Chapter 38


Hearing this, not only Xiao Han was shocked, He Feng was also stunned!

The two are friends of life and death!

“Su… Young Master Su, you… you said…”

“I said, kill Xiao Han!” Su Changyu looked at each other calmly and repeated it again.

He Feng turned his head stiffly and looked at Xiao Han, who was looking at Su Changyu tremblingly!

“Su Changyu! You are so vicious! Sooner or later, I will…”

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Su Changyu interrupted the other party’s words with excitement.

“There won’t be that day, Xiao Han, you’d better interrupt this idea as soon as possible. Instead of thinking about some things you don’t have, you should think about where you are buried after death. This is more pragmatic.”

Mo Qingxue walked out from behind Su Changyu with a cold face.

“Xiao Han, are you still obsessed with not realizing it? You can’t fight Changyu at all. If you are willing to kneel down and admit your mistakes to Changyu, then I can plead with Changyu and spare your life. Anyway, you have saved your life. I, I don’t want to watch you make mistakes again and again. Xiao Han, look back!”

“shut up–”

Xiao Han was furious and cursed: “Mo Qingxue! You slut is not qualified to talk to me! Even if I saved a dog, I shouldn’t save you! Changyu? Hehe, you’re kind of affectionate! Didn’t you work hard when you were in bed? Ha, ha ha ha… I thought you were different from other women in the dust, but you… ha ha, that’s ridiculous!”

Mo Qingxue was clenched by her angry pink fist, “Xiao Han! I really didn’t expect you to say such a thing! You and the Xiao Han I knew before…”

“The Xiao Han you knew before is dead! The current Xiao Han just wants to kill you couple of dogs!”

Wang Changkong stood up and shouted: “Bold! Where did the arrogant dare to talk to Holy Maiden and Lord Su like this! Believe it or not, the old man slapped you to death!?”

“Come on! Old Piff! Do you think I am afraid that you will not succeed? Even I have never been afraid of Mo Wuji. What are you!” Xiao Han yelled at Wang Changkong.

This caused He Feng on the side to frown, and he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

“Brother Xiao, calm down!”

“I can’t calm down!”

Xiao Han was very excited, seeing Mo Qingxue and Su Changyu again, he couldn’t wait to eat their flesh and drink their blood! Otherwise it’s hard to get rid of the hatred!

Wang Changkong said: “He Feng, this son is too arrogant, you quickly listen to what Su Gongzi said, and kill him with a single sword!”

He Feng’s heart trembled, he and Xiao Han had extra speculations, and asked him to do this, how could he make the move!

“No… King Elder… No, Brother Xiao is my friend in need… I… I can’t…”

Hearing this, Xiao Han finally felt a little relief in his heart.

“Hahaha, Su Changyu, did you hear that? Not everyone will surrender to your lewd power! Others are afraid of you, but the two of us are not afraid!”

Su Changyu smiled slightly. In his opinion, Xiao Han was too naive and naive!

“He Feng, are you the saint son of Gu Yimen?”

“Back… back to Young Master Su, I…”

Before He Feng finished speaking, Xiao Han immediately yelled and interrupted, “Why are you going back to Young Master Su! Brother He, don’t care about him! We are leaving today, no one can stop us!”

Su Changyu said: “No! It’s you! It’s not you! Xiao Han, I know you have your master guard, you can go, but He Feng can’t go. Even if He Feng leaves, Gu Yimen can’t go. He Feng is different from you. You are alone in your family. He has a father, a mother and a Sect.”

Upon hearing this, He Feng suddenly panicked!

Xiao Han saw the brother’s concern, so he said with a sullen face: “Su Changyu, do you only use coercion this kind of despicable means?”

“No, you are wrong. The thing I don’t like most is to threaten others! I prefer to trade for things!”

“In exchange for things?”

“Yes, He Feng, I promise you that even if you are an enemy of me today, I will not touch the ancient one! But if you help me kill Xiao Han, I can let you enter the ancient one. Lingzhou, besides, I can also take you to Zhongzhou! You know, if I want to kill Xiao Han, it will not take any effort at all. There are so many strong people here, Xiao Han may be able to one-on-one, but he must not be an enemy Many, death here is doomed! But, I want to give you this opportunity! Use Xiao Han’s life to change your ancient future, you decide.”

After hearing this, Xiao Han laughed contemptuously.

“Hahaha, Su Changyu, don’t waste your time, do you think everyone is greedy for prosperity and wealth? You are wrong! Brother He is not such a person, your prosperity and wealth are not shit to him!”

After that, Xiao Han looked at He Feng confidently, but what he saw was indeed a face full of hesitation!

“Brother He, you… what are you thinking?”

He Feng silently lowered his head without speaking.

Wang Changkong said: “Nephew, what are you still hesitating about? Isn’t it enough for Master Su to give you such a great advantage? You know, Master Su deliberately gave you this opportunity! This kid is only concentrating on his mind. Young Master Su wants to kill him, just moving his fingers. There is no need to make such a promise to you. You still can’t hold it, why are you hesitating? Hurry up! Take the sword and kill this kid. , And then dedicated the sword to Young Master Su!”

“Old thing, talk more, believe it or not, I will kill you first!” Xiao Han pointed to Wang Changkong and said angrily.

He Feng said: “Brother Xiao! Don’t be rude! He is me Uncle!”

Xiao Han said disapprovingly: “So what? Your Uncle is now a running dog by Su Changyu’s side. It will only provoke the relationship between you and my brother! You don’t need to…”

“Shut up! Xiao Han! I forbid you to insult me ​​Uncle!”

“Brother He, you…”

“Xiao Han, you…you can’t beat Master Su, I…I won’t kill you, you can admit your mistake to Master Su!”

This remark seemed like a bolt from the blue sky, making Xiao Han stunned.

“You…what did you say?”

After a while, Xiao Han asked such a sentence in disbelief.


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck. The luck value will be increased by 500 points!

Brothers break, this is Su Changyu’s favorite show!

Just as Su Changyu had guessed, because of himself, He Feng chose to draw a clear line with Xiao Han.

Yes, some people can withstand the temptation!

But that only proves that the temptation is not big enough!

Entering Lingzhou, this is the common expectation of every Sect!

Whether it is the Imperial Sword Sect or the Thousand Poison Mountain, whether it is the Hundred Flower Valley or the Imperial Beast Sect, I hope that one day I can enter the land of Lingzhou, sit on an equal footing with the five forces, and divide the rich Lingzhou!

How could Gu Yimen be an exception!

He Feng’s father has been telling He Feng this way since he was a child that he must lead Sect out of Qingzhou in the future and make Sect stronger!

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