, you forced Xiao Ziling out, but we failed to catch him and hurt you. !”

“It’s not my fault!”

At this time, a voice rang from the crowd!

Everyone turned their heads and looked, and found that the tribe of the Red-eared Civet Clan was walking towards this side with a weak-faced Mao Ruozhen.

Shangguanxue, Xiao Tianchu and others hurriedly said, “Holy Maiden, you are very badly injured, so don’t walk around at will!”

“Yes, you should take a good rest!”

Mao Ruo really shook his head and looked at Su Changyu with some guilt, very ashamed.

“Senior Brother Su, I’m sorry…”

Su Changyu said: “Why do you apologize to me, this matter has nothing to do with you!”

Mao Ruo really shook his head and said, “No! I was the one who killed you!”

With that said, she looked at the people around her and explained the situation at the time.

“At that time, Senior Brother Su had the upper hand! Although Xiao Ziling possessed magic power, Senior Brother Su mastered the essence of Heavenly Sword Heart Determination, and his speed surpassed the limit of the human world. It is absolutely impossible for Xiao Ziling to hurt him! It’s me! I was the one who made Senior Brother Su! Xiao Ziling finally threatened Senior Brother Su with me and forced Senior Brother Su to be distracted. This hit Senior Brother Su severely! Otherwise, he would have been killed by Senior Brother Su!”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, but soon they showed their natural colors again!

“I see!”

“Let me just say it! Su Sect Leader is the son of heaven, supernatural power, unparalleled in the world, and a small inheritor of magic skills, how could he hurt him? It’s ridiculous,”

“Su Sect Leader is really a god and man! He has the ability to kill the inheritors of magic arts! That is the inheritors of magic arts!”

“What magician inheritor! Su Sect Leader is still the son of heaven! Is the magician inheritor very powerful? The son of heaven is even harder to meet!”

“Brother Su is really amazing! Under the leadership of Senior Brother Su, my Heavenly Sword Sect will definitely be more brilliant in the future, surpassing all the predecessors!”

“Unsatisfied! Senior Brother Su, there is really no one before and no one to come after!”

“Sorry, Brother Su!”

Mao Ruozhen bowed his head to Su Changyu very sincerely, and said, “Because of Mo Tianhuang, there were some misunderstandings between me and you before, and I have always been dissatisfied with you! Now, I want to solemnly tell you. Apologies!”

At that Tianjiao meeting, Su Changyu once insulted Mo Tianhuang, which also caused the disagreement between Mo Tianhuang and Su Changyu!

And Mao Ruo was really Mo Tianhuang’s fiancee, she was also towards Mo Tianhuang at that time.

Everyone still thinks that Mao Ruozhen and Su Changyu are rivals!

And the “external relationship” shown by the two is indeed the case.

The tribe of the Red-eared Civet immediately knelt down.

“Su Sect Leader, if Holy Maiden has something to offend, please don’t blame it! If you blame it, blame us!”

“I am willing to die for Holy Maiden! If Su Sect Leader is to be held accountable, everything can be borne by me!”

Su Changyu coughed twice and laughed: “Account for responsibility? Why should I be held accountable? Get up. If Mao is really my junior, it’s normal to have a little friction between the same door. But at this critical moment of life and death, I am again How can you abandon her? Get up!”

Everyone around immediately gave thumbs up and praised.

Su Changyu’s establishment of this wave of people is really in place!

Even Shangguan Xue was moved by it.

“Su Sect Leader’s mind is really broader and kinder than the sky, Shangguanxue, admire it!”

“Yeah, we all heard the rumors of the despicable villain before, thinking that Sect Leader is heinous. Now I just want to catch the rumors and frustrate my bones!”

Xiao Tianchu glanced at Su Changyu and then at the people around him. He seemed to have something to say, but he didn’t seem to know how to speak.

Su Changyu saw through his thoughts, so he asked, “Brother Xiao, what do you want to say?”

Xiao Tianchu hesitated and said, “Brother Su, I…I…”

“Brother Xiao, just talk if you have anything!”

After Xiao Tianchu glanced at the people, he was a little embarrassed: “Brother Su, or else, I’ll tell you in private.”

Su Changyu was confused and said with a smile: “It’s okay if you have anything to say here, it’s okay.”

Xiao Tianchu paused and said, “Okay, then I’ll just say it! Su Sect Leader, when I checked your wound, I found not only devilish energy, but also…”

“What else did you find?”

“I also found… a very special breath.”

Everyone showed their curiosity.

Ouyang Le asked, “What special breath is it?”

Xiao Tianchu looked at Su Changyu, somewhat afraid to speak directly.

Su Changyu sighed softly, “It seems that you have discovered it.”

“What is it?”

Everyone looked at the two in doubt, not understanding what it meant.

“Yeah, what special breath is it?”

“Say, Young Master Xiao, what the hell is it?”

Mao Ruozhen said: “Let me do it.”

Everyone immediately looked at Maoruozhen, and Maoruozhen looked at Su Changyu, and said, “Brother, I don’t think it’s a big deal. You have been hiding for so many years. Everyone has misunderstood you! Speak out, I believe. No one dares to attack you!”

The more they said so vaguely, the more curious and interested people became.

“What the hell is it?”

“Hidden for so many years? Su Sect Leader…what is hiding?”

“Yeah, I’m almost itching to death, I mean!”

“Su Sect Leader is the son of heaven in Zhongzhou, who is so indifferent and dare to shoot at him? Tired of life?”

Listening to what you said, Mao Ruozhen was not concealing it, saying bluntly: “Actually, my brother has another identity, and I only knew it when he fought against Xiao Ziling before!”

“What status?”

“Annihilate the Heavenly Emperor inheritor!”


Everyone exploded!

This news is undoubtedly tantamount to throwing a big rock into the calm lake!

Oh no!

I lost a big mountain and went in!

The tide is raging, shocking everyone!

“What? Annihilate the inheritor of the Heavenly Emperor?”

“Wait, what Heavenly Emperor? Annihilation Heavenly Emperor? Is annihilation Heavenly Emperor!?”

“My God! It turned out to be the descendant of the Heavenly Emperor? The Heavenly Emperor was recorded in our family. He was the savior of Zhongzhou back then!”

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