Chapter 410 Sinister and Cunning Xiao Ziling

Shangguanxue hadn’t thought of this. At this moment, when the audience said this, they suddenly felt a kind of enlightenment!

She has always been very strange, why would the three of her be hunted down!

He obviously didn’t do anything!

Now think about it, it is impossible for someone to chase them down for no reason!

What must be done!

Possibly, Xiao Ziling often took advantage of their cultivation in the middle of the night to run out to harm others, so that’s why they would become enemies with others!

Thinking about it this way, it is really possible that Xiao Ziling is the inheritor of magic arts!

“God, what is the real purpose of Xiao Ziling? Why did you follow him in the first place?”

This is the doubt that Zheng Que has been in his heart for a long time, and now he finally has the opportunity to ask it out.

Shangguan Xue said: “At the beginning, Xiao Ziling told me that the front may be very dangerous, but there will also be great opportunities. In the future, it is very likely that many people will be chased and killed! If there are too many people, you may expose your position and act. A lot of inconvenience, so I won’t let me take you there!”

Zheng Que said: “How does he know that there is danger ahead? He knew that someone was going to hunt him down? How could this be possible! He is from the Central State Continent, did he also have enemies here?”

Ouyang Le said: “It’s not hard to guess, he took the cultivation magic of the younger generation, and the other party must chase him down! That’s why he is so sure that there will be danger ahead!”

Xiao Tianchu looked at Ouyang Le and asked, “Then why didn’t he take other people? Only Shangguan Tiannv and Holy Maiden, the cat?”

Ouyang Le said: “It’s not hard to guess, for fear of exposure! With more people, he won’t be able to start! And Shangguan Tiannv and the civet Holy Maiden, both of them are not inferior in strength, and they are distinguished! If they have both What a mistake, it is very likely to cause a war between the Zhongzhou Continent and the Xianyuan Continent! Think about it, if the civet Holy Maiden can’t fall, will Su Sect Leader stand by? Su Sect Leader will definitely kill it! At that time, With corpses all over the field, who will make the most profit?”

After listening to Ouyang Le’s analysis, everyone nodded in agreement.

This Xiao Ziling, abacus is pretty good!

Zheng Que also suddenly realized, “No wonder that Xiao Ziling never did anything to the Heavenly Girl and Holy Maiden. He wanted people from the Xianyuan Continent to kill Holy Maiden and the Heavenly Girl, causing troubles, and then let the Heavenly Sword Gate and the Heavenly Spirit Sect. Confront the forces of Xianyuan Continent!”

“Yes, it must be so!”

“It’s so insidious!”

“What a cunning fellow! The reason for not letting Tiannv Shangguan bring Sect disciples is to make Tiannv Shangguan more likely to be killed? How can there be such a despicable person!”

Everyone carefully analyzed the wave, which was very reasonable and reasonable, which also made Shangguanxue a cold sweat!

It turned out that Xiao Ziling’s purpose was here!

Xiao Ziling was so despicable, sinister and cunning!

I really read him wrong!

So, in other words, Xiao Ziling’s goal at the beginning was that if he and Mao were true, there was no big chance or treasure at all!

No wonder I have been hunted down for these two months!

Until just now, Mao Ruozhen was still surprised!

Now think about it, maybe Xiao Ziling deliberately exposed and let the other party chase him down! Thus, without knowing it, he “sold” himself and Mao Ruozhen.

Then, he took the matter out for a walk, passed it to Su Changyu’s ears, and passed it to the ears of Tianlingzong. At that time, Su Changyu and the people of Tianlingzong would come over to avenge themselves and the civet Holy Maiden!

The entire Cangnan Ridge will flow into a river of blood!

Xiao Ziling can take this opportunity to cultivate magic power!

If Su Changyu defeated!

Then Su Changyu will cause a terrible disaster on the Xianyuan Continent and slaughter a city!

The other forces in the Xianyuan Continent, in order to protect themselves, will definitely unite against Su Changyu!

At that time, the Zhongzhou Continent will go to war with the Xianyuan Continent!

If Su Changyu loses.

Then jump directly to the last step, Zhongzhou Continent and Xianyuan Continent are at war!

Regardless of the process, the ending is the same.

And the winner is Xiao Ziling!


It’s really high!

The more Shangguanxue thinks about it, the more afraid it becomes!

What these people say is getting more and more excited, more and more “reasonable”, and more and more “authentic”!

“This matter, don’t take it too haste! You must take a long-term plan! Now that the holy cat, Holy Maiden, is in the hands of the opponent, what we do is inappropriate, and we don’t have the exact position of the other party!”

Xiao Tianchu is still able to speak here, he is a figure in charge of the overall situation, after all, “Su Changyu in the sky, Xiao Tianchu on the ground”, his prestige can be comparable to Su Changyu.

“The day before yesterday, Brother Su gave me a response. It should be a short while before Brother Su will come. At that time, we can discuss countermeasures together!”

Shangguanxue’s eyes lit up, the excitement on her face couldn’t be hidden, “What? Su Sect Leader will also come?”

Other Tianjiao are extremely excited!

Su Changyu is now the first person in Zhongzhou, known as the “son of heaven” in Zhongzhou!

It is a supreme glory to be able to discuss with Su Changyu the grand plan of defeating the inheritors of magic arts!

Enough to brag for a lifetime!

Imagine that after a thousand years, Su Changyu is already shocking all directions, and it is time for him to run out of oil.

When the time comes, the children and grandchildren are full, and I can say to my grandchildren very proud and glorious: “Grandpa, I used to fight alongside Su Heavenly Emperor!”

Can Su Changyu become the Heavenly Emperor?


For the Son of Heaven, Heavenly Emperor, there is no difficulty!

“The Son of Heaven is here too? Great! This time, Xiao Ziling is definitely dead!”

“Huh! With Su Sect Leader here, even if the first arrogant of the Xianyuan Continent comes, you have to stretch your neck and wait for death!”

“Don’t mention the first day Jiaolong Aotian, it is not worthy to be compared with Su Sect Leader! Su Sect Leader has not even used his true strength! I believe that this magic inheritor Xiao Ziling is also vulnerable to Su Sect Leader!”

Everyone kept talking about “Son of Heaven” and “Son of Heaven”, which made Shangguanxue very puzzled!

“You…who said the son of heaven?”

Shangguanxue had been in the mountains of Cangnan before, so he didn’t know about Su Changyu’s beheading Luo Mengyu, let alone that Su Changyu defeated the first heavenly arrogant dragon Aotian on the Xianyuan Continent.

“Who else can be Su Changyusu Sect Leader of course!”

Everyone immediately talked about Su Changyu’s deeds, and Shangguanxue was shocked after hearing it!

“What? Su Sect Leader can even prevent a self-destruction?”

Sure enough, Su Changyu is still so good! Compared with Su Changyu, Xiao Ziling suddenly looked bleak and unremarkable!

Su Changyu’s coming to this incident made many Tianjiao people relieved!

They said it was going to crusade against Xiao Ziling, but they didn’t know how powerful the inheritors of magic power were. If there is no Su Changyu, then they really have no bottom!

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